HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2018-08-471 SCBA PurchaseCITY OF ANNA, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO, f201`(19'- ( q I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PURCHASE SELF CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS (S.C.B.A.) AND ACCESSORY ITEMS FROM METRO FIRE APPARATUS SPECIALIST THROUGH BUY BOARD PURCHASING SYSTEM CONTRACT # 524-17. WHEREAS, a S.C.B.A. is a crucial piece of equipment needed for the Fire )epartment's fire and emergency response; and, WHEREAS, City staff has proposed the purchase of S.C.B.A.'s and accessory items the "Equipment"); and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas (the "City Council") finds that the purchase of S.C.B.A.'s and accessory items for enhancing the Fire department's ability to more efficiently respond to fire and emergency incidents is in the interest of the residents of the City of Anna, Texas (the "City"); and, WHEREAS, the procurement through a purchasing cooperative complies with the Texas Local Government Code and ensures a competitive price; and, WHEREAS, there are funds allocated for this equipment in the 2018 Fiscal Year budget reallocation approved by the City Council; and, WHEREAS, the City Council desires to authorize the City Manager to purchase the equipment; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated. The recitals above are incorporated herein as if set forth in full for all purposes. Section 2. Authorization of Contract Award, The City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager to purchase the Self Contained Breathing Apparatus and accessory items from Metro Fire Apparatus Specialist Inc. for a total sum of $67,376, consistent with the Buy Board Purchasing system proposal attached hereto as Exhibit A. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute all documents and to take all other actions necessary to procure the equipment. RESOLUTION NO. %' !! PAGE 1 OF 2 S.C.B.A. Purchase PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas, on this 28t" day of August 2018. ATTEST: APPROVED: Aeev l/1 LZ City Secretary Carrie L. Smith ���������a,Mayor Nate RESOLUTION NO.� S.C.B.A. Purchase ike PAGE2OF2 METRO FIRE v `^ APPARATUS SPECIALISTS, INC. Corporate 1745 Parana Dr Houston TX 77080-7115 (713)692=0911 Phone (713) 6924591 Fax Mansfield 625 S Wisteria St Ste 121 Mansfield TX 76063=2528 (817) 467.0911 Phone (817) 375-1775 Fax South Houston 514 Michigan St South Houston TX 77587-3221 (713) 475-2411 Phone (713) 475=2428 Fax ORDER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Bill to: ANNA FIRE DEPARTMENT Ship to: ANNA FIRE DEPARTMENT 305 SOUTH POWELL PARKWAY 305 SOUTH POWELL PARKWAY ANNA, TX 75409 ANNA, TX 75409 Attn: CHIEF TIM GOTHARD 3ust Code Ordered By' ____ W Sales_man Job/Rel#_Customer PO____ ANNO02 LtEnter��:d:By TIM GOTHARD JONATHAN MERCER PENDING FOB Ship Via TermsJANCER CUSTOMER PAYS FREIGHT BEST WAY NET 20 DAYS Customer/Order Instructions PRICING PER BUY BOARD CONTRACT #524=17 LOC OC Quantity U/M Item # j Description Price ( Extensio Shp] B/0' IOrd 02 P1 8 0 8 EA SCT-X361402205304 5350.00' 42800400 02 P 16 0 16 EA SCT-804722-01 45 MINUTE, CARBON CYLINDER 4500 PSI 962 , OO 15392400 02 P 1 0 1 EA SCT-804723-01 60 MINUTE, CARBON CYLINDER 4500 PSI, CGA 1072900 1072. 00 02 P 1 1 0 1 1 EA SCT-200954-02 RIT-PAX III ASSY 4500 PSI 25159001 2515.00' 02 P 2 0 2 EA SCT-201582-01 SCOTT SIGHT FULL KIT WITH AV3000HT, MEDIUM 5 STRAP 160 X 120 RESOLUTION 1301.00 2602 m OOI' 02 P 1 0 1 EA SCT-201583_02 SCOTT SIGHT FULL KIT WITH AV3000HT, LARGE 5 STRAP 160 X 120 RESOLUTION 1301400 1301900 02 P 3 0 3 EA SCT-201215-02 AV3000 HT, KEVLAR READ HARNESS MEDIUM FACESEAL 242.00' 726.00 02 P 1 0 1 EA SCT-201215-01 AV3000 HT, KEVLAR HEAD HARNESS SMALL FACES 242.00 242600 02 P 3 0 3 EA SCT-201215-03 AV3000 HT, KEVLAR HEAD HARNESS LARGE FACESEAL 242400 726600 SubTotal 67r376.00 THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE. DO NOT PAY FROM THIS SALES ORDER. Total �2, 375 00