HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDCpkt2010-12-16 Special Meeting5a I I ft"001�1 3. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATIOb� December 16, 2010 Special Meeting Packet "yi s AGENDA -AMENDED SPECIAL MEETING OF ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION December 16, 2010 at 4:00 p.m.' DEVF(OPr.ter- i ANNA CITY HALL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, (A)al-nrnnun 111 N. POWELL PKWY., ANNA, TEXAS The Anna Community Development Corporation will conduct a special meeting at 6:00 p.m' on December 16, 2010, at the Anna City Hall Administration Building, 111 N. Powell Parkway, to consider the following items: 1. Call to order. 1 2. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum. to VT VConsider/Discuss/Action regarding a roving an ap lication to the City of Anna for an amendment to the Certificate Formation. 1 Consider/Discuss/Action regarding, amending theyvlaws to coincide with the r�s� Articles of Incorporation.Q�, 'l PO V �l v 5. Adjourn. � � ^^ ^ Li' This is to certify that I, Jessica Perkins, Assistant to the City Manager, posted this agenda at a place readily accessible to the public at the Anna City Hall and on the City Hall bulletin board at or before 6:00 p.m., December 13;2010. l ica Perkins, f(s istant to the City Manager I ADDITIONAL NOTICE REGARDING MEETING TIME: In the event that the Anna Economic Development Corporation meets at the same time and place scheduled for this meeting, then this meeting will be delayed and will begin immediately after the conclusion of the meeting of the Anna Economic Development Corporation. IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE: The Corporation may vote and/or act upon each of the items listed in this agenda. The Corporation reserves the right to retire into executive session concerning any of the items listed on this agenda, whenever it is considered necessary and legally justified under the Open Meetings Act. Disabled persons who want to attend this meeting and who may need assistance should contact the City Secretary at 972-924-3325 two working days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Meeting: Dec. 16, 2010 Budgeted Amount: N/A Item No. 1 Anna Community Development Corporation Agenda Staff Report AGENDA SUBJECT: Call to Order SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff Contact: Jessica Perkins Exhibits: Yes X No CORPORATION Meeting: December 16, 2010 Budgeted Amount: N/A Item No. 2 Anna Community Development Corporation Agenda Staff Report Staff Contact: Jessica Perkins Exhibits: Yes X No AGENDA SUBJECT: Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum. SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Meeting: December 16, 2010 Budgeted Amount: N/A Item No. 3 Anna Community Development Corporation Agenda Staff Report Staff Contact: Jessica Perkins Exhibits: )(Yes No AGENDA SUBJECT: Consider/Discuss/Action regarding approving an application to the City of Anna for an amendment to the Certificate of Formation. SUMMARY: In Feb. of this year staff submitted a tax exempt application to the IRS for the CDC to become a 501 (c) 3. Over the past couple of months staff has been responding to IRS inquiries to substantiate our application for tax exempt status. The CDC may be required to amend its Certificate of Formation (Articles of Incorporation) to reflect language in the IRS tax code to support our claim as a tax exempt "charitable" organization. In order to move forward with an amendment to the Certificate of Formation, the CDC will have to receive approval from the City Council. The attached resolution is a "request' to seek their approval to move forward with the needed changes. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends you approve the resolution. ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION RESOLUTION N A RESOLUTION OF THE ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PETITIONING THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA TO AUTHORIZE AMENDING THE CERTIFICATE OF FORMATION WHEREAS, Local Government Code § 501.301 requires the Anna Community Development Corporation ("CDC') to seek authorization to amended their Certificate of Formation from the governing body; and WHEREAS, the CDC desires to amend their Certificate of Formation. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION THAT: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated. The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein for all purposes as if set forth in full. Section 2. Amendments to the CDC's Certificate of Formation The CDC Board of Directors hereby approves amending the Certificate of Formation of the Anna Community Development Corporation as set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes as if set forth in full, subject to legal review and approval by the City of Anna City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Anna Community Development Corporation on this the day of 2010. APPROVED: Rob Simmons, CDC President ATTEST: Sherilyn Godfrey, CDC Secretary ANNA CDC RESOLUTION NO. Page 1 of 1 / /° ' - rxki bi I A CERTICATE OF FORMATIONDeleted: ARTICLES OF ----------- - INCORPORATION OF Deleted: I THE ANNA COMMDNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION The undersigned natural persons being not less than three (3) and Each being of the- - Formatted: Justified age of eighteen (18) years or more, and each being a qualified elector of the City of Anna, Texas, acting as incorporators of a corporation under the Development Corporation Act of 1979, hereby adopt the following Articles of Incorporation for the corporation: ARTICLE ONE The name of the corporation is Anna Community Development Corporation. ARTICLE TWO The corporation is a non-profit corporation. ARTICLE THREE The period of its duration is perpetual. ARTICLE FOUR The purpose for which the corporation is organized is to act on behalf of the City of Fomratted: Justleed Anna, Texas in the transaction of any or all lawful business for which corporations may be incorporated under the Development Corporation Act of 1979, Section 413, Article 519_6 V.T.C.S., as amended, which purpose or purposes shall be limited to the promotion' and development of industrial and manufacturing enterprises to promote and encourage employment and the public welfare, including, but not limited to, a project to provide public safety facilities, streets and roads, drainage and- related improvements, demolition of existing structures, general municipally owned improvements, as well as any improvements or facilities that are related to any of those projects and any other project that promotes or develops new or expanded business enterprises, as well as projects required or suitable for use for professional and amateur sports, athletic, entertainment, tourist, convention, and public park purposes and events, including stadiums, ball parks, auditoriums, amphitheaters, concert halls, learning centers, parks and park facilities, open space improvements, municipal buildings, museums, exhibition facilities and related store, restaurant, concession and automobile parking facilities, related area transportation facilities, and related roads, streets, and water and sewer facilities and other related items that enhance any of those items; and in furtherance of these purposes, may issue bonds on behalf of the City of Anna, Texas. ARTICLE FIVE The corporation has no members and is a non -stock corporation. ARTICLE SIX The street address of the registered office is. 111 North Powell Parkway, Anna, Texas- - - Formatted: Justified 75409, and thepame of the registered agent at such address is Jessica Perkins, Deleted: 120 west 4th s red -- Deleted:I ARTICLE SEVEN Deleted: ifits initial The affairs of the Corporation shall be managed by a board of -d - irectors which shall be-•, Deleted: DANE HAYFS composed in its entirety of persons appointed by and servingat the pleasure of the Formatted: centered governing the City. The number of directors constituting the Board of Deleted: Thenmm�ero'direetors Severn and the names and addresses of the person who are to serve as a consdtutingtheboerdof direetors isis -Directors , the current 1T0CIOTS are: __- �,••• .__ _...__- _.. - ___ ___ - ___ ��,'• seven (7), and the nanesl anaddresses of the persons who are to d serve as initial directors areal Constance Stump, President 321 Creekside Anna, TX 75409 Gene Bowles, Vice President 826 Sycamore St Anna. TX 75409 Duane Haves.Treasurer 906 Wildwood Anna TX 75409 Sherilvn Godfrey, Secreta 236 Birdbrook Drive Anna. TX 75409 Rob Simmons 2009 Tanur Cascade Anna. TX 75409 Sandra Deloado Ash, 130 Anna. TX 75409 Bill Olsen 802 Hawthorne Rd Anna.TX 75409 ARTICLE EIGHT Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12.5 pt Formatted: Justified Formatted: Font: 12.5 pt Formatted: Font: 12.5 pt Formatted: Font: 12.5 of Formatted: Font: 12.5 pt '1 Formatted: Font: (Default) Times •;; New Roman, 12.5 pt Deleted: five i•:••, Deleted:5 Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12.5 pt, Stdkethrougt Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12.5 pt Deleted: Sandra Bryanf¶ P.O. Box 625¶ Anna, TX 75409¶ 1 Darin Heyes¶ P.O. Box 2441 Anna, TX 754091 Mark Montgomery¶ 725 N. Powell Parkwayl Anna, TX 754091 1 Julian M. Smith, Sr.$ 2811 CR4271 Anna, TX 754091 1 Hubert M. (Trey) Hughas 1111 4908 Glenwood Lanel Anna, TX 754091 ---- Formatted: Font: Not Bold ------- I Formatted: Justified -- -----t Formatted: Centered ARTICLE NINE The City Council of the City of Anna, Texas, has specifically authorized the corporation - by Resolution to act on its behalf to further the public purpose or purposes stated in the Resolution and in the Articles of Incorporation and has approved the Articles of Incorporation as amended. ARTICLE X any candidate for public office. As a general guideline the directors should be representative of the following The Board shall consist of seven Directors. Three Directors shall be persons who are not employees officers or members of the governing body of the City. The Board shall conduct all meetings within the boundaries of the City. claims. Formatted: Justified Formatted: Centered Formatted: Justified --- Formatted: Justified COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Meeting: December 16, 2010 Budgeted Amount: N/A Item No. 4 Anna Community Development Corporation Agenda Staff Report Staff Contact: Jessica Perkins Exhibits: X Yes No AGENDA SUBJECT: Consider/Discuss/Action regarding amending the bylaws to coincide with the Articles of Incorporation. SUMMARY: Some language changes may need to be done to the bylaws to coincide with the wording changes to the amended Certificate of Formation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends you adopt the changes. ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AMENDING THE BYLAWS OF THE ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BY AMENDING THE REGISTERED AGENT WHEREAS, Article VI, Section 5 of the Anna Community Development Corporation ("CDC') Bylaws authorizes amendment of the Bylaws, subject to the approval of the City of Anna City Council; and WHEREAS, the CDC desires to amend Article I, Section 1 of said Bylaws relating to the registered agent; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION THAT: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated. The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein for all purposes as if set forth in full. Section 2. Amendments to the CDC's Bylaws. The CDC Board of Directors hereby approves amending the Bylaws of the Anna Community Development Corporation as set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes as if set forth in full, subject to legal review and approval by the City of Anna City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Anna Community Development Corporation on this the day of 2010. APPROVED: Rob Simmons, C President ATTEST: Sherilyn Godfrey, DC Secretary ANNA CDC RESOLUTION NO. Page 1 of 1 Exhibit A ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BYLAWS These Bylaws govern the affairs of the Anna Community Development Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Corporation"), a public instrumentality and a non-profit corporation created under Section 4B of the Development Corporation Act of 1979, Article 5190.6 of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, as amended and recodified (hereinafter referred to as the "Act"). Article I. PURPOSES AND POWERS Section 1. Registered Office and Registered Agent. The Corporation shall have and continuously maintain in the State of Texas a registered office and a registered agent whose office is identical with such registered office, as required by the Texas Non -Profit Corporation Act. The Board of Directors of the Deleted: Corporation (the "Board") may, from time to time, change the registered agent and/or the address of the registered office, provided that such change is appropriately reflected in these Bylaws and in the Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation (the "Articles"). \ The registered office of the Corporation is located at 111 N. Powell Parkway, Anna, Texas 75409 and the Corporation's mailing address is Anna Community Development Corporation, P.O. Box 776, Anna, Texas 75409. The registered agent at such address Is,lesslca Perkins. _--- Deleted: Duane Haye,. Section 2. Principal Office. The principal office of the Corporation in the State of Texas shall be located in the City of Anna, Texas (the "City") and it may be, but need not be, identical with the registered office of the Corporation. Section 3. Purpose. The Corporation is incorporated as a non-profit corporation for the purpose set forth in the Articles, the same to be accomplished on behalf of the City as its duly constituted authority and instrumentality in accordance with the Texas Development Corporation Act of 1979, Article 5190.6. Section 4B. Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. Ann., as amended and recodified, (the "Act"), other applicable laws, and appropriate resolution adopted by the City Council of the City on the 27`h day of May, 2003, including all permissible projects prescribed by the Act, and for maintenance and operating costs of publicly owned and operated projects. Further, the Corporation shall be a non-profit corporation as defined by the Internal Revenue Code 1986, as amended, and the applicable regulations of the United States Treasury Department and the rulings of the Internal Revenue Service of the United States prescribed and promulgated thereunder. ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BYLAWS Page 1 of 14 Meeting: December 16, 2010 Budgeted Amount: n/a AGENDA SUBJECT: Adjourn. SUMMARY: n/a Item No. 5 Anna Community Development Corporation Agenda Staff Report STAFF RECOMMENDATION: n/a Staff Contact: Jessica Perkins Exhibits: Yes —X—No