HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDCpkt2013-11-21G November 21, 2013 Meeting Packet t, AGENDA OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION November 21, 2093 of 5:00 p.m.' ANNA CITY HALL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, COMMUNITY 111 N. POWELL PKWY., ANNA, TEXAS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION The Anna Community Development Corporation will conduct a meeting at 5:00 p.m.' on November 21, 2013, at the Anna City Hall Administration Building, 111 N. Powell Parkway, to consider the following items: 1, Call to Order. ('GI g 2. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum. 3. Invocation and Pledge. 4. Public Hearing: To consider public comment on the expenditure of funds for certain projects (the "Projects"). The Projects will be financed and/or paid from the proceeds of sales tax revenue and other resources of the Corporation. The Projects shall include: land and building improvements, equipment purchases, park facilities and improvements, capital expenditures, targeted infrastructure, site improvements, promotional expenditures, engineering and/or legal services, administrative services, and other purposes permitted by law, in order to provide improved community development and/or to promote new or expanded business enterprises for the benefit of the public. The costs of the Projects are estimated not to exceed $255,000, including but not limited to the specific projects or general types of projects set forth in the Anna Community Development Corporation's 2013-14 fiscal year budget. All interested persons are invited to attend the public hearing and speak for or against the undertaking of the proposed Projects. ,� 5. Considermsf-cuss/Action regardin6 passing a resolution approving a professional service a r e sent w' h the City of Akpga for finan nd accounting services. IN rALL 6. Consider/Discuss/Action regarding approving a resolution to authorize expending funds for�rl ddve I ement for DI�I�gazine Technol and January Issue. 7. Consider (i c ss/A on regarding approving the minutes from October '320b. 8. Review Isca year budget. ' ADDITIONAL NOTICE REGARDING MEETING TIME: In the event that the Anna Economic Development Corporation meets at the same time and place scheduled for this meeting, then this meeting will be delayed and will begin immediately after the conclusion of the meeting of the Anna Economic Development Corporation. IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE: The Corporation may vote and/or act upon each of the items listed in this agenda. The Corporation reserves the right to retire into executive session concerning any of the Items listed on this agenda, whenever it Is considered necessary and legally justified under the Open Meetings Act. Disabled persons who want to attend this meeting and who may need assistance should contact the City Secretary at 972-924-3325 two working days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. 9. Adjourn. v%e This is I: certify that I, Jessica Perkins, Chief Administrative Officer, posted this agenda at a place readily accessible to the public at the Anna City Hall and on the City Hall bulletin board at or before 5:00 p.m., November 18, 2013. e sica Perkin , hief Administrative Officer IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE: The Corporation may vote and/or act upon each of the items listed in this agenda. The Corporation reserves the right to retire into executive session concerning any of the Items listed on this agenda, whenever It is considered necessary and legally justified under the Open Meetings Aa. Disabled persons who want to attend this meeting and who may need assistance should contact the City Secretary at 972-9243325 two working days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Meeting: November 21, 2013 Budgeted Amount: n/a Item No. 4 Anna Community Development Corporation Agenda Staff Report Staff Contact: Jessica Perkins Exhibits: Yes _X—No AGENDA SUBJECT: Public Hearing: To consider public comment on the expenditure of funds for certain projects (the "Projects'). The Projects will be financed and/or paid from the proceeds of sales tax revenue and other resources of the Corporation. The Projects shall include: land and building improvements, equipment purchases, park facilities and improvements, capital expenditures, targeted infrastructure, site improvements, promotional expenditures, engineering and/or legal services, administrative services, and other purposes permitted by law, in order to provide improved community development and/or to promote new or expanded business enterprises for the benefit of the public. The costs of the Projects are estimated not to exceed $255,000, including but not limited to the specific projects or general types of projects set forth in the Anna Community Development Corporation's 2013-14 fiscal year budget. All interested persons are invited to attend the public hearing and speak for or against the undertaking of the proposed Projects. SUMMARY: State law requires that the CDC give public notice of all projects which includes expenses it our annual operating budget. This is an opportunity for the public to comment is they like. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: n/a no action needed. Item No. 5 Anna Community Development Corporation Agenda Staff Report Meeting: November 21, 2013 Staff Contact: Jessica Perkins Budgeted Amount: n/a Exhibits: _X—Yes No AGENDA SUBJECT: Consider/Discuss/Action regarding passing a resolution approving a professional services agreement with the City of Anna for finance and accounting services. SUMMARY: The finances and accounting needs of the Corporation are becoming more complicated with increased resources and debt. Additionally, the Auditor recommended that the Corporation take additional measure to have our year-end financial reports match more closely to the City's accounting and reporting processes. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends you approve the resolution. ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT FOR CITY OF ANNA EMPLOYEE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING SERVICES WHEREAS, the Anna Community Development Corporation (the "CDC"), has a need for finance and accounting services; and WHEREAS, the CDC believes that Finance and Accounting Department of the City of Anna, Texas is qualified to discharge these duties; and WHEREAS, the CDC desires to authorize their Chief Administrative Officer to procure the services of the City's Finance and Accounting Department to undertake the duties and responsibilities related to finance and accounting; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, THAT: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein for all purposes as if set forth in full. Section 2. Authorization to Execute Agreement for City Employee Services The Board of Directors of the Anna Community Development Corporation approves the Agreement for City Employee Services (Exhibit A) considered this day and authorizes the CDC President to execute, on its behalf, a contract with the City of Anna for finance and accounting services at the rate not to exceed $2000.00 per fiscal year without further CDC approval. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Anna Community Development Corporation this day of 2013. APPROVED: John Houcek, CDC President ATTEST: Sherilyn Godfrey, CDC Secretary CDC OF ANNA, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO._ PAGE 1 OF 1 AGREEMENT FOR CITY EMPLOYEE SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT FOR CITY EMPLOYEE SERVICES ("Agreement") is made by and between the Anna Community Development Corporation ("CDC"), and the City of Anna, Texas ("City"). Section 1. Purpose In exchange for services of City staff to be provided to the CDC, the CDC will pay the City compensation for the services of a City employee, who shall dedicate reasonable and necessary time and effort to accomplish the duties and responsibilities of the assigned task to support the CDC's Chief Administrative Officer. Section 2. CDC's Obligations The CDC shall annually pay for services rendered by the City's Finance and Accounting staff ("Finance Department') related to tracking, reporting, and preparing the CDC's monthly and annual finance statement and audit. On or about the 10th of each month, the CDC will prepare and submit to the Finance Department details of all expenditures including but not limited to copies of checks, copies of invoices, purchase orders, bank statements, and other documents and information that are relevant to the CDC's financial operations. In addition, the CDC will provide all necessary information related to lease agreements, loan agreements, bond documents, the sale of assets, etc. prior to the execution of said agreements. All current agreements entered into prior to the execution of this contract will be provided to the Finance Department staff within 30 days of execution of this Agreement. Section 3. City's Obligations The City agrees to fill or designate a City employee position requiring the requisite skills and background to sere the City's needs with respect to its economic development finance and accounting activities. The City shall allocate a portion of the time and effort of the person filling said position to adequately perform the duties associated with the tracking, reporting, and preparing of the CDC's monthly and annual finance statements and audit. The management of and authority over said person is vested solely in the City Manager. Section 4. Payment Procedure Within 30 days of the execution of this Agreement by the parties, the CDC shall pay to the City the annual amount due under this Agreement of $2000.00 (the "Annual Amount") upon receipt of an invoice from the City. On or near the annual renewal date of this Agreement, the City shall invoice the CDC for the Annual Amount under this Agreement and the CDC shall pay to the City the Annual Amount within 30 days of its receipt of the invoice. Payment by the CDC is not refundable unless the City terminates this Agreement before the end of the annual term, in which case the City shall refund to the CDC a proportional amount of the paid invoice that corresponds with the time period between the date of termination of this Agreement and the end of the City's fiscal year. The dollar figure of the Annual Amount may be adjusted from time to time by mutual agreement in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement. AGREEMENT FOR CITY EMPLOYEE SERVICES PAGE 1 OF 3 Section 5. Term and Termination The initial term of this Agreement is from the date of execution of the parties until September 30, 2014. This Agreement shall automatically renew on October 1 of each subsequent year, unless one of the parties provides written notice to the other party on or before June 30 of such year. Any such termination shall not take effect until 90 days after said written notice has been provided in accordance with this Agreement. Section 6. Amendment This Agreement may not be amended except pursuant to a written instrument signed by both parties. Section 7. Notice To be effective, notice as required by this Agreement shall be in writing and delivered via U.S. certified mail, return receipt requested, at the addresses listed below: CDC CDC Secretary Anna Economic Development Corp. 111 N. Powell Parkway Anna, Texas 75409 City City Manager City of Anna 111 N. Powell Parkway Anna, Texas 75409 Each party shall notify the other in writing within 10 days of any change in the mailing - address information listed in this section. Section 8. No Waiver of Immunity Nothing in this Agreement waives any governmental immunity available to either party or either party's officials, officers, agents or employees under Texas law. The provisions of this paragraph are solely for the benefit of the parties hereto and are not intended to create or grant any rights, contractual or otherwise, to any other person or entity, including but not limited to the person designated as Chief Administrative Officer. Section 9. Entire Agreement This Agreement represents the entire and integrated Agreement between CDC and the City and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations and/or agreements, either written or oral. This Agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by both parties. AGREEMENT FOR CITY EMPLOYEE SERVICES PAGE 2 OF 3 Section 10. Governing Law and Venue This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas as to interpretation and performance. Any and all legal action necessary to enforce this Agreement shall be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction in Collin County, Texas or in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, Sherman Division. Section 11. Severability The provisions of this Agreement are severable. In the event that any paragraph, section, subdivision, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Agreement shall be found to be contrary to the law, or contrary to any rule or regulation having the force and effect of the law, such decisions shall not affect the remaining portions of this Agreement. Section 12. Contract Interpretation This Agreement is the result of negotiation between the parties, and shall, in the event of any dispute over the meaning or application of any portion thereof, be interpreted fairly and reasonably, and not to be more strictly construed against one party than another, regardless of which party originally drafted the section in dispute. Section 13. Force Majeure If a party is prevented or delayed from performing any of its obligation hereunder due to a natural or manmade event or condition not caused by such party and beyond such party's reasonable control, then such party's performance of those obligations shall be suspended until such time as the event or condition no longer prevents or delays performance. If any event or condition results in the creation of amounts of refuse in excess of ordinary amounts, then the parties shall discuss, but shall not be bound to conclude, terms and conditions for collection of those excess amounts. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CDC and the City have executed this Agreement. By: Philip Sanders City Manager City of Anna Attest: Natha Wilkison, City Secretary A Date: Attest: John Houcek CDC President City Secretary AGREEMENT FOR CITY EMPLOYEE SERVICES PAGE 3 OF 3 I.riri.»_r1raa Meeting: November 21, 2013 Budgeted Amount: n/a Item No. 6 Anna Community Development Corporation Agenda Staff Report Staff Contact: Jessica Perkins Exhibits: X Yes No AGENDA SUBJECT: Consider/Discuss/Action regarding approving a resolution to authorize expending funds for an advertisement for D Magazine Technology Event and January Issue. SUMMARY: We have discussed increasing the marketing efforts of the City through the corporations. The goal was to find opportunities to push the Anna name out to the public. We have an opportunity to sponsor D Magazine's Annual Tech Event. The sponsorship will come with the following for a cost of $7500. - A Full Page Ad in the Technology D Magazine January Issue - Logo inclusion on invitations - Logo on Thank You sign at Event - List of name of registered attendees - Raffle give -a -way - Ten Invitations to attend the Tech Event - Company mention in the party recap section of the March D CEO Issue STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends you approve the resolution. ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS TO SPONSOR D MAGAZINE'S ANNUAL TECH EVENT WHEREAS, the Anna Community Development Corporation (the "CDC") desires to authorize the expenditure of funds to sponsor D Magazine's Annual Tech Event in Dallas, Texas; and WHEREAS, the CDC has determined that this expenditure of funds is in the best interests of the CDC's marketing efforts; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, THAT: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein for all purposes as if set forth in full. Section 2. Approval of Funding The CDC hereby authorizes the Chief Administrative Officer to charge the CDC's promotional account in an amount up to $2,000 without further permission from the CDC Board of Directors. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Anna COMMUNITY Development Corporation this day of 2013. APPROVED: CDC President, John Houcek ATTEST: CDC Secretary, Sherilyn Godfrey CDC OF ANNA, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO._ PAGE 1 OF 1 ANNUALTECHNOLOGY NETWORKING EVENT 2014 PLATINUM SPONSORSHIP F • Full-page ad in Technology Issue • Logo Inclusion on Technology Issue Networking Event invitation • Logo inclusion on Thank You to Our Sponsors sign located at the event • Pre -event RSVP list with name and company of registered attendees Opportunity for creative raffle giveaway at the event (contact information of raffle participants provided after the event) • Ten event invitations for employees / guests • Company mention in party recap page in the March issue of D CEO TOTAL INVESTMENT OF PLATINUM SPONSORSHIP: 7,500 [j] CORPORATION Meeting: November 21, 2013 Budgeted Amount: n/a Item No. 7 Anna Community Development Corporation Agenda Staff Report Staff Contact: Jessica Perkins Exhibits: _X -Yes No AGENDA SUBJECT: Consider/Discuss/Action regarding approving the minutes from October 3, 2013. SUMMARY: n/a STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends you approve the minutes. 'u. �T MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION COMMUNITY Thursday, October 3, 2013 DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION The Anna Community Development Corporation ("CDC") of the City of Anna met at 5:00 p.m., on Thursday, October 3, 2013, at the Anna City Hall Administration Building, 111 North Powell Parkway (Hwy. 5), Anna, Texas. Call to Order John Houcek, President, called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m., and after roll call and the establishment of a quorum, the following items were presented to the Directors for their consideration. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum Directors in attendance: Connie Stump, John Houcek, Sherilyn Godfrey (5:10), John Beazley and Lee Miller. Directors in abstention: Alonzo Tutson and Michael Williams. Others in attendance: Jessica Perkins, Chief Administrative Officer ("CAO"); and Clark McCoy, attorney for EDC. 3. Invocation and Pledge. Connie Stump gave the invocation and led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. Consider/Discuss/Action regarding renewing contract with WebQA the Shop Local program and City Mobile App. Staff attempted to cancel the agreement with WebQA for the Shop Local Program and WebQA offered to cut the price in half and add a City Mobile App. This is a good program at a good price. The City Council needs to review, but a motion was made to approve the resolution to authorize the expenditure of funds of $650 to renew the Shop Local Program and add a City Mobile App. John Beazley made the motion to approve and Lee Miller seconded. All were in favor. Motion passed. 5. Consider/Discuss/Action regarding the minutes from September 2013. A motion to approve the minutes, as corrected, was made by Connie Stump and seconded by Lee Miller. All in favor. Motion passed. I. The Corporation may vote and/or act upon each of the items listed in this agenda. 2. The Corporation reserves the right to retire into executive session concerning any of the items listed on this agenda, whenever it is considered necessary and legally justified under the Open Meeting Act. 3. Persons with a disability who want to attend this meeting who may need assistance should contact the office of the City Secretary at 972 924-3325 two working days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. 09-12-2013 Regular CDC Minutes.doc 6. Adjourn. John Beazley made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Connie Stump Motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 5:11 p.m. APPROVED: John Houcek President of CDC ATTESTED: Sherilyn Godfrey Secretary of CDC 1. The Corporation may vote and/or act upon each of the items listed in this agenda. 2. The Corporation reserves the right to retire into executive session concerning any of the items listed on this agenda, whenever it is considered necessary and legallyjustified under the Open Meeting Act. 3. Persons with a disability who want to attend this meeting who may need assistance should contact the office of the City Secretary at 972 924-3325 two working days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. 09-12-2013 Regular CDC Minutes.doc COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Meeting: November 21, 2013 Budgeted Amount: n/a Item No. 8 Anna Community Development Corporation Agenda Staff Report AGENDA SUBJECT: Review fiscal year budget. SUMMARY: n/a STAFF RECOMMENDATION: n/a Staff Contact: Jessica Perkins Exhibits: X Yes No L LI (D M D m co 0 CV CV O N } LL U U E 7A w R m m m m m m � LO l0 M m O O M O L0 M M L0 0) M M LO (Y) 0) 0) U0 0) M O M M O V W M M Mco MMM M MM M (DmMM (D rn rn M M M M M M m m M m m M 00 co m m m m m m C C C C C C C C C C C C M M C C C C C C N N N N N N N N N N N M M M M M M M M M M Co M M M Cl) M O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O o (fl V OU I� M M M M O co 0) w r M LO 'o M I -- r M co N N M N M r N N d. N r N M N r O (ti R 0 0 r N r Q r N N N N N N N M co N M d' d' V LL m U } E O LL O 0 0) U) L 7 Oc Q > a) E a Y m__ Y m M m E ro U o U L rn N 0 aEi c c m w m LO UE Y N V E v N 4% (D 'O y Q OU U) >. E >. Y N 0 Y 0 y NO Q L (0 U y M M y y v U U C O C co a G 0 c a c C a c a d V) M 7 w N L 9 9 L N�. 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