HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2021-04-896 Design of Utility Relocation on US 75 NorthCITY OF ANNA, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 242$ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO A TASK ORDER SIGNED AND DATED SEPTEMBER 14, 2017 BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS AND BIRKHOFF HENDRICKS & CARTER, LLC, FOR THE DESIGN OF UTILITY RELOCATIONS ON US 75 NORTH IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED FIFTY EIGHT THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY-EIGHT DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ($58,558.00) AS SHOWN IN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the relocation and expansion of water mains along US 75 is shown in the City of Anna Water Master Plan as a critical Capital Improvement Project, and; WHEREAS, the relocation of the water main is required in order to facilitate the widening of US 75 north of FM 455, and; WHEREAS, relocating and increasing the size of the water main will increase water supply and pressure for the City of Anna and the future development along US 75, and; WHEREAS, Birl<hoff Hendricks &Carter, LLC has provided an amendment to the original tas{< order for engineering analysis and design services, and; WHEREAS, the project shall be funded through Water Impact Fees, and; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated. The recitals above are incorporated herein as if set forth in full for all purposes. Section 2. Authorization. The City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager to execute the task order agreement as shown in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas, on this *� day of April, 2021. \\\auuiniuriir11",OF QPPROVEG Carrie Land, City Secretary EXHIBIT "A" BIRI{HOFF, HiJNDRICI{5 &CARTER, L.L.P. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS I I910 Grcnl4flle Ava, Sui(c 600 Dallas, Texas 752-03 I'Rx (2b1)441.379U Phone (21 A)761-7900 IOIIN 14. aIRKI IU}p, 1',6. OARY C. IIENDRICKS, i'.E lOE R. CARTER, P.E. AIATT NICKKY. RIC ANnR Y MATH, IR, P.E, IUSEPII T. 0RAIEWSKI. III, P.E. DEREK B. CHANEY, P.P. CRAM AI. KERKnot P, Kli. June 12, 2020 Mr. Greg Peters, P.G. Director of Public 1Vorks City of Anna 3223 North Powell Parkway into, Texns 75409 Rc: US 75 Utility Relocntions — Phase 2 EnginecringServiccsAgreement—AmendmcntNo.l (renlrc�lJ Dcar Mr. Peters: As you requested, we are pleased to submit this AmcndmentNo. 1 to our Engineering Services Tnsk Order for the US 75 Utility Relocntions protect, signet and dated September 14, 2017. Thls Amendment No. I includes the extension of the 12-inch water line from the CR 371 to CR 368 along the west side of US 75.As directed by the City, the new 12-inch water line will be situated in to 20-foot wide permmnent water line easement, silunled immediately adjacent to the proposed orexisling western right-of-way line of US 75. A general project location map labeled Exhibit A is attached hereto and made a part of this agreement, Hosed on our understanding of the project requirements, our opinion of probable project budget ter the 4vntcr line extension is summarized below. US 75 Utility Relocntions CR 371 to CR 368 I'.xICI131011 Opinion of Probable Construction Cost $418 433 Quality Control, Material Testing by otheis $10,461 Basic Engineering and Addilional Services $58,558 Land Pi hts Acquisitions $63,750 Total Project Budget $5%202 An itemized opinion ofprobnble project cost is enclosed as Exhibit "13"and made hereto a part of This Amendment. h4r. Creg Pcicrs, P.H. US 75 U(iIity Relocations Phase 2— Engineering Services Agreement Amendment No. I (revisal) June 12, 2020 Page 2 of 2 1Vc propose to bo compensoled for this additional work in accordance with the tennis of the original ogreement for Basic and Additional Services, On that basis, our fee for Amendment No. 1 shall not exceed $58,558 without written authorization from the City. The table below summarizes the contmct tennis mad the effect of this Amendment No. I. US 75 Ulilily Relocations Pltnse 2 —Engineering Services Agreement Amendment No. 1 Amount, Original This Revised Contract Amcndmcal Contract Amount No.I Amount C Pnrll — Deli nPhasc $44860 $32481 $77,341 Part II — Biddin Phase S4 000 S2 165 $6 165 Part III — Constmelion Phase S6 000 $8 662 S14 662 W Subloln), Basic Survlces S54,860 S43 308 $989168 Part IV.A.—Desl n and Dnd Survc s S2 640 $8 250 S10 890 g Part IV.B. - Preparation of Plat and Field N Notes 3 Or! Filial +2 Addprl% $7 500 $7 000 S14 500 o PntIV.C.—Prinlin ofPlonsmtdS ccs S500 So S500 PatIV.D.-- TxDOTCoordination $4000 SO $4000 6 Sublolnl, Additional Services S14 640 $15250 S29 890 'Totals S69 500 $58 558 S128 o58 Ifyou are in agreemcut witL Ibis Amendment No. I to our original engineering services ogreement Cor the US 75 Ulilily Relacnlions Phase 2 doled September 2, 2017, please sigh nail report one set to our office. Upon your wrilten nuthoriznlion, we will proceed immedinlely with the additional scope of services. 1Ve me available to discuss this project further nl yourconvcnience. TFII; CITY Or ANNA, Mr. Enclosures Sincerely, VVN M. Kerkhoff, RE., C.P.M. I u('t Han 3Z6 ACf:C I1 eNness Finn � Qeger Umisionr-llel(er Designs 1'QPLS l�lrm /1M3/R-(XI I Frol f an1..�,..:vin,.x 1}.ttry Nx,iv. � w,e x a..m.c, vi.0 Irr. i,ad �. xf wln� tck<aim,F.,s:1 ,r.,ebxvJ m I la,ar! hex q .. . y, i . ,! , ���r �' �F �- �.__ �; � , �; }� .� �� � 1 Exhibit B BIIiKHOTIt', NENDRICI{S &CARTER, L.L.P. Project No. Alma PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS Texas rims PS26 Client: �ofAnna,Texns Date: 12-Jun-20 Project& US 75 Utility Relocnlions Phase 2 By: CMK ENGINEER'S OPINION OF CONSTRUCTION COST Item No. Desert Uun Qunnlll Wdl Price Ammu&t 1 Film s t & Install 12-!nc 1 AWWA C90 235Water Line NY/ Embedment by Open Cut 4 100 L.P. S 65.00 S 266,500.00 2 Furnish & Install 12-Inch AWWA C905 (CL 235) Walcr Line sv/ Type"0" Embedment by Open Cut 150 L.P. S 150X0 S 22 500.00 3 Furnish & Install 124nch Resilient Sealed Gate Valve 9 E.A. S 3,500.00 S 31791.67 4 Fumish & Install 8-Inch Blow Off Valve Assembly 1 1 E.A. S 61500,00 $ 6,500.00 5 Famish & Install 2-Inch Combination Air & Vacuum Release Valve with 4-Foot Dinmeter Manhole 2 E,A. $ 8,000.00 S 16 000.00 6 Connect to Existing Water Line 1 E.A. S 2,000.00 S 2 000.00 7 Furnish Trench Safbty Plan 1 L.S. S 2 500.00 $ 2,500.00 8 Implement Trench Safety System 2 785 L.F. S 2.00 $51570400 9 Furnish Storm Water Pollution Prevention Pion I L.S. S 1,500.00 $ i 500.00 10 Implement & Maintain Slonn Water Pollution Prevention Plan 20785 L,F. S 1.00 $ 2 785.00 I SeedIngRydromulch 2,82 Ae S 2200.00 S 6,207.85 Subtotal: S 363 854.51 Contingencies and Miscellaneous Items 15% S 54 579.00 Total: S 418,433.51 Casement Acquisition 85000 S.F. S 0.75 $ 631750400 DigIneering, Surveying, Platting, Construction Admin. S 58 558.00 Quality Control & Material Testing 2.5% S 10 460.84 Project Total: S 551202.35 USE: S 552,OOD.00 l :klt fmR'.bv401r lY]f I6Sq R✓mibu • IA,w 7u4ud.na \e I.RnuedEmdn"q'C nGMsG Page ! ojf 4 V q Q J § :lILL�E�11��EEJJ ■ii� _ ( \` All `OL ,� !, I ' QHnoQHMOH Sjn b� !C IS _ I`I C \\ \ I`1 1 1 li 0 1 \ .I I\ I - I , N ' 1 8 O Z :0 $ i3 O � �� All�F�5 (Lsvtt �j `F} �i:ucl� ��u�� tl OYu�� 7rf.rr re cnmrs YLs vad ofBZS'tBBCSSZ 3 '9Ft•ZStI BtL H j 0+g yyq Mir HO1VW w S o � rota rr,dr 7v g Z o g JJ u, = o a i$wL� �r{E ►9111 II.O.�. 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