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Res 2017-05-321 TASA Program
CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. J0/7--{)5 --3::Z./ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING NOMINATION OF A TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVES SET-ASIDE PROGRAM PROJECT. WHEREAS, the Texas Department of Transportation (the Department or TxDOT) has issued a call for candidate projects for the Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program (TASA); and, WHEREAS, the City of Anna, Texas Public Works Department has worked together with the Planning & Development Department to develop the City of Anna Safe Routes to School Project; and, WHEREAS, children walking to school and general pedestrian activity would benefit from sidewalks where none exist today; and, WHEREAS, the project cited above would provide connectivity for pedestrians and bicycle traffic between important community destinations like schools, neighborhoods, employment centers, shopping, recreational areas and provide for safe routes to school; and, WHEREAS, the City of Anna City Council supports funding this project as described in the 2017 Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Nomination Form (including construction budget, the Department's 15% administrative costs and the required local match) and is willing to commit to the project's development, implementation, construction, maintenance, management and financing, The City of Anna is willing and able to enter into an agreement with the Department by Resolution should the project be selected for TASA funding, and it is further understood that the City, if selected, is responsible for all cost overruns, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated. The recitals above are incorporated herein as if set forth in full for all purposes. Section 2. Authorization. The City of Anna apply to the Texas Department of Transportation for a Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program grant for funding to complete sections of the Safe Routes to School Project as described above. Section 3. Project Costs. RESOLUTION: TA Set-Aside Project PAGE I OF I 519117 That if TxDOT approves funding through the Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program (TASA), the City of Anna will provide at least 15% in administrative costs and the 20% local match for construction . Section 4. Authorized Representative. The City Manager is hereby appointed as the designated representative, authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary to effectuate this nomination and acceptance, if awarded. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas, on this 16th day of May 2017 . Z~dkd2 City Secretary Carri e L . Smith APPROVED: ~ur ;--~~~- RESO LUTIO N: TA Set-Aside Project PAGE 2 0F 1 519117 T~,,, .. ri;::u.,~<1l'O,. <ii .,,..,,,,.~~ •' -t' p,,. o ~~ f 11 C c n l'~.::K O•k <;~ SUE EVELYN RATIAN · ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ;: Ci ;1 1 :i Ct>nrWo::id 1nj PECAN GROVE Legend -Powell Sidew al k -W White St. Crossing -Pecan Grove Trail -Elementary School ANN A HIGH SC HOO L , ! r A NN A MI D DLE SC HOO L ~' ... ••c~ .•.,,i.,;.,,,,,,o,! " g 5.aQU31 .i:lt ! \\fo~l ?~lc C1 . • ;; ~ • ~ ' We~twve"1 Ct " _;; W11>·lSI ~ " ! !w ~tu :St E f l <dSI ~.\th 51 < £ lllhSi ! 5 So urces: Esri , HERE, Delorme, USGS. lntermap. increment P Corp ., NRCAN, Es rf Japan : .. ~ETI . Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri (Thai land), Mapmylndia , <C> OpenStreetMap contributors, and 'the GIS User Community 2017 Tx DOT TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVE SET-ASIDE PROGRAM POSSIBLE SIDEWALK LOCATIONS CITY OF ANNA , TX HAYTER ENGINEERING, INC 1,000 0 2 ,000 ~~--~~~~Feet TBP E#F·llS 1 TBPLSfl0028600 44~5 SE Loo p 286 ! Pans1 TX 75460 www.haymengt~ng:nc.com 04120 17 PROJECT NO.: 040001 FIGURE:1 C; ~ !!l!tl M:u i i:n<>" D• 5 Legend -Powe ll Sidewal k +~~~ ~_r; fu10,,.,,,,, O. -W White St. Crossing 0 ! r 500 j, i .. o, W 4 1ti S ! , . Ann;i ! r .. i ~ • 't.I h i ~, z ··w li th St • i W 111! St EHN St !: ~Iii St f6thS: Sources: Esri , HERE, Delorme, USGS, lntermap, i[lcrement P Corp., NRCAN , Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri (Thailand), Mapmylndia, © OpenStreetMap contributorsFand the GIS User Community .; 2017 Tx DOT TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVE SET-ASIDE PROGRAM POSSIBLE SIDEWALK LOCATIONS CITY OF ANNA . TX l PECAN GROVE Legend -Pecan Grove Trail -Elementary School R.,d (l.11'Tr! Cur&twoctl Or SUE EVELYN RATTAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Sou rce s: Esri, HERE, Delorme, USGS, lntermap, increment P Corp., NRCAN , Esri Japan , METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri (Thailand), Mapmylndi a,@ OpenStreetMap co ntributors. and th e GIS User Community 2017 TxDOT TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVE SET-ASIDE PROGRAM POSSIBLE SIDEWALK LOCATIONS CITY OF ANNA, TX Item# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 lS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Opinion of Probable Construction Cost TXDOT ·TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVES SET-ASIDE (TASA) APPLICATION Sidewalk Improvements City of Anna April2017 Description Estimated UNIT COST Powell Sidewalk 10' Wide ROW/sub-grade prep/grading 920 LF $19.00 10' wide, 4" thick sidewalk 870 LF $73.00 10' wide, S" thick sidewalk 50 LF $91.00 Rock Driveway Repair 28 SY $16.00 24" RCP Storm Sewer 20 LF $91.00 Standard Curb Ramp 4 EA $4,460.00 Crosswalk stripes {24" wide) 113 LF $11.00 Standard pedestrian crossing sign (Wll-2) with post and footing 6 EA $640 .00 Regrassing (Sod) 153 SY $8.10 Traffic Control (TxDOT ROW) 1 LS $10,000 .00 Mobilization 1 LS $8,000.00 Powell Sidewalk Total W. White Street Trail Clearing (Medium) 0.16 AC $12,725.00 10' Wide ROW/sub-grade prep/grading 340 LF $19.00 10' wide, 5" thick sidewalk 41S LF $91.00 Concrete Stairs 1 EA $13,780.00 Variable Height wall for back slope 330 LF $100.00 Handrail 200 LF $82 .00 Lighting under bridge 1 LS $35,000.00 Sidewalk footing across rip rap, 12" thick, 5' deep 65 LF $219.00 Bridge Approaches 2 EA $2,S68.12 Concrete bridge abutments and wingwalls 6 EA $7,003.97 Bridge placement and anchoring 5 EA $10,505.96 Prefabricated pedestrian bridge/handicap ramp 184 LF $2,000.00 Regrassing (Sod) 0 SY $8.10 Traffic Control (TxDOT ROW) 1 LS $25,000.00 Mobilization 1 LS $20,000.00 W. White Street Total Pecan Grove Trail clearing (Light) 0.34 AC $7,940.00 Trail clearing (Medium) 0.34 AC $12,725.00 10' Wide ROW/sub-grade prep/grading 4,130 LF $19.00 10' wide, 4" thick sidewalk 4,130 LF $73.00 Permanent Bollards 3 EA $47S.00 6' Chain link Fence 60 LF $20.00 Ranch Style Gate 1 EA $1,000.00 Handrail at bridge approaches 180 LF $82.00 Bridge Approaches 6 EA $2,S70.00 Concrete bridge abutments and wingwalls 6 EA $7,000.00 Bridge placement and anchoring 3 EA $10,SOO.OO Prefabricated pedestrian bridge (100' x 10') 3 EA $140,000.00 Regrassing (Sod) 688 SY $8.10 Traffic Control (TxDOT ROW) 1 LS $6,000.00 Mobilization 1 LS $20,000 .00 Pecan Grove Total School 10' Wide ROW/sub-grade prep/grading 465 LF $19.00 10' wide, 4" thick sidewalk 46S LF $73.00 Concrete Stairs 1 EA $6,890.00 Variable Height wall for back slope 233 LF $100.00 Regrassing (Sod) 78 SY $8.10 Traffic Control (TxDOT ROW) 1 LS $2,SOO .OO Mobilization 1 LS SS,000 .00 School Total TOTAL COST $17,480.00 $63,SlO.OO $4,SSO.OO $448.00 $1,820.00 $17,840.00 $1,237.50 $3 ,840.00 $1,239.30 $10,000.00 $8,000.00 $129,965.00 $2,036.00 $6,460.00 $37,765.00 $13,780.00 $33,000.00 $16,400.00 $35,000.00 $14,235 .00 $5,136.2S $42,023.84 $S2,S29.80 $368,000.00 $0.00 $25,000.00 $20,000.00 $671,366.00 $2,699 .60 $4,326.50 $78,470.00 $301,490.00 $1,425.00 $1,200.00 $1,000.00 $14,760.00 $15,420.00 $42,000.00 $31,500.00 $420,000.00 $5,572.80 $6,000.00 $20,000.00 $945,864.00 $8,83S.OO $33,94S .OO $6,890.00 $23,300.00 $631.80 $2,500.00 ss,000.00 $81,102.00 Project Total $1,828,297.00 X:\040_Anna\040001-Anna\02_Application for Finance\Supporting Documentation\Excel\Anna 2017 TxDOT TASA SW OPCC 4-25-2017