HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDC-EDCpkt2024-07-18 IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE: The Corporation may vote and/or act upon each of the items listed in this agenda. The Corporation reserves the right to retire into executive session concerning any of the items listed on this agenda, whenever it is considered necessary and legally justified under the Open Meetings Act. Disabled persons who want to attend this meeting and who may need assistance should contact the City Secretary at 972-924-3325 two working days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. MEETING AGENDA ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AND ANNA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Thursday, July 18, 2024 @ 6:00 PM The EDC/CDC of the City of Anna will meet on 7/18/2024, at 6:00 PM in the Anna Municipal Complex-Council Chambers, located at 120 W. 7th Street, to consider the following items. 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, and Establishment of Quorum. 2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Neighbor Comments. Persons may address the Board of Directors on items not on the agenda; please observe the time limit of three (3) minutes. Members of the Board cannot comment on or deliberate statements of the public except as authorized by Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code. 4. Consent Agenda. a. Approve minutes from the June 6, 2024, Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Meeting. (CDC) b. Approve minutes from the June 6, 2024, Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Meeting. (EDC) c. Approve minutes from the June 20, 2024, Special Called Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Meeting. (CDC) d. Approve minutes from the June 20, 2024, Special Called Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Meeting. (EDC) 5. Individual Consideration. a. Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider/Discuss/Action on a Resolution approving the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Anna CDC budget and authorizing publication of the adopted budget. (CDC) b. Consider/Discuss/Action on a Resolution approving the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE: The Corporation may vote and/or act upon each of the items listed in this agenda. The Corporation reserves the right to retire into executive session concerning any of the items listed on this agenda, whenever it is considered necessary and legally justified under the Open Meetings Act. Disabled persons who want to attend this meeting and who may need assistance should contact the City Secretary at 972-924-3325 two working days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. Anna EDC budget. (EDC) c. Consider/Discuss/Action on a Resolution approving an amendment to the agreement with Toole Design and authorizing the amended expenditure of funds for the Interurban Pedestrian Corridor Project and Downtown Plan Consulting. (CDC) 6. Director's Report. a. Stategic Plan Update b. Financial Report / Sales Tax Update c. Event Updates & Upcoming Events 7. Closed Session. a. Deliberate regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.072) possible property acquisition; possible land sale/purchase. b. Consult with legal counsel on matters in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Government Code (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.071); Grant program; Lease agreement and professional services contract. Pending Contracts. c. Discuss or deliberate Economic Development Negotiations: (1) To discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the Board of Directors has received from a business prospect that the Board of Directors seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the City of Anna and with which the Board is conducting economic development negotiations; or, (2) To deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by subdivision (1). (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.087); potential retail and medical projects. 8. Reconvene into open session and take any action on closed session items. 9. Receive reports from staff or Board Members about items of community interest. 10. Adjourn. This is to certify that I, Bernie Parker, Director of Economic Development, posted this Agenda on the City's website (www.annatexas.gov) and at the Anna Municipal Complex bulletin board at or before 5:00 p.m. on 7/12/2024. Bernie Parker, Director of Economic Development Item No. 3. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 7/18/2024 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Neighbor Comments. SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: Item No. 4.a. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 7/18/2024 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Approve minutes from the June 6, 2024, Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Meeting. (CDC) SUMMARY: Review & approve the meeting minutes from the June 6, 2024 Joint CDC/EDC Meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval. ATTACHMENTS: 1. June 6_2024 CDC EDC Joint Meeting Minutes_Draft Officers: Staff: Bruce Norwood, President Bernie Parker, Director of Economic Development Nate Pike, Vice-President Salena Tittle, Economic Development Manager Michelle Hawkins, Secretary Anna Community Development Corporation and Anna Economic Development Corporation Meeting Minutes Thursday, June 6, 2024, at 6:00 pm Anna Municipal Complex, City Council Chambers 120 W. 7th Street, Anna, Texas 75409 The Anna Community Development Corporation and the Anna Economic Development Corporation conducted a meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 6, 2024, at the Anna Municipal Complex in City Council Chambers, located at 120 W. 7th Street Anna, Texas 75409. A video recording of the open session portions of the meeting may be viewed online at the City of Anna’s website: https://www.annatexas.gov/962/AgendasMinutes CDC and EDC Board Members Present: Bruce Norwood, Nate Pike, Allison Inesta, Michelle Hawkins, Kylee Kelley, and Lamarr Dillingham. CDC and EDC Board Members Absent: Manny Singh. Others Present: Bernie Parker (Interim Director of Economic Development), Clark McCoy (Attorney), & Pete Cain (Mayor). 1.Call to Order, Roll Call, and Establishment of Quorum. The meeting was called to order by Board President Bruce Norwood at 6:00 p.m. 2.Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance was led by Board President Bruce Norwood. 3.Neighbor Comments. None. Michelle Hawkins made a motion to enter into closed session. Kylee Kelley seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. CDC/EDC Board entered closed session at 6:03 p.m. Bruce Norwood made a motion that the Board reconvene the CDC/EDC meeting back into open session. Nate Pike seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. The CDC/EDC Board reconvened the meeting at 6:37 p.m. Officers: Staff: Bruce Norwood, President Bernie Parker, Director of Economic Development Nate Pike, Vice-President Salena Tittle, Economic Development Manager Michelle Hawkins, Secretary 4.Consent Agenda. a.Approve minutes from the May 9, 2024, Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Meeting. (CDC) b.Approve minutes from the May 9, 2024, Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Meeting. (EDC) Allison Inesta made a motion on behalf of the CDC and EDC to approve the consent agenda. Michelle Hawkins seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. 5.Individual Consideration. a.Consider/Discuss/Action on the process of electing a Board President. (CDC & EDC) Michelle Hawkins made a motion to re-elect Bruce Norwood as the CDC/EDC Board President. Allison Inesta seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. b.Consider/Discuss/Action on electing a Board Vice-President. (CDC & EDC) Allison Inesta made a motion to elect Nate Pike as the CDC/EDC Vice-President. Kylee Kelley seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. c.Consider/Discuss/Action on electing a Board Secretary. (CDC & EDC) Kylee Kelley made a motion to elect Michelle Hawkins as the CDC/EDC Secretary. Bruce Norwood seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. d.Consider/Discuss/Action on a recommendation to cancel the July 4, 2024, CDC/EDC Joint Board Meeting. Bernie Parker recommended that the Board cancel the scheduled July 4, 2024, CDC/EDC Joint Board Meeting due to the July 4th Holiday. Bruce Norwood made a motion to cancel the July 4, 2024, CDC/EDC Joint Board Meeting. Kylee Kelley seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. e.Consider/Discuss/Action on a recommendation to conduct the July CDC/EDC Joint Board Meeting on July 18, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex located at 120 W. 7th Street. Nate Pike made a motion that the Board conduct the July CDC/EDC Joint Board Meeting on July 18, 2024. Michelle Hawkins seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. Officers: Staff: Bruce Norwood, President Bernie Parker, Director of Economic Development Nate Pike, Vice-President Salena Tittle, Economic Development Manager Michelle Hawkins, Secretary f.Discuss budget and strategic planning priorities for FY 2025. Bernie Parker provided a brief presentation of the proposed budget and items listed within that budget that are strategic planning priorities for staff. Items included sales tax, revenues, balance funds, and proposed expenditures. g.Consider/Discuss/Action on a Resolution approving a purchase and sale contract with leasebacks for property owned by Bengal Anna Plaza, LLC, a Texas limited liability company, and Faizur Rahman located along or near State Highway 5. (CDC) Michelle Hawkins made a motion to approve the purchase and sale contract with leasebacks contingent on the CDC receiving a signed, fully executed contract back from all parties involved by 12:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. Allison Inesta seconded the motion. Five Board members were in favor. Motion passed with a 5-0 vote. Bruce Norwood abstained from the vote. 6.Director’s Report. a.Strategic Plan Update Bernie Parker updated the Board on staff’s recent accomplishments, attended events, and completed trainings. Bernie highlighted his opportunity to discuss Economic Development with the Anna Neighbor Academy Mr. Parker also added that developer / real estate broker meetings are up as well as the number of subscribers and followers to our LinkedIn page and monthly Newsletter. b.Financial Report/Sales Tax Update Bernie Parker presented updated information on increased sales tax and that the city is already up 34% higher than where we were last year. c.Event Updates & Upcoming Events Salena Tittle updated the Board on last month’s Hiring Event for graduating seniors at Anna High School. The event was a huge success and staff really enjoyed working with Anna ISD, Anna ISD CTE & STEAM, and Texas Workforce Solutions. Mrs. Tittle also provided all information for the Texas Workforce Solutions Mobile Unit Multi-Hiring Event which will be held at the Anna Municipal Complex on June 14th and the Downtown Business Breakfast which will be held on June 28th for all of the downtown core businesses. 7.Closed Session. a.Deliberate regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. Officers: Staff: Bruce Norwood, President Bernie Parker, Director of Economic Development Nate Pike, Vice-President Salena Tittle, Economic Development Manager Michelle Hawkins, Secretary (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.072) possible property acquisition; possible land sale/purchase. b.Consult with legal counsel on matters in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Government Code (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.071); Grant program; Lease agreement and professional services contract. Pending Contracts. c.Discuss or deliberate Economic Development Negotiations: (1) To discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the Board of Directors has received from a business prospect that the Board of Directors seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the City of Anna and with which the Board is conducting economic development negotiations; or, (2) To deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by subdivision (1). (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.087); potential retail and medical projects. The Board conducted their closed session after Agenda Item 3. 8.Reconvene into open session and take any action on closed session items. 9.Receive reports from staff or Board Members about items of community interest. Allison Inesta informed the Board that there will be an event called Coffee & Conversations with the Anna Police Department at Country Charm Coffee on Friday, June 7th at 9:00 a.m. Before the close of the meeting, City Attorney, Clark McCoy, recommended that the Board go back to Agenda Item 5g and amend the motion to include the verbiage that would allow the Chief Administrative Officer to sign the contract should the Board President and Board Vice- President be in a position that they are unable to sign the contract. Nate Pike made the motion to include the verbiage to Agenda Item 5g, suggested by the City Attorney. Kylee Kelley seconded the motion. Five Board Members were in favor. Motion passed with a 5-0 vote. Bruce Norwood abstained from the vote. 10.Adjourn. Nate Pike made a motion that the Board adjourn the meeting. Lamarr Dillingham seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:11 p.m. Officers: Staff: Bruce Norwood, President Bernie Parker, Director of Economic Development Nate Pike, Vice-President Salena Tittle, Economic Development Manager Michelle Hawkins, Secretary APPROVED: ATTESTED: ____________________________ ____________________________ Bruce Norwood Michelle Hawkins President of CDC/EDC Secretary of CDC/EDC Item No. 4.b. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 7/18/2024 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Approve minutes from the June 6, 2024, Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Meeting. (EDC) SUMMARY: Review & approve the meeting minutes from the June 6, 2024 Joint CDC/EDC Meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval. ATTACHMENTS: 1. June 6_2024 CDC EDC Joint Meeting Minutes_Draft Officers: Staff: Bruce Norwood, President Bernie Parker, Director of Economic Development Nate Pike, Vice-President Salena Tittle, Economic Development Manager Michelle Hawkins, Secretary Anna Community Development Corporation and Anna Economic Development Corporation Meeting Minutes Thursday, June 6, 2024, at 6:00 pm Anna Municipal Complex, City Council Chambers 120 W. 7th Street, Anna, Texas 75409 The Anna Community Development Corporation and the Anna Economic Development Corporation conducted a meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 6, 2024, at the Anna Municipal Complex in City Council Chambers, located at 120 W. 7th Street Anna, Texas 75409. A video recording of the open session portions of the meeting may be viewed online at the City of Anna’s website: https://www.annatexas.gov/962/AgendasMinutes CDC and EDC Board Members Present: Bruce Norwood, Nate Pike, Allison Inesta, Michelle Hawkins, Kylee Kelley, and Lamarr Dillingham. CDC and EDC Board Members Absent: Manny Singh. Others Present: Bernie Parker (Interim Director of Economic Development), Clark McCoy (Attorney), & Pete Cain (Mayor). 1.Call to Order, Roll Call, and Establishment of Quorum. The meeting was called to order by Board President Bruce Norwood at 6:00 p.m. 2.Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance was led by Board President Bruce Norwood. 3.Neighbor Comments. None. Michelle Hawkins made a motion to enter into closed session. Kylee Kelley seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. CDC/EDC Board entered closed session at 6:03 p.m. Bruce Norwood made a motion that the Board reconvene the CDC/EDC meeting back into open session. Nate Pike seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. The CDC/EDC Board reconvened the meeting at 6:37 p.m. Officers: Staff: Bruce Norwood, President Bernie Parker, Director of Economic Development Nate Pike, Vice-President Salena Tittle, Economic Development Manager Michelle Hawkins, Secretary 4.Consent Agenda. a.Approve minutes from the May 9, 2024, Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Meeting. (CDC) b.Approve minutes from the May 9, 2024, Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Meeting. (EDC) Allison Inesta made a motion on behalf of the CDC and EDC to approve the consent agenda. Michelle Hawkins seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. 5.Individual Consideration. a.Consider/Discuss/Action on the process of electing a Board President. (CDC & EDC) Michelle Hawkins made a motion to re-elect Bruce Norwood as the CDC/EDC Board President. Allison Inesta seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. b.Consider/Discuss/Action on electing a Board Vice-President. (CDC & EDC) Allison Inesta made a motion to elect Nate Pike as the CDC/EDC Vice-President. Kylee Kelley seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. c.Consider/Discuss/Action on electing a Board Secretary. (CDC & EDC) Kylee Kelley made a motion to elect Michelle Hawkins as the CDC/EDC Secretary. Bruce Norwood seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. d.Consider/Discuss/Action on a recommendation to cancel the July 4, 2024, CDC/EDC Joint Board Meeting. Bernie Parker recommended that the Board cancel the scheduled July 4, 2024, CDC/EDC Joint Board Meeting due to the July 4th Holiday. Bruce Norwood made a motion to cancel the July 4, 2024, CDC/EDC Joint Board Meeting. Kylee Kelley seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. e.Consider/Discuss/Action on a recommendation to conduct the July CDC/EDC Joint Board Meeting on July 18, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex located at 120 W. 7th Street. Nate Pike made a motion that the Board conduct the July CDC/EDC Joint Board Meeting on July 18, 2024. Michelle Hawkins seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. Officers: Staff: Bruce Norwood, President Bernie Parker, Director of Economic Development Nate Pike, Vice-President Salena Tittle, Economic Development Manager Michelle Hawkins, Secretary f.Discuss budget and strategic planning priorities for FY 2025. Bernie Parker provided a brief presentation of the proposed budget and items listed within that budget that are strategic planning priorities for staff. Items included sales tax, revenues, balance funds, and proposed expenditures. g.Consider/Discuss/Action on a Resolution approving a purchase and sale contract with leasebacks for property owned by Bengal Anna Plaza, LLC, a Texas limited liability company, and Faizur Rahman located along or near State Highway 5. (CDC) Michelle Hawkins made a motion to approve the purchase and sale contract with leasebacks contingent on the CDC receiving a signed, fully executed contract back from all parties involved by 12:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. Allison Inesta seconded the motion. Five Board members were in favor. Motion passed with a 5-0 vote. Bruce Norwood abstained from the vote. 6.Director’s Report. a.Strategic Plan Update Bernie Parker updated the Board on staff’s recent accomplishments, attended events, and completed trainings. Bernie highlighted his opportunity to discuss Economic Development with the Anna Neighbor Academy Mr. Parker also added that developer / real estate broker meetings are up as well as the number of subscribers and followers to our LinkedIn page and monthly Newsletter. b.Financial Report/Sales Tax Update Bernie Parker presented updated information on increased sales tax and that the city is already up 34% higher than where we were last year. c.Event Updates & Upcoming Events Salena Tittle updated the Board on last month’s Hiring Event for graduating seniors at Anna High School. The event was a huge success and staff really enjoyed working with Anna ISD, Anna ISD CTE & STEAM, and Texas Workforce Solutions. Mrs. Tittle also provided all information for the Texas Workforce Solutions Mobile Unit Multi-Hiring Event which will be held at the Anna Municipal Complex on June 14th and the Downtown Business Breakfast which will be held on June 28th for all of the downtown core businesses. 7.Closed Session. a.Deliberate regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. Officers: Staff: Bruce Norwood, President Bernie Parker, Director of Economic Development Nate Pike, Vice-President Salena Tittle, Economic Development Manager Michelle Hawkins, Secretary (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.072) possible property acquisition; possible land sale/purchase. b.Consult with legal counsel on matters in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Government Code (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.071); Grant program; Lease agreement and professional services contract. Pending Contracts. c.Discuss or deliberate Economic Development Negotiations: (1) To discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the Board of Directors has received from a business prospect that the Board of Directors seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the City of Anna and with which the Board is conducting economic development negotiations; or, (2) To deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by subdivision (1). (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.087); potential retail and medical projects. The Board conducted their closed session after Agenda Item 3. 8.Reconvene into open session and take any action on closed session items. 9.Receive reports from staff or Board Members about items of community interest. Allison Inesta informed the Board that there will be an event called Coffee & Conversations with the Anna Police Department at Country Charm Coffee on Friday, June 7th at 9:00 a.m. Before the close of the meeting, City Attorney, Clark McCoy, recommended that the Board go back to Agenda Item 5g and amend the motion to include the verbiage that would allow the Chief Administrative Officer to sign the contract should the Board President and Board Vice- President be in a position that they are unable to sign the contract. Nate Pike made the motion to include the verbiage to Agenda Item 5g, suggested by the City Attorney. Kylee Kelley seconded the motion. Five Board Members were in favor. Motion passed with a 5-0 vote. Bruce Norwood abstained from the vote. 10.Adjourn. Nate Pike made a motion that the Board adjourn the meeting. Lamarr Dillingham seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:11 p.m. Officers: Staff: Bruce Norwood, President Bernie Parker, Director of Economic Development Nate Pike, Vice-President Salena Tittle, Economic Development Manager Michelle Hawkins, Secretary APPROVED: ATTESTED: ____________________________ ____________________________ Bruce Norwood Michelle Hawkins President of CDC/EDC Secretary of CDC/EDC Item No. 4.c. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 7/18/2024 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Approve minutes from the June 20, 2024, Special Called Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Meeting. (CDC) SUMMARY: Review & approve the meeting minutes from the June 20, 2024 Special Called Joint CDC/EDC Meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval. ATTACHMENTS: 1. June 20_2024 Special Called CDC EDC Joint Meeting Minutes_Draft Officers: Staff: Bruce Norwood, President Bernie Parker, Director of Economic Development Nate Pike, Vice-President Salena Tittle, Economic Development Manager Michelle Hawkins, Secretary Anna Community Development Corporation and Anna Economic Development Corporation Special Called Meeting Minutes Thursday, June 20, 2024, at 6:00 pm Anna Municipal Complex, City Council Chambers 120 W. 7th Street, Anna, Texas 75409 The Anna Community Development Corporation and the Anna Economic Development Corporation conducted a Special Called meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 20, 2024, at the Anna Municipal Complex in City Council Chambers, located at 120 W. 7th Street Anna, Texas 75409. A video recording of the open session portions of the meeting may be viewed online at the City of Anna’s website: https://www.annatexas.gov/962/AgendasMinutes CDC and EDC Board Members Present: Nate Pike, Allison Inesta, Michelle Hawkins, Manny Singh, and Lamarr Dillingham. CDC and EDC Board Members Absent: Bruce Norwood and Kylee Kelley. Others Present: Bernie Parker (Director of Economic Development), Salena Tittle (Economic Development Manager), & Pete Cain (Mayor). 1.Call to Order, Roll Call, and Establishment of Quorum. The meeting was called to order by Board Vice-President Nate Pike at 6:00 p.m. 2.Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. N/A 3.Neighbor Comments. None. Michelle Hawkins made a motion to enter into closed session. Allison Inesta seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. CDC/EDC Board entered closed session at 6:02 p.m. Nate Pike reconvened the CDC/EDC meeting back into open session at 6:10 p.m. 4.Consent Agenda. N/A Officers: Staff: Bruce Norwood, President Bernie Parker, Director of Economic Development Nate Pike, Vice-President Salena Tittle, Economic Development Manager Michelle Hawkins, Secretary 5.Individual Consideration. a.Consider/Discuss/Action on a Resolution of the Anna Community Development Corporation regarding the approval of and authority to amend the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year Budget. (CDC) Allison Inesta made a motion to approve a Resolution regarding approval of and authority to amend the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year Budget. Michelle Hawkins seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. b.Consider/Discuss/Action on a Resolution approving a purchase and sale contract with leasebacks for property owned by Bengal Anna Plaza, LLC, a Texas limited liability company, and Faizur Rahman located along or near State Highway 5. (CDC) Nate Pike made a motion to approve a Resolution for the purchase and sale contract with leasebacks for property owned by Bengal Anna Plaza, LLC, a Texas limited liability company, and Faizur Rahman. Allison Inesta seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. 6.Director’s Report. N/A 7.Closed Session. a.Deliberate regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.072) possible property acquisition; possible land sale/purchase. b.Consult with legal counsel on matters in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Government Code (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.071); Grant program; Lease agreement and professional services contract. Pending Contracts. c.Discuss or deliberate Economic Development Negotiations: (1) To discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the Board of Directors has received from a business prospect that the Board of Directors seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the City of Anna and with which the Board is conducting economic development negotiations; or, (2) To deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by subdivision (1). (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.087); potential retail and medical projects. Officers: Staff: Bruce Norwood, President Bernie Parker, Director of Economic Development Nate Pike, Vice-President Salena Tittle, Economic Development Manager Michelle Hawkins, Secretary The Board conducted their closed session after Agenda Item 3. 8.Reconvene into open session and take any action on closed session items. 9.Receive reports from staff or Board Members about items of community interest. N/A 10.Adjourn. Nate Pike adjourned the meeting at 6:11 p.m. APPROVED: ATTESTED: ____________________________ ____________________________ Bruce Norwood Michelle Hawkins President of CDC/EDC Secretary of CDC/EDC Item No. 4.d. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 7/18/2024 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Approve minutes from the June 20, 2024, Special Called Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Meeting. (EDC) SUMMARY: Review & approve the meeting minutes from the June 20, 2024 Special Called Joint CDC/EDC Meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval. ATTACHMENTS: 1. June 20_2024 Special Called CDC EDC Joint Meeting Minutes_Draft Officers: Staff: Bruce Norwood, President Bernie Parker, Director of Economic Development Nate Pike, Vice-President Salena Tittle, Economic Development Manager Michelle Hawkins, Secretary Anna Community Development Corporation and Anna Economic Development Corporation Special Called Meeting Minutes Thursday, June 20, 2024, at 6:00 pm Anna Municipal Complex, City Council Chambers 120 W. 7th Street, Anna, Texas 75409 The Anna Community Development Corporation and the Anna Economic Development Corporation conducted a Special Called meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 20, 2024, at the Anna Municipal Complex in City Council Chambers, located at 120 W. 7th Street Anna, Texas 75409. A video recording of the open session portions of the meeting may be viewed online at the City of Anna’s website: https://www.annatexas.gov/962/AgendasMinutes CDC and EDC Board Members Present: Nate Pike, Allison Inesta, Michelle Hawkins, Manny Singh, and Lamarr Dillingham. CDC and EDC Board Members Absent: Bruce Norwood and Kylee Kelley. Others Present: Bernie Parker (Director of Economic Development), Salena Tittle (Economic Development Manager), & Pete Cain (Mayor). 1.Call to Order, Roll Call, and Establishment of Quorum. The meeting was called to order by Board Vice-President Nate Pike at 6:00 p.m. 2.Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. N/A 3.Neighbor Comments. None. Michelle Hawkins made a motion to enter into closed session. Allison Inesta seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. CDC/EDC Board entered closed session at 6:02 p.m. Nate Pike reconvened the CDC/EDC meeting back into open session at 6:10 p.m. 4.Consent Agenda. N/A Officers: Staff: Bruce Norwood, President Bernie Parker, Director of Economic Development Nate Pike, Vice-President Salena Tittle, Economic Development Manager Michelle Hawkins, Secretary 5.Individual Consideration. a.Consider/Discuss/Action on a Resolution of the Anna Community Development Corporation regarding the approval of and authority to amend the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year Budget. (CDC) Allison Inesta made a motion to approve a Resolution regarding approval of and authority to amend the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year Budget. Michelle Hawkins seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. b.Consider/Discuss/Action on a Resolution approving a purchase and sale contract with leasebacks for property owned by Bengal Anna Plaza, LLC, a Texas limited liability company, and Faizur Rahman located along or near State Highway 5. (CDC) Nate Pike made a motion to approve a Resolution for the purchase and sale contract with leasebacks for property owned by Bengal Anna Plaza, LLC, a Texas limited liability company, and Faizur Rahman. Allison Inesta seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. 6.Director’s Report. N/A 7.Closed Session. a.Deliberate regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.072) possible property acquisition; possible land sale/purchase. b.Consult with legal counsel on matters in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Government Code (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.071); Grant program; Lease agreement and professional services contract. Pending Contracts. c.Discuss or deliberate Economic Development Negotiations: (1) To discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the Board of Directors has received from a business prospect that the Board of Directors seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the City of Anna and with which the Board is conducting economic development negotiations; or, (2) To deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by subdivision (1). (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.087); potential retail and medical projects. Officers: Staff: Bruce Norwood, President Bernie Parker, Director of Economic Development Nate Pike, Vice-President Salena Tittle, Economic Development Manager Michelle Hawkins, Secretary The Board conducted their closed session after Agenda Item 3. 8.Reconvene into open session and take any action on closed session items. 9.Receive reports from staff or Board Members about items of community interest. N/A 10.Adjourn. Nate Pike adjourned the meeting at 6:11 p.m. APPROVED: ATTESTED: ____________________________ ____________________________ Bruce Norwood Michelle Hawkins President of CDC/EDC Secretary of CDC/EDC Item No. 5. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 7/18/2024 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Individual Consideration. SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: Item No. 5.a. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 7/18/2024 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider/Discuss/Action on a Resolution approving the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Anna CDC budget and authorizing publication of the adopted budget. (CDC) SUMMARY: Staff is proposing a 2024-2025 Fiscal Year CDC budget of $3,444,141. If approved, it will allow for land acquisition and improvements, building improvements, equipment purchases, capital expenditures, promotional expenditures, legal services, administrative personnel services, and other purposes permitted by law in order to improve community development and promote new or expanded business enterprises for the benefit of the public. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve the proposed 2024-2025 Fiscal Year CDC budget. ATTACHMENTS: 1. CDC Budget Resolution FY24-25 2. CDC Budget- FY 24-25 CDC OF ANNA, TEXAS PAGE 1 OF 2 ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION RESOLUTION NO. ________ A RESOLUTION OF THE ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ADOPTING THE FY 2024-2025 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET AND AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF PROJECTS WHEREAS, to be effective October 1, 2024, the Anna Community Development Corporation (the “CDC”) and subject to approval of the City of Anna City Council, the Board of Directors of the CDC desires to approve and adopt the CDC budget for the 2024- 2025 fiscal year; WHEREAS, the Board of Directors (the “Board of Directors”) of the Anna Community Development Corporation (the "Corporation"), created by the City of Anna, Texas (the "City"), in accordance with Article 5190.6, V.A.T.C.S., Section 4B, and now operating under Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 505 (the "Act") has determined that it is advisable and in the best interests of the Corporation to give notice of the intention of the Corporation to undertake the following projects: Land acquisition and improvements, building improvements, equipment purchases, park facilities and improvements, capital expenditures, targeted infrastructure, site improvements, promotional expenditures, engineering and/or legal services, administrative personnel services, and other purposes permitted by law, in order to provide improved community development and/or to promote new or expanded business enterprises for the benefit of the public. The costs of the Projects are estimated not to exceed $3,444,141 including but not limited to the specific projects or general types of projects set forth in the Anna Community Development Corporation’s 2024-2025 fiscal year budget. The Projects will be financed and/or paid from the proceeds of sales tax revenue and other resources of the Corporation. WHEREAS, such projects are authorized under the Act and found by the Board of Directors to promote new or expanded business development pursuant to Section 505.158, Texas Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, it is hereby officially found and determined that the meeting at which this Resolution was passed, was open to the public and public notice of the time, place, and purpose of said meeting was given, all as required by Chapter 551, Texas Government Code; CDC OF ANNA, TEXAS PAGE 2 OF 2 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, THAT: Section 1.Recitals Incorporated The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein for all purposes as if set forth in full. Section 2.Adoption of Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget The CDC Board of Directors hereby approves adopting the Anna Community Development Corporation 2024-2025 fiscal year budget as set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes as if set forth in full, subject to approval by the City of Anna City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Anna Community Development Corporation this 18th day of July 2024. APPROVED: _____________________________ Bruce Norwood, CDC President ATTEST: ________________________________ Michelle Hawkins, CDC Secretary 7/2/2024 4:48:20 PM Page 1 of 3 Budget Listing Anna, Texas For Fiscal: 2024-2025 Period Ending: 10/31/2024 2024-2025 PB 2024-2025Account Number Account Name Fund: 890 - Community Development Corporation Department: 400 - AdministraƟon Transfers Out 0.00890-400-98100 Total Department: 400 - Administration: 0.00 Department: 825 - Community Development CorporaƟon Salaries 349,573.00890-825-61010 Miscellaneous Payroll 0.00890-825-61019 Payroll Taxes-City Part FICA 26,742.00890-825-61110 Health Insurance 33,000.00890-825-61210 TMRS Retirement 51,159.00890-825-61220 Unemployment 4,545.00890-825-61230 Worker's Compensation 716.00890-825-61240 Compensated Absences 0.00890-825-61910 Office Supplies 3,500.00890-825-62011 Budget Detail Description Units Price AmountBudget Code basic needs 1.00 3,500.00 3,500.00PB 2024-2025 Other Supplies - Misc. 5,500.00890-825-62012 Budget Detail Description Units Price AmountBudget Code meals, meetings supplies, or other administrative 1.00 5,500.00 5,500.00PB 2024-2025 Printing & Copying 0.00890-825-62013 Postage 100.00890-825-62210 Budget Detail Description Units Price AmountBudget Code mailing bills, etc 1.00 100.00 100.00PB 2024-2025 Clothing Supplies 2,500.00890-825-62310 Budget Detail Description Units Price AmountBudget Code new logo, new councilmembers, new board members 1.00 2,500.00 2,500.00PB 2024-2025 IT Supplies 4,500.00890-825-62910 Electricity 0.00890-825-66010 Telecom 0.00890-825-66040 Contract Services 343,000.00890-825-67000 Budget Detail Description Units Price AmountBudget Code Blu Dot 1.00 6,000.00 6,000.00PB 2024-2025 Cooksey Marketing Plan & Website Hosting 1.00 85,000.00 85,000.00PB 2024-2025 Costar 1.00 6,500.00 6,500.00PB 2024-2025 Downtown Lawn Care 1.00 7,000.00 7,000.00PB 2024-2025 GISWebtech 1.00 6,000.00 6,000.00PB 2024-2025 Impact Data Source 1.00 6,500.00 6,500.00PB 2024-2025 Interurban Pedestrian Corridor Project 1.00 175,000.00 175,000.00PB 2024-2025 Placer Ai 1.00 6,300.00 6,300.00PB 2024-2025 Residential Strategies 1.00 3,500.00 3,500.00PB 2024-2025 Resimplifi Real Estate Data 1.00 5,200.00 5,200.00PB 2024-2025 Retail Coach 1.00 25,000.00 25,000.00PB 2024-2025 Small Business Software 1.00 6,000.00 6,000.00PB 2024-2025 Budget Listing For Fiscal: 2024-2025 Period Ending: 10/31/2024 7/2/2024 4:48:20 PM Page 2 of 3 2024-2025 PB 2024-2025Account Number Account Name Tax software 1.00 5,000.00 5,000.00PB 2024-2025 Promotion Expense 260,500.00890-825-67016 Budget Detail Description Units Price AmountBudget Code Chamber Event Sponsorship 1.00 8,000.00 8,000.00PB 2024-2025 Development Forum Event 1.00 2,500.00 2,500.00PB 2024-2025 Marketing Plan Implementation - digital, social, p 1.00 250,000.00 250,000.00PB 2024-2025 Legal Expense 25,000.00890-825-67019 Audit/Accounting Expense 7,500.00890-825-67020 Budget Detail Description Units Price AmountBudget Code CPA services - audit, 990, 1099s 1.00 7,500.00 7,500.00PB 2024-2025 Engineering/Design 0.00890-825-67022 Public Notices - Advertising 500.00890-825-67031 Budget Detail Description Units Price AmountBudget Code publish notices 1.00 500.00 500.00PB 2024-2025 Economic Development Grant Expense 1,110,000.00890-825-67053 Budget Detail Description Units Price AmountBudget Code CDC grant to EDC 1.00 60,000.00 60,000.00PB 2024-2025 Chief Partners Sales Tax Incentive Phase I 1.00 250,000.00 250,000.00PB 2024-2025 Chief Partners Sales Tax Incentive Phase II 1.00 50,000.00 50,000.00PB 2024-2025 Other Targeted Area Economic Development Grants 1.00 600,000.00 600,000.00PB 2024-2025 TDA Downtown Revitalization Grant/CDF Match Grant 2.00 75,000.00 150,000.00PB 2024-2025 Insurance - Property & Liability 800.00890-825-67058 Dues, Publications & Licenses 12,665.00890-825-67061 Budget Detail Description Units Price AmountBudget Code Anna Chamber of Commerce Membership 1.00 3,000.00 3,000.00PB 2024-2025 APA Membership (ST) 1.00 450.00 450.00PB 2024-2025 Brew City, Texas Annual Membership 1.00 350.00 350.00PB 2024-2025 Canva (Newsletter) 1.00 250.00 250.00PB 2024-2025 Dallas Morning News 1.00 200.00 200.00PB 2024-2025 DBJ 1.00 350.00 350.00PB 2024-2025 ICMA/TCMA 1.00 600.00 600.00PB 2024-2025 ICSC 10.00 200.00 2,000.00PB 2024-2025 IEDC 3.00 455.00 1,365.00PB 2024-2025 Jasper Software 1.00 800.00 800.00PB 2024-2025 Mailchimp (Newsletter) 1.00 600.00 600.00PB 2024-2025 NTCAR 1.00 450.00 450.00PB 2024-2025 TEDC 3.00 550.00 1,650.00PB 2024-2025 Texas Downtown Association 1.00 600.00 600.00PB 2024-2025 Professional Services Non Contract 0.00890-825-67130 Travel/Training Expense 38,600.00890-825-67200 Budget Detail Description Units Price AmountBudget Code Bisnow Event Registrations 1.00 1,000.00 1,000.00PB 2024-2025 DFW Marketing Team Trips 1.00 2,500.00 2,500.00PB 2024-2025 Focus North Texas Conference 1.00 600.00 600.00PB 2024-2025 ICMA Training 1.00 1,000.00 1,000.00PB 2024-2025 International Council of Shopping Centers Annual C 1.00 15,000.00 15,000.00PB 2024-2025 International Council Shopping Centers Texas 1.00 6,000.00 6,000.00PB 2024-2025 International Economic Development Council Annual 2.00 1,250.00 2,500.00PB 2024-2025 Budget Listing For Fiscal: 2024-2025 Period Ending: 10/31/2024 7/2/2024 4:48:20 PM Page 3 of 3 2024-2025 PB 2024-2025Account Number Account Name OU EDI Courses for (ST) 1.00 4,000.00 4,000.00PB 2024-2025 Texas Economic Development Council Annual Conferen 2.00 2,000.00 4,000.00PB 2024-2025 Urban Land Inst 1.00 2,000.00 2,000.00PB 2024-2025 Interest Expense 271,412.00890-825-67790 Budget Detail Description Units Price AmountBudget Code Lamar Bank August Payment 1.00 25,141.00 25,141.00PB 2024-2025 Lamar Bank May Payment 1.00 24,867.00 24,867.00PB 2024-2025 Lamar Bank November Payment 1.00 26,785.00 26,785.00PB 2024-2025 Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2012-B Aug Payment 1.00 13,398.00 13,398.00PB 2024-2025 Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2012-B Feb Payment 1.00 15,092.00 15,092.00PB 2024-2025 Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2016 Aug Payment 1.00 28,000.00 28,000.00PB 2024-2025 Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2016 Feb Payment 1.00 28,205.00 28,205.00PB 2024-2025 Southside Banc Shares April Payment 1.00 27,331.00 27,331.00PB 2024-2025 Southside Banc Shares July Payment 1.00 27,020.00 27,020.00PB 2024-2025 Southside Bancshares Jan Payment 1.00 27,636.00 27,636.00PB 2024-2025 Southside Bancshares Oct Payment 1.00 27,937.00 27,937.00PB 2024-2025 Bad Debt Expense 0.00890-825-67850 Bond/Trustee Fees 0.00890-825-67950 Other Services - Misc. 0.00890-825-67999 Contributions Expense 0.00890-825-68000 Construction 0.00890-825-69010 Machinery & Equipment 0.00890-825-69110 Land Acquisition 525,000.00890-825-69310 Budget Detail Description Units Price AmountBudget Code Land Acquisition 0.00 0.00 525,000.00PB 2024-2025 Debt Service - Principal 367,329.00890-825-71090 Budget Detail Description Units Price AmountBudget Code Lamar National Bank August Payment 1.00 39,810.00 39,810.00PB 2024-2025 Lamar National Bank February Payment 1.00 38,703.00 38,703.00PB 2024-2025 Lamar National Bank May Payment 1.00 40,085.00 40,085.00PB 2024-2025 Lamar National Bank November Payment 1.00 38,166.00 38,166.00PB 2024-2025 Sales Tax Revenue Bonds Series 2012-B 1.00 110,000.00 110,000.00PB 2024-2025 Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2016 1.00 25,000.00 25,000.00PB 2024-2025 Southside Bancshares April Payment 1.00 19,042.00 19,042.00PB 2024-2025 Southside Bancshares January Payment 1.00 18,736.00 18,736.00PB 2024-2025 Southside Bancshares July Payment 1.00 19,352.00 19,352.00PB 2024-2025 Southside Bancshares October Payment 1.00 18,435.00 18,435.00PB 2024-2025 Bond Issuance Costs 0.00890-825-71220 Transfers Out 0.00890-825-98100 Total Department: 825 - Community Development Corporation: 3,444,141.00 Total Fund: 890 - Community Development Corporation: 3,444,141.00 Report Total: 3,444,141.00 Item No. 5.b. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 7/18/2024 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Consider/Discuss/Action on a Resolution approving the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Anna EDC budget. (EDC) SUMMARY: Staff is proposing a 2024-2025 Fiscal Year EDC budget of $524,800. If approved, it will allow for prospective incentives and possible building costs. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve the proposed 2024-2025 Fiscal Year EDC budget. ATTACHMENTS: 1. EDC Budget Resolution FY24-25 2. EDC Budget- FY 24-25 EDC OF ANNA, TEXAS PAGE 1 OF 1 ANNA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION RESOLUTION NO. ________ A RESOLUTION OF THE ANNA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ADOPTING THE FY 2024-2025 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET WHEREAS, to be effective October 1, 2024, the Anna Economic Development Corporation (the “EDC”) and subject to approval of the City of Anna City Council, the Board of Directors of the EDC desires to approve and adopt the EDC budget for the 2024- 2025 fiscal year; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ANNA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, THAT: Section 1.Recitals Incorporated The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein for all purposes as if set forth in full. Section 2.Adoption of Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget The EDC Board of Directors hereby approves adopting the Anna Economic Development Corporation 2024-2025 fiscal year budget as set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes as if set forth in full, subject to approval by the City of Anna City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Anna Economic Development Corporation this 18th day of July 2024. APPROVED: _____________________________ Bruce Norwood, EDC President ATTEST: ________________________________ Michelle Hawkins, EDC Secretary 7/2/2024 4:57:31 PM Page 1 of 1 Budget Listing Anna, Texas For Fiscal: 2024-2025 Period Ending: 10/31/2024 2024-2025 PB 2024-2025Account Number Account Name Fund: 892 - Economic Development Corporation Department: 825 - Community Development CorporaƟon Other Supplies - Misc. 0.00892-825-62012 Postage 0.00892-825-62210 Maint. & Repair - Buildings 50,000.00892-825-63012 Budget Detail Description Units Price AmountBudget Code Maintenance/Repairs -312 N. Powell/101 S. Powell 1.00 50,000.00 50,000.00PB 2024-2025 Electricity 5,000.00892-825-66010 Budget Detail Description Units Price AmountBudget Code Based on three year history 1.00 5,000.00 5,000.00PB 2024-2025 Gas - Natural/Propane 1,500.00892-825-66020 Budget Detail Description Units Price AmountBudget Code Based on three year history 1.00 1,500.00 1,500.00PB 2024-2025 City Utilities Water/Sewer/Trash 0.00892-825-66030 Telecom 1,800.00892-825-66040 Contract Services 41,500.00892-825-67000 Budget Detail Description Units Price AmountBudget Code Printing 1.00 1,500.00 1,500.00PB 2024-2025 Professional Services (target industry analysis) 1.00 40,000.00 40,000.00PB 2024-2025 IT Support Services 0.00892-825-67008 Promotion Expense 0.00892-825-67016 Legal Expense 20,000.00892-825-67019 Budget Detail Description Units Price AmountBudget Code legal fees 1.00 20,000.00 20,000.00PB 2024-2025 Audit/Accounting Expense 5,000.00892-825-67020 Budget Detail Description Units Price AmountBudget Code CPA Services - Audit, 1099 form 990 1.00 5,000.00 5,000.00PB 2024-2025 Economic Development Grant Expense 400,000.00892-825-67053 Insurance - Property & Liability 0.00892-825-67058 Professional Services Non Contract 0.00892-825-67130 Travel/Training Expense 0.00892-825-67200 Other Services - Misc. 0.00892-825-67999 Depreciation 0.00892-825-68910 Construction 0.00892-825-69010 Land Acquisition 0.00892-825-69310 Capital Expenditures 0.00892-825-69410 Transfers Out 0.00892-825-98100 Total Department: 825 - Community Development Corporation: 524,800.00 Total Fund: 892 - Economic Development Corporation: 524,800.00 Report Total: 524,800.00 Item No. 5.c. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 7/18/2024 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Consider/Discuss/Action on a Resolution approving an amendment to the agreement with Toole Design and authorizing the amended expenditure of funds for the Interurban Pedestrian Corridor Project and Downtown Plan Consulting. (CDC) SUMMARY: On May 9, 2024, the Board approved an agreement with Toole Design and authorized the expenditure of funds not to exceed $150,000 for the scope of work and implementation of the Interurban Pedestrian Corridor Project and Downtown Plan Consulting (Small Area Plan). During our kickoff meeting, staff was advised that the scope of work would only include 10% of the construction documents in PDF format. When staff asked about obtaining 100% of the construction documents, Toole Design advised that the fee would be slightly different from what was originally proposed. The original cost proposal provided by Toole Design was $133,660. Toole Design has provided an updated agreement which includes 100% of the construction documents and the newly proposed fee of $169,300. The purpose of this agreement is to create and design a pedestrian-only thoroughfare on S. Interurban Street between W. 4th Street and W. 5th Street connecting to the new Municipal Plaza. Secondly, it is to design a small downtown area plan for the S. Interurban Street, S. Powell Parkway, W. 7th Street, and W. White Street corridor. Completing these two plans will allow the EDC staff to create a true, unique downtown atmosphere for the City of Anna. The approval of this request would allow the CDC Board President to execute an agreement for contract services with Toole Design for the amended scope of work and implementation of the Interurban Pedestrian Corridor Project and Downtown Plan Consulting (Small Area Plan) for an amount not to exceed $200,000. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Resolution amending the agreement with Toole Design and authorizing the amended expenditure of funds not to exceed $200,000 for the Interurban Pedestrian Corridor Project and Downtown Plan Consulting. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Amended Resolution 2024 - CDC Contract Services Toole Design 2. Updated Revised scope and fee_FINAL ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION RESOLUTION NO. ________ A RESOLUTION OF THE ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO AN AGREEMENT AND THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR INTERURBAN PEDESTRIAN CORRIDOR PROJECT AND DOWNTOWN PLAN CONSULTING PURPOSES WHEREAS, the Anna Community Development Corporation (the “CDC”) wishes to expend funds for Interurban Pedestrian Corridor Project and Downtown Consulting purposes for design and implementation contract services; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors finds that this project and expenditure is to promote new or expanded business development; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, THAT: Section 1.Recitals Incorporated The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein for all purposes as if set forth in full. Section 2.Approval of Funding The CDC hereby authorizes the Board President to execute an amended agreement for contract services for the Interurban Pedestrian Corridor Project and for Downtown Plan Consulting and to charge the CDC’s agreement services line item in an amount not to exceed $200,000 for contract services for community and economic development purposes. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Anna Community Development Corporation this 18th day of July 2024. APPROVED: _____________________________ Bruce Norwood, CDC President ATTEST: ________________________________ Michelle Hawkins, CDC Secretary SCOPE AND FEE CONCEPT DESIGN AND SMALL AREA PLAN CITY OF ANNA, TX APPROACH Based on feedback from the City of Anna, Toole Design has revised our approach for the Interurban Pedestrian Thoroughfare and the Small Area Plan. At the City's request, we have separated these efforts into different phases. The revised scope clarifies the deliverables associated with each phase of work. The design duration is estimated to be 9 months. PHASE 1: CONCEPT DESIGN Task 1.1: Project Kickoff Tasks Project Kickoff Meeting We propose to start this process with a kickoff meeting with the Project Management Team (PMT). The meeting will establish project expectations (scope and deliverables), roles and responsibilities of the PMT, lines of communication, and project timeframe. We will also seek direction and/or confirmation of the public engagement strategy to ensure that key stakeholders and the public will have a meaningful role in shaping the design . Everyone will leave this meeting with a clear plan for project execution and completion. Project Work Plan Following the kickoff meeting a Project Work Plan will be developed to guide the project delivery process. The Project Work Plan will include: • Project schedule covering key milestones, Quality Assurance/Quality Control and design reviews, deliverables, and tentative meeting dates • List of lead staff and/or departments responsible for each task • List of agencies/departments requiring approval for each task and/or deliverable • Communication protocol • Document control protocol • QA/QC Plan that includes details of the internal team review process • Change management strategy • Public engagement strategy summarizing level of engagement for stakeholders and general public Project Manager Check-in Calls Toole Design’s Project Manager will schedule monthly recurring virtual check -in calls with the City Project Manager. Toole Design assumes staff needed for these meetings will vary based on project progress, but generally will have two staff people attend. 2 Internal Project Team Kickoff and Recurring Check-ins Toole Design will hold an internal team meeting at the beginning of the Project to discuss schedule, team responsibilities, and methods for collaborative workflow. Internal team calls will be conducted as necessary during the project duration to communicate with the internal team and monitor progress of the Project for its duration. Task 1.2 Design Charrette Toole Design will perform a design charrette to develop starter designs for the Interurban Pedestrian Thoroughfare. This charrette will last for four (4) days, during which time the design team will collaborate with the public, the City and key stakeholders to develop and refine design concepts for the pedestrian thoroughfare in anticipation of advancing the concept to engineering. By the end of the charrette, the goal is to achieve informed consensus on the preferred concept. Prior to the Charrette Prior to the design charrette and with the help of the City of Anna, the design team will collect any readily available to-scale aerial maps, GIS information, base mapping, previous design work, comprehensive plan information, and any previous studies or materials. It is assumed that the City will provide a topographical survey to assess the available public right-of-way and utilities of the study area. The design team will process the base maps to the right scale and format. Day 1: Discovery + Site Visit The Toole Design Team will arrive early on Day 1 and set up the workspace at the venue. Toole Design will meet with City to recap what happened in Phase 1, discuss any changes that may have occurred, and review the schedule for the week. The remainder of the day, the Toole Design Team will work at the venue. Days 2 and 3: Development of Alternatives The Toole Design Team will create a series of conceptual alternatives for Interurban Street that will include typical cross sections and sample plan-view drawings defining the public realm. The alternatives will include the identification of character zones and/or programming, a palette of potential materials, and treatments for transitioning to adjacent streets. These products may be both hand -drawn and computer aided to convey the look and feel of each alternative. The drawings will assist stakeholders in discussing the trade -offs and priorities. On the evening of Day 3, we will host a pin-up for the PMT and City to review the alternatives and provide any additional insight. Day 4: Alternative Refinement and Presentation The conceptual alternatives for Interurban Street will be analyzed for strengths and weaknesses. The team will compare the alternatives to determine the best options given the various factors which will influence the project: vision, goals, safety, operations, network connectivity, urban design, right-of-way, and constructability. In the evening of Day 4, a public meeting will be held to present the alternatives. This feedback will help advance the preferred concept plan for Interurban Street. Phase 1 Deliverables and Meetings A four-day design charrette, which will include the following: • A minimum of two (2) hand-drawn conceptual alternatives of Interurban Street • Typical cross sections and sample plan-view drawings for each alternative • Process sketches that illustrate how design decisions are made • A draft materials palette 3 • One (1) meeting with the PMT and the City to review alternatives and provide feedback • One (1) meeting with the public to present alternatives and select a preferred concept PHASE 2: DESIGN & ENGINEERING The bulk of the engineering and design work is accomplished during the Design & Engineering Phase. Based on our conversations with the City, we will provide two milestone submissions (90% and 100%) for the final construction documents. Our team will develop the 90% Design Package, which will advance the preferred design from the charrette using AutoCAD software based on survey data. We will verify that the design is constructable and consistent with the original project purpose. We will develop an opinion of probable cost and finalize material palettes and site furnishing choices for permit review submittal. Based upon the 90% review, Toole Design will incorporate applicable comments and finalize the plans, special provisions, and opinion of cost to a final level of detail. The 100% package will include special provisions, the approved permit plans, and be signed and sealed Toole Design anticipates that a Land Disturbance Permit and NPDES permit will be issued by the city, A Driveway encroachment permit will be obtained from TXDOT. All permit submittals will be made during the 90% design phase. The permit will adhere to the standards set forth in the City of Anna Design Manual, Texas DOT Roadway Design and Access Management Manual. Toole Design only anticipates one round of review comments from each permitting agency, additional rounds of comments will result in an amendment to the scope and fee. Toole Design will not perform any utility relocations. The project plans will be designed to avoid utility conflicts where possible and minimize impacts where conflicts cannot be avoided. Notation of potential utility conflicts and recommendations for minor adjustments will be made with the understanding that the City may want to relocate their overhead utilities below ground. Toole design may show proposed conduit locations on the construction plans as directed by the City for information only. Throughout each stage of design, substantial Quality Control reviews are required prior to each submission to the client following the Toole Design Quality Assurance and Control Program. Once design packages are provided to the City at each milestone submission, Toole Design will prepar e one round of unified responses to the comments and perform a final QA/QC review to ensure all comments have been addressed before advancing the project design.Toole Design understands that the City may have a slightly different process, but we apply ours to all projects and adjust as necessary. Task 2.1: 90% Design Package • 90% Design Package, which will include: o Construction Plans, Details, and Draft Specifications o Opinion of Probable Construction Cost • 90% Review Comment Resolution Meeting • *Note: The City will submit the 9% Plans to TxDOT for the Driveway Permit Task 2.2: 100% Design Package • 100% Design Package, which will include: o Signed and Sealed Construction Plans, Details, and Specifications 4 Toole Design will develop Design Plans in AutoCAD (at 1”:20’). Sheet information may be combined and/or reorganized as design development progresses. o Anticipated sheets include: ▪ Title Sheet ▪ Legends, Abbreviations, and General Notes ▪ Typical Sections ▪ Summary of Quantities ▪ Existing Conditions/Survey Control ▪ Site Preparation/Demolition Plan ▪ Construction Plan ▪ Civil and Transportation Details ▪ Intersection and Curb Ramp Enlargements ▪ Landscape/Hardscape Plans ▪ Landscape/Hardscape Details and Schedule ▪ Erosion Control Plan ▪ Erosion Control Details PHASE 3: SMALL AREA PLAN Task 3.1 Existing Conditions Assessment The small area plan effort will begin with an in-person meeting hosted by the City. This meeting will occur during the Design Charrette noted in Task 1.2, above. This meeting will be used to confirm scope and schedule, discuss project sensitivities, and determine additional background information needed. During this visit to Anna, Toole Design will also complete an initial public realm assessment. We will tour the small area plan study area, identify amenities, document land uses and potential developable parcels, and familiarize ourselves with the physical characteristics of the streets. Plan and Policy Review Existing plans, policies, and regulations that influence the Plan will be reviewed. Anna already has several visionary planning documents for Downtown. Beyond summarizing the contents of each document, this task will include discussion with staff to understand barriers to implementing previous plans as well as the practical value of key documents in influencing public investment and private development as it relates to streetscapes in and around the study area. Existing Conditions Basemap Toole Design will produce an existing conditions basemap of the study area. This map will serve as the basis for developing a series of diagrams showing the relationship between existing characteristics such as the overall transportation network, major destinations, and land use patterns. The basemap will be developed to a sufficient level of detail to facilitate development of street cross -sections, any site-specific conceptual designs, and cost estimates created in subsequent tasks. Task 3.2 Draft Urban Design Strategy Based on the Toole Design will develop a preliminary Urban Design Strategy for Downtown. The Strategy will consist of two parts — 1) a Small Area Plan outline and 2) a Materials Guide and will contain aesthetic treatments that can be applied elsewhere in Anna, should the City choose to do so. The Urban Design Strategy will ensure a cohesive concept design for Downtown Anna. 5 Draft Small Area Plan Outline The draft small area plan outline will illustratively identify the placemaking components that will form a cohesive vision for Downtown Anna. These components are anticipated to include, but may not be limited to, pedestrian zones, crossing treatments, pedestrian and roadway lighting, site furnishings, high-level guidance for architectural forms and building frontages, strategies for loading and delivery, outdoor dining, vegetation, parking, transit, and wayfinding. Toole Design will develop or modify standard details, as necessary, to accompany proposed streetscape components. Materials Guide The Materials Guide will provide guidance for application, installation, and maintenance of specific materials and products (e.g., paving materials, detectable surfaces, plant species). Congruency and departure from existing City guidelines will be clearly noted. The Materials Guide can apply to the Interurban Pedestrian Thoroughfare as well as other areas in Downtown Anna. Concepts Toole Design will develop a maximum of two concepts each for two key locations: • Gateway treatment at the intersection of FM 455 and SH 5 • Pedestrian crossings along SH 5 These concepts will be hand-sketched and will incorporate placemaking components and materials that have been selected for the Materials Guide that have been developed as part of the efforts above. Task 3.3 Draft and Final Report Toole Design will develop the Draft and Final Small Area Plan based on information gathered and created in all previous small area plan tasks. The document will not exceed 20 pages in length with additional detail, as needed, provided in a supported addendum. Our team anticipates working with City staff to provide opportunity for public input on the Draft Plan before submitting the Final Plan. Phase 3 Deliverables and Meetings • Draft Small Area Plan in PDF format • Comment Resolution Meeting for Draft Small Area Plan • Final Area Plan in PDF format 6 FEE The above scope of work will be performed for a lump sum cost. The following lump sum is presented by task and is inclusive of labor, overhead, profit, and expenses. Task Fee Task 1 Concept Design $31,800 Task 2 Design & Engineering $116,500 Task 3 Small Area Plan $21,000 Total Lump Sum Cost $169,300 We are excited about the opportunity to work with the City of Anna to develop construction plans for Interurban Street and a small area plan that meets your community’s desire to continue building a vibrant downtown. If you have any questions or comments, please contact our proposed Project Manager, Eric Childs, at 864.336.2276 x655 or echilds@tooledesign.com. Thank you for considering our team. Sincerely, Eric Childs, PLA, ASLA | Senior Landscape Architect TOOLE DESIGN 659 Auburn Avenue, Suite 255 | Atlanta, GA 30312 echilds@tooledesign.com | 470.800.9525 x655 7 ASSUMPTIONS & EXCLUSIONS • Disturbed area will be less than one acre and will not trigger a SWPP. • TxDOT coordination will be limited to Driveway permit. • No topographic or boundary survey will be performed. • Toole Design understands that the client has a full topographic survey. The surveyor should provide a signed and sealed PDF of the final survey along with an AutoCAD (.DWG) file, and a surface (.TIN/.DTM). All timelines will be contingent upon receipt and review of survey for completeness and accuracy. • No traffic analysis or design, beyond maintenance of traffic control for construction, are included in these services. • No public engagement outside of stakeholder engagement in Phase 1 is included in these services but can be performed as an additional service. • Toole Design will make recommendations for standard pavement sections based upon best practices, the North Texas Council of Governments Blue Book, City of Anna Design Standards and AASHTO Pavement Design Guide. In the absence of a geotechnical evaluation, the recommended pavement design will provide no guarantees on the service life and performance of the pavement. • It is anticipated that the City will not need to acquire right-of-way to complete this project, and no Right-of- Way plans will be included. • No additional environmental permitting is required. • No subsurface private utility mapping is included. • All application and permitting fees will be waived or covered by the City. • The City will prepare addenda for distribution during the bidding process. • It is assumed that the City will manage utility coordination with support from the Project team. • No subsurface private utility mapping is included. • All application and permitting fees will be waived or covered by the City. • It is assumed the existing on-site infrastructure will accommodate the proposed design and will remain in place with only adjustments to drain inlet locations as needed, Toole Design will maintain existing drainage patterns and not perform any drainage or hydrology design for existing and proposed detention facilities. • It is assumed that the City will manage utility coordination. • Toole Design will not submit any design variances or exceptions. • It is understood that no improvements to facilities, roads, water, sanitary sewer, or storm drainage outside of the project limits are anticipated (outside of adjustments to hydrants, manholes, valve covers), and therefore they are excluded from this scope of work. Toole Design assumes public utilities to the project site have sufficient capacity to serve the project and will not require water, sewer, or storm water upgrades or relocation design services. It is assumed that potential water valves, sewer manholes, and hydrants can be adjusted during construction. • Toole Design will indicate on the drawings the locations of electrical, telephone, gas, cable , and other services as provided by the City’s survey, but relocation of these services is not included. Furthermore, site lighting and structural design of retaining walls or similar improvements are not included. Item No. 6. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 7/18/2024 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Director's Report. SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: Item No. 6.a. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 7/18/2024 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Stategic Plan Update SUMMARY: Bernie Parker, Director of Economic Development, to give a brief overview of what staff has been working on and future initiatives. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: N/A ATTACHMENTS: 1. June 2024 Strategic Plan Update Economic Development Strategic Plan Highlights June 2024 EDC staff hosted a Downtown Business Breakfast to update our business owners about the ongoing construction and development within the Downtown Core District. EDC/CDC welcomed three new board members: Lamarr Dillingham - Board Member, Place 1 Nate Pike - Vice-President, Place 2 Manjinder (Manny) Singh - Board Member, Place 6 Economic Development Manager, Salena Tittle, attended and completed the Basics Economic Development Course hosted by TEDC. EDC staff partnered with the City of Anna’s Community Enhancement Division to host a successful Multi-Employer Hiring Event at the Municipal Complex. This event included the North Central Texas Workforce Mobile Unit providing computer stations and resume assistance to neighbors looking for employment opportunities. Measureables June 2024 New Newsle t t er Subscri bers : 3 (2 ,133 tota l ) New LinkedI n Fo l lower s : 9 (1,475 total) Busine s s R etention Expa n s io n Co ntac t s: 4 Real Estate Bro ker / Dev elo per Me etings : 1 0 Co nstr u cti on / Arc h itectura l Meeti ng s: 3 Item No. 6.b. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 7/18/2024 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Financial Report / Sales Tax Update SUMMARY: Bernie Parker, Director of Economic Development, to give the Board a brief update on sales tax for the month of May 2024, which is up roughly 18% from May 2023. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: N/A ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2024 Monthly Sales Tax Report % Change 2023-24 Collections from 2022-23 Collections Monthly Prior Year Monthly October 655,358$ 25.5% 522,386$ November 695,026 28.0% 542,873 December 768,837 23.5% 622,388 January 566,981 24.8% 454,358 February 621,381 34.2% 463,016 March 723,838 19.5% 605,483 April 647,636 17.4% 551,653 May 699,251 18.1% 591,858 June 634,824 July 600,214 August 656,241 September 707,590 5,378,308$ 6,952,884$ Budget: 6,753,000 79.6% 6,753,100 CITY OF ANNA Schedule of Sales Tax Collections For the month May 31, 2024 $0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 $900,000 Monthly Sales Tax Collections: 3 Year Comparison FY2021-22 FY2022-23 FY2023-24 Item No. 6.c. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 7/18/2024 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Event Updates & Upcoming Events SUMMARY: Multi-Employer Hiring Event: The Texas Workforce Mobile Unit was parked at the Municipal Complex on June 14th and was open to anyone in the community looking for employment opportunities. The event was held between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. and was a huge success according to North Central Texas Workforce Solutions. A 25-page list of available jobs was provided for each computer station. We were informed that we had over 45 individuals who attended and participated in the opportunity to apply for one of the many jobs listed. State of Downtown Business Breakfast: The event was held on June 28th in the Fire Station Conference Room. We had a fantastic turnout with our downtown businesses and downtown landowners. They really appreciated the CIP updates and the opportunity to be kept informed. We also received meeting requests from a couple of businesses as a way for staff to assist them with business needs and/or ideas. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Item No. 7. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 7/18/2024 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Closed Session. SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: Item No. 8. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 7/18/2024 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Reconvene into open session and take any action on closed session items. SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: Item No. 10. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 7/18/2024 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Adjourn. SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: