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Res 2021-12-1079 Executing and Approving Change Order with Lee Lewis Construction
CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. Q0,31- Q 1019 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACT ON THE CITY'S BEHALF IN EXECUTING AND APPROVING CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 TO THE CONTRACT WITH LEE LEWIS CONSTRUCTION FOR THE CITY HALL CONSTRUCTION PROJECT WHEREAS, on December 10, 2019, the City of Anna, Texas (the City), via its Res. No. 2019- 12-658, awarded a contract to Lee Lewis Construction, Inc., for the General Construction Phase Services ("Phase 2") associated with the design and construction of the City's new municipal complex (the "Project"), and; WHEREAS, Change Order No. 3 is a no -cost change order resulting in no change to the agreed upon Guaranteed Maximum Price; and WHEREAS, during the course of construction Lee Lewis has encountered significant delays in the manufacturing and acquisition of building materials and is requesting a new substantial completion date of February 28, 2022 for the project, and; WHEREAS, Lee Lewis has agreed to install pavers in the four veranda areas on the second floor of the Municipal Building in compensation for the requested time extension of the project and; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated. The recitals above are incorporated herein as if set forth in full for all purposes. Section 2. Approval of Change Order No. 1. The City Council hereby approves Change Order No. 3 to the contract with Lee Lewis Construction, Inc., attached hereto as Exhibit 1 as an amendment to the Guaranteed Maximum Price for Phase 2 (see, e.g., A133-2009, Exhibit A, at Article A.1). The City Council further authorizes, ratifies and approves the City Manager's execution of same. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute all documents and to take all other actions necessary to finalize, act under, and enforce the Change Order. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas, on this f Aay of December , 2021. APPROVED: ATTEST: ake Pike, Mayor Carrie Land City Secrets ry jAlA Document G701' - 2017 Change Order PROJECT: (Name and address) CONTRACT INFORMATION: CHANGE ORDER INFORMATION: City of Anna Contract For:. General Construction Change Order Number: 003 NE Comer of 7th & Powell Date: February 10, 2019 Date: 12/9/2021 Anna, TX 75409 OWNER: (Name and address) ARCHITECT: (Name and address) CONTRACTOR: (Name and address) City of Anna Randall Scott Architects, Inc, Lee Lewis Construction 1 I 1 North Powell Parkway 14755 Preston Road, Suite 170 17177 Preston Road, Ste. 160 Anna, TX 75409-0766 Dallas, TX 75254 Dallas, TX 75248 THE CONTRACT IS CHANGED AS FOLLOWS: (Insert a detailed description of the change and, if applicable, attach or reference specific exhibits. Also include agreed upon adjustments attributable to executed Construction Change Directives.) The following is a no cost change order additional to the General Conditions for the extension of time on Anna Municipal Complex. This change order also adds the pedestal pavers to the veranda balconies at no cost to the owner. The original Contract Sum was $ 26,780,171.00 The net change by previously authorized Change Orders $ 79,107.00 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was $ 26,959,278.00 The Contract Sum will be unchanged by this Change Order in the amount of $ 0.00 The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be f _ 26,859,278.00 The Contract Time will be increased by 6 Months 12 Days (196) days The new date of Substantial Completion will be February 28, 2022 NOTE: This is a no -cost Change Order and does not include adjustments to the Contract Sum or Guaranteed Maximum Rriee, ee the conIF sa T-i is Ntat-Huve-beett autherrized by G insinietie rye DiFeetive unfil the cost and time ave been agmed upen by both 4ner-artdC-enkeete"RAVWO.�, ease '; hfinge 0FdeF is exeoulled to supeFsede the Gonstme6on Change DiiecFive-Price. This Chanee Order solely increases the Contract Time and extends the date of Substantial Completion as set forth above (colleclively, the "Time Extensions"). Notwithstanding any provision(s) of the Contract or Contract Documents there shall be no future increase to the Contract Sum or Guaranteed Maximum Price based on arising from because of related to growing out off, or in any way connected with the Time Extensions." NOT VALID UNTIL SIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT, CONTRACTOR AND OWNER. Randall Scott Architects, Inc. Lee Lewis ARCHITECT (Firm name) CONTRAC' SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME AND TITLE ).� - q-A oft DATE DATE City of Anna OWNER (Firm name) SI ATURE Jim Proce, City Manager PRINTED NAME AND TITLE December 14, 2021 DATE AIA Document G701"-2017. Copyright ®1979, 1987, 2000, 2001 and 2017 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. The "American Institute of Architects; 'AIA; the AIA Logo, and "AIA Contract Documents' are registered trademarks and may not be used without permission. This document was produced by AIA software at 17:22:28 ETon 12/09/2021 under Order No.1183195281 which expires on 03/3112022, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used In accordance with the AIA Contract Documents® Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mall copyright@ala.org. User Notes: (389ADA4F) llt-,AIADocument G701 - 2017 Change Order PROJECT: (Marne and address) CONTRACT INFORMATION: CHANGE ORDER INFORMATION: City of Anna Contract For: General Construction Change Order Number: 003 NE Corner of 7th & Powell Date: February 10, 2019 Date: 12/9/2021 Anna, TX 75409 OWNER: (Name and address) ARCHITECT: (Name and address) CONTRACTOR: (Name and address) City of Anna Randall Scott Architects, Inc. Lee Lewis Construction 111 North Powell Parkway 14755 Preston Road, Suite 170 17177 Preston Road, Ste. 160 Anna, TX 75409-0766 Dallas, TX 75254 Dallas, TX 75248 THE CONTRACT IS CHANGED AS FOLLOWS: (Insert a detailed description of the change and, if applicable, attach o• reference specific exhibits. Also include agreed upon adjustments attributable to executed Constnrction Change Directives.) The following is a no cost change order additional to the General Conditions for the extension of time on Anna Municipal Complex. This change order also adds the pedestal pavers to the veranda balconies at no cost to the owner. The original Contract Sum was $ 26,780,171.00 The net change by previously authorized Change Orders $ 79,107.00 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was $ 26,859,278.00 The Contract Sum will be unchanged by this Change Order in the amount of $ 0.00 The new Contract Stun including this Change Order will be $ 26,859,278.00 The Contract Time will be increased by 6 Months 12 Days (196) days. The new date of Substantial Completion will be February 28, 2022 NOTE: This is a no -cost Change Order and does not include adjustments to the Contract Sum or Guaranteed Maximum Pfiee, er the-Gontmell Time; -titan uive-bee"t "r-ivied by Goiistn etion Change Dit:ee4ve4tnt-il-tlte cost -and tin a haN,e been agreed-upen by -both -the Owltef a d-Get}trttoW"'a-whieh-ease+-C-htmge-Ardef- is exeeu upersede4he-Eenshmetien-Ghange Direslwe. Price. This Change Order solely increases the Contract Time and extends the date of Substantial Completion as set forth above (collectively, the "Time Extensions"). Notwithstanding any_provision(s) of the Contract or Contract Documents there shall be no future increase to the Contract Sum or Guaranteed Maximum Price based on, arising from, because of related to, rg owing out of, or in any way connected with the Time Extensions." NOT VALID UNTIL SIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT, CONTRACTOR AND OWNER. Randall Scott Architects, Inc. ARCHITECT (Finn name) SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME AND TITLE DATE DAT — ?—A Da J DATE I Ll AIA Document G70l'— 2017. Copyright 01979, 1987, 2000 , 2001 and 2017 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. The "American Institute of Architects," "AIA," the AIA Logo, and "AIA Contract Documents" are registered trademarks and may not be used without permission. This document was produced by AIA software at 17:22:28 ET on 12/09/2021 under Order NoA 183195281 which expires on 03/31/2022, Is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents° Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail copyright@ala.org. User Notes: (3B9ADA4F) CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 01-(a{ - 60rg A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO FUND THE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PHASE 2 AS IDENTIFIED IN EXHIBIT A OF THE EXECUTED AIA A133-2009 CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS AND LEE LEWIS CONSTRUCTION, INCORPORATED, FOR THE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX FOR THE CITY OF ANNA AS SHOWN IN EXHIBIT "1" ATTACHED HERETO AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Anna contracted with Lee Lewis Construction, Incorporated to be the Construction Manager for the Municipal Complex for the City of Anna; and, WHEREAS, the Construction Manager has completed a bid process and sub -contractor selection for the Municipal Complex Building Construction Phase 2; and, WHEREAS, the Municipal Complex Construction Project is listed as a capital improvement project in the City of Anna's Capital Improvement Plan; and, WHEREAS, the Phase 2 construction phase budget is included as a component of the overall Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for the project; and, WHEREAS, Municipal Bond Funds shall be used to fund the project; and, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS THAT: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated The recitals above are incorporated herein as if set forth in full for all purposes. Section 2. Authorization of Contracts and Funding. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to fund the Phase 2 services as shown in Exhibit A of the executed AIA A133-2009 Contract, as shown in Exhibit "1" attached hereto. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas on this loth day of December 2019. City Secretary) Carrie L. Smith u APPROVED: Mayor, Nate Pike aol9� ��.-gig BAIA Document A133TM mw 2009 Exhibit A Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment for the following PROJECT: (Name and address or location) City of Artlta Municipal Complex (PHASE 2) ADDITIONS AND DELETIONS: Northwest Corner of Th St, and Powell Plcwy., Anna, TX The author of this document has added information needed for its THE OWNER: completion, The author may also Name, legal stntns and addre,rr) have revised the text of the original AIA standard form. An Additions and Clt of Artlta Deletions Report that notes added Y Information as well as revisions to the I I I N. Powell Pkwy, standard form text Is available from Anna, TX 75409-0776 the author and should be reviewed, A vertical line In the left margin of this THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: document indicates where the author (Name, legal stalits and address) has added necessary information and where the author has added to or Lcc Lewis COiiSU'LI0ti0n, inc. deleted from the original AIA text. 17177 Preston Rd., Ste. 160 Dallas, "rX 75248 This document has important legal consequences, Consultation with an ARTICLE AA attorney Is encouraged with respect § A,1.1 Guaranteed Maximum Price to Its completion or modification. Pursuant to Section 2.2.6 of the Agreement, the Owner and Construction Manager hereby AIA Document A201711-2007, rtmend the Agreement to establish a Guaranteed Maximum Price. As agreed by the Owner General Conditions of the Contract and Construction Manager, the Guaranteed Maximum Price is an amount that the Contract for Construction, is adopted In this Sum shall not exceed. The Contract Swn consists of the Construction Manager's Fee plus document by reference, Do not use tits Cost of the Work, as that term is defined in Article 6 of this Agreement. with other general conditions unless this document Is modified. § A.1.1,1 The Contract Surn is guaranteed by the Construction Manager not to exceed Twenty Four Million Five Hundred Sixty Five Thousand Three Hundred Thirty Six Dollars ($24,565,336.00), subject to additions and deductions by Change Order as provided in the Contract Documents, The Guaranteed Maximum Price to date is: MP No. I ..........................................$ 1,911,193,00 GMP No. 2..........................................$24,565,33G,00 Total..........................................tool ....$26,476,529,00 § A.1,1,2 Itemized Statement of the Guaranteed Maximum Price, Provided below is art itemized statement of the Guaranteed Maximum Price organized by trade categories, allowances, contingencies, alternates, the Construction Manager's Fee, and other items that comprise the Guaranteed Maximum Price. (Provide below or reference an attachment,) § A,1,1.3 The Guaranteed Maximum Price is based on the following alternates, if any, which arc described in the Contract Documents and are hereby accepted by the Owner: nit. AIA Document A133T'" — 2009 Exhibit A. Copyright® 1991, 2003 and 2009 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING: This AIA" Document Is protected by U,S. Copyright Law and International Trealles:.Unauthodzed reproduction or distribution of this AIA^ Document, or any 1 portion of It, may result In severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law, This document was 1 produced by AIA software at 13:50:24 ET on 12/10/2019 under Order No.4171340595 which expires on 04/24/2020, and is not for resale, User Notes: (876046697) (State the nnnrbers or other idenlifucation of accepied ahei nares. If ►ire Conn act Docrrrnenhs permit the Ott line) to accept other alternates subsequent to the execution of this Amendment, attach a schedule ofsuch other alternates showing the amount for each and the (late when the amount expires) § A91,1.4 Allowances included in the Guaranteed Maximtun Price, if any: (Identify allot itance and slate exclusions, if any, from the allowance price.) Item Price ($0,00) § A,1.1.5 Assumptions, if any, on which the Guaranteed Maxinnnn Price is based: § A,1.1,0 The Guaranteed Maximum Pricc is based upon the following Supplementary and other Conditions ol'lhe Contract: Document Title Date Pages § A.1,1.7 The Guaranteed Maxinnun Pricc is based upon the following Specifications; (Either list the Specifications her nr refi to an exhibit attached to this Agreenren See Exhibit B Section Title Qate Pages § A,1,1,14 The Guaranteed Maximum Pricc is based upon the following Drawings: (Either list the Drawings here, a• refer to mu exhibit attached Iv this AgreenuenL) See Exhibit B Number Title Date § A,1,1,9 The Guaranteed Maximum Price is based upon the following otltcr docwnents and information; (Gill any ndrer• docrunenGs a• infvrnrnlion here, or refer to err exhibit attached ro this Agreement.) Exhibit B: Index of Drawings and Specifications Exhibit C: GMP Summary, Dated December 6, 2019 Exhibit D: VE Worksheet ARTICLE A,2 § A,2,1 The date of Substantial Completion established by this Amendment: ivtarch 15, 2021 IMPORTANT: Notwithstanding any provisions of this Agreement or any other document, the Guaranteed Maximum Price referenced in §A.I.I.I as "GMP No. to in the amount of $1,91 1,193.00 is the maximum ConU•act Sun1 far "Phase I" of the Project (Early Site Work), and the Guaranteed Maxinwm Pricc referenced in §A.I as "GMP No. 2" in the amount of $24,565,336.00 is the nrnxitnum Contract Stun for "Phase 2" of the Project (all portions of the Project save and except than the Early Site Work). Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement or any other document, the Guaranteed Maximum Price referenced in §A.1.1.1 as "Tolal" in the amount of$26,476,529.00 is the Guaranteed Maximum Price for the entirety of the Project including both Phase I of the Project (Early Site Work) and Phase 2 orthe Project (all portions of the Project save and except the Early Site Work) and the Contract Sum for the entirety of the Project shall not exceed $26,476,529.00. AIA Document A1331"' — 2000 Exhibit A. Copyright ®1fle1, 20fl3 and 2009 by The American institute of Archltecls. All rights reserved. WARNING; This At Init. Document Is protected by U,S, Copyright Law and International Treatise. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution or this AIA" Document, or any 2 portion or It, may result In sovere civil and crintlnel penalllea, and will be proaeeuled to the maximum extent poaslblo undortho lew. This documentwas I produced by AIA sorl\vare al 13:50:24 ET on 12/1012019 under Order No,4171340696 whlcli expires an 04/2412020, and is nal for resale, User Notes: (070046097) ji 17I Y1'cCe,_i el, lllmd3er (Printed name and lille) glare) Jim Graham, Vice President Preconst_ruction _ __ __ (Printed natne and lille) AIA Document A1a3r" — 2009 Exhibit A. Copyright ®1901, 2003 end 2000 by The American institute of Architects. All dphte roservod. WAnrrING: Thlo AtA° INt• Dorument le protected by U,S. Copyright Law and Intematlonal Treatise. Unaut4ort:ed reproduction or dlstrl4ullon of this AIA° Documnnt, or any portion of tt, tnay result In sovaro civil and criminal ponailles, end will 4o prosecuted to tho mezimum extant posslblo undsrtlio lety. This document vies t produced by AIA software et 13:60:24 ET on 12It0/2019 under Order No.4171340565 which oxplres on 04/24/2020, and Is not for resale. User Notest (676646667) Additions and Deletions Report for AIA® Document A133rM.2009 Exhibit This Additions and Delelfons Report, as defined on page 1 of the associated document, reproduces below all text the author has added to the standard form AIA document in order to complete II, as well as any text the author may have added to or deleted from the original AIA text. Added text Is shown underlined. Deleted text is Indicated with a horizontal line through the original AIA text. Note: This Addlllons and Deletions Report Is provided for Information purposes only and Is not Incorporated into or constitute any part of the associated AIA document. This Additions and Deletions Report and Its associated document were generated simultaneously by AIA software at 13:50:24 ET on 12/10/2019, PAGE1 City ol'Anna Munici xtlj ('onyhlcx (PI IASI 2) Northwest Cornerol'7i1' St, gild Powell Pkwv., Ann►i,'N Citv of Anna 1 I 1 N. Powell Plcwy, Anna. TX 75409-0776 Lec I,cwis Cunsb•uction l,_ilc. 17177 I'reston Rd., Slc. tG0 Dallas,'1'X 75248 § A,1.1,1 The Contract Sutn is guaranteed by the Construction Manager not to exceed �,S—}-'I'wcht�rotuMillion hiyc I lundre<I Silty f ive Thousmul'I'lu•ec I Itnulrc<I 'Thirty six Dollars (s24,5G5,33G.0U),subjact to additions and deductions by Change Order as provided in the Contract Documents, The Guaranteed Maximum Price to date is: GMP No. 2. .�2�I,SG5,33G.00 T_ota I . ........................................ . .......52G:17G, 529.00 PAGE2 See Exhibit B to See Exhibit B L'xhibil B: Uulex ol'Dr;twings and S lecilicttlians I'sxhibit C: G(\'IP Sumnuuy, noted neccl» bcr fi, 2019 Exhibit D; VE Worksheet Addlllons and Delollons Roport for AIA Document A133*'" — 2009 Exltlblt A. Copydght ®1991, 2003 and 2009 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights rasorvad. WAFNINO: This AIAo Document Is protected by U.S. Copyright Lew and Intematlonal Treaties, Unauthorizod reproduction or dlstdbutlon of this AIA"' Document, or any portion of it, may result In severe civil and criminal penslttes, and will he prosecuted to the maximum extent poaslblo under the law. This document was produced by AIA software al 13:50:24 ET on 12/10/2019 under Order No.4171340595 which expires on o4/24/2020, snd is not for resale, User Notes: (978046697 ) § A,2,1 The at}tisi}m ate of Substantial Completion establishcd by this Amendment: March 15, 2021 2" in Utc unmunC til'S2�,S65:336.00'is (hc maxilittun Cirnlract Sum litr. "Pliasc 2" ofihrr Project fell portions of the Toicct save and except than the Early Site WoM, No(withstandil►g nity_'olher ln•nvisioils ,Ot(III s Akrc6i cn( or any IcL[e]� - -_ __.__ -- i n Grah�lnt, Vicc I'resiticnt I'rcconsh•uctioit Addltlona and Dolotlons Report for AIA Doeumont A133'" — 2009 Exldblt A. Copyright ®1991, 2003 end 2009 by The American Institute of Architects, All rlghld reservod. WARNING: Thlr AIA^ Document Is prolectod liy U.S, Copyrlght Law and IntonullonDl Trpattes, Unaulherized rcp►odualion or dlttrlbutlon of thla AIA"' Document, or any poKlan of It, may roau(t In esvere clvll aqd arim(nal pondttea, and will be proraeeuted to the maxhnum ox(ent pos�lble undsr the law, This document was produced by AIA software et 13:50:24 ET on 12/10I2019 under Order No.4171340685 wlrlch expires on 04l24/2D20, and Is not for resale. User Notes: (076046597) Certification of Document b Authenticity AIA® Document D401TM - 2003 1, ,hereby certify, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, that I created the attached final document simultaneously with its associated Additions and Deletions Report and this certification at 13:50:24 ET on 12/10/2019 under Order No. 4171348595 from AIA Contract Documents software and that in preparing the attached final document I made no changes to the original text of AIAO Document A 133T"r — 2009 Exhibit A, Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment, as published by the AIA in its software, other than those additions and deletions shown in the associated Additions and Deletions Report. (Signed) (T!!le) (Doled) AIA Document b401 T" — 2003. Copyright ®1892 and 2003 by The American Institute of Architocts, All rights reserved. WARNING: This AIAe Document Is protected by U.S. Copyright Law end Intomatlonai Treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIAm Document, or any portion of It, may result In severe civil and ariminol penallles, end will ba prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 13:60:24 ET on 12,1012019 under Order No.4171346595 which expires on 04/24l2020, and is oat for resale. (076046697) User Notes: Exhibit Anna Municipal Complex City Hall Anna, TX JOB # 1967 December 6, 2019 INDEX OF DRAWINGS Shoot Deaed t10n Date Revlatan GENERAL 01.00 SHEETINDEX 91192010-NolSeated G1.01 GENERAL NOTES AND LEGENDS 91192019- Not Sealed G1.02 LIFE SAFETYAND CODE ANALYSIS 91192019-Not Seated G2.01 LIFE SAFETY PLAN - LEVEL01 91792019- Not Sealed G202 ILIFE SAFETY PLAN -LEVEL 02 9/192019-Not Sealed CIVIL C00) GENERAL NOTES AND ABBREVIATIONS 711WO19 UY 2019 CD.OtA CITY OF ANNA GENERAL NOTES 7/192010 10112019 C0.02 EXISTING CONDITIONS 71192019-Not Sealed C0.03 DEMOLITION PLAN - PHASE I 7/192019 101112019 C0.04 DEMOLITION PLAN - PHASE II 7/192019 10112019 C0.05 IPLAT 7/192019- Not Sealed C101 DIMENSION CONTROL PLAN PHASE 1 7/192019 10/12019 C102 DIMENSION CONTROL PLAN PHASE II 7/192019 10112019 C103 DIMENSION CONTROL PLAN ADD ALTERNATES 7/192019 10/12019 C2 at PHASE I GRADING PLAN - OVERALL 7/192019 10/12019 C202 PHASE I GRADING PLAN - NORTHWEST 7/192019 10112019 C2.03 PHASE 1 GRADING PLAN - NORTHEAST 7/192019 .. 10112 19 G2.04 IPHASE I GRADING PLAN - SOUTHEAST 7/192019 10112019 C205. PHASE IGRADING PLAN -SOUTHWEST .. 7/192019 10/12019 C2.06 PHASE II GRADING PLAN -OVERALL 7/192019 10112019 C207 PHASE II GRADING PLAN -SOUTHEAST. 7/192019 10112019 C2.00 PHASE II GRADING PLAN SOUTHWEST 7/192019 10/1120/9 C2.09 ADD ALTERNATE GRADING PLAN OVERALL 7/192019 1011121119 C2A0 ADD ALTERNATE GRADING PLAN SOUTHEAST 7M92019 10/12019 C211 IADD ALTERNATE GRADING PLAN SOUTHWEST 7/192019 1011IMD19 C2.12 1ADD ALTERNATE GRADING PLAN NORTHEAST 7/192019 10112019 G3.01 1OVERALL UTILITYMAP. 7/19/2019 10112019 G3,02 WASTEWATER PROFILES 7/192019 10112019 C303 TELECOM PLAN 7119Q019 10/12019 C304 TELECOM PROFILES 7/192019 10112019 C401 EXISTING DRAINAGE AREA MAP - 7/192019 /0/12019 C4 02 PROPOSED DRAINAGE AREA MAP 7/192019 10/12019 C403 DETENTION BASIN PLAN AND DETAILS 7/192019 10/1/2019 C4.04 DETENTION BASIN CALCULATIONS 7/192019 C4 05 STORM DRAIN PLAN 7/192019 10/12019 C4.06 STORM DRAIN PROFILES - SHEET 1 OF 2 7/192019 10/12019 C407 STORM DRAIN PROFILES -SHEET2OF2 7/192019 10/12019 C501 PAVING PLAN 7/192019 10112019 CO01 PAVINGDETAILS 7/192019 1 10/12019 602 SITE DETAILS 7/192019 10/12019 C7.01 EROSION CONTROL PLAN - PHASE 1 7/1020/9 C7.02 EROSION CONTROL PLAN - PHASE 11 7/192019 C7 03 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS - 1 OF 2 7/192019 C7 04 JEROSION CONTROL DETAILS - 2 OF 2 7/192019 �V Initial Exhibit "0 Anna Municipal Complex City Hall Anna, TX JOB # 1967 December 6, 2019 INDEX OF DRAWINGS Sheel Desati Uon Date Revision ARCHITECTURAL. A100 BUILDING LOCATION 911W(119• Not Sealed A1.01 SITE PLAN 9/19I2019-Not Sealed At (HA SITE PLAN • CITY REVIEW 9M92019• Not Sealed A121 SITEDETAILS 91192019• Not Sealed A102 IGITE PLAN ALTERNATE 1 6 2 9I792019• Not Sealed AL10 SITE PLAN ENLARGED 91192019-Not Sealed A1.11 SITE PLAN ENLARGED 91192o19,Not Sealed A1.21 SITE DETAILS 91192019• Not Sealed 200 ARCHITECTURAL PLAN • FOUNDATION 91192019,.Nol Sealed. A2,01 ARCHITECTURAL PLAN - LEVEL 01 91IW019•NoLSeaiod. A201D DIMENSION PLAN • LEVEL 01 9/192019• Not Sealed A202 ARCHITECTURAL PLAN - LEVEL 02 .91192019, Not Sealed A2020 DIMENSION PLAN - LEVEL 02 ..... 911912019< NotSealed A203 ARCHITECTURAL PLAN• LEVEL ROOF 91192019-Not Sealed 220 WALL PARTITION TYPES 91=019- Not Sealed 231 TYPICAL ROOF DETAILS 91192019, Not Sealed A301 ENLARGED PLAN- COUNCIL CHAMBER. .911912019-Not Sealed A302 ENLARGED PLANS • VERANDA 9/19120191 Not Sealed A3.03 IENLARGED PLANS • GROUP RESTROOMS 9/192019-Not Sealed A3.04 ENLARGED PLANS- INOIVIDUAL.RESTROOMS .91192019-Not Sealed A3.05 ENLARGED PLANS, POLICE LOCKERS AND TOILET. 9/192019•Not Sealed ... .... A321 ENLARGED PLAN DETAILS 91192019- Not Sealed 322 ENLARGED PLAN DETAILS 91192019• Not Sealed 32201 ENLARGED PLAN DETAILS 91192019• Not Sealed 323 ENLARGED PLAN DETAILS 91192019• Not Sealed A324 IENLARGED PLAN DETAILS 91192019• NolSealed A4.Q1 1EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 9I79/2019•Not Sealed A4.02 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS WWII%Not Sealed A4-03 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 9/19120%9. Not Sealed A404 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 9/1912019-Not Sealed A4.11 BUILDING SECTIONS.. 9/192019• Not Sealed 412 BUILDING SECTIONS 9/192019• Not Sealed A4.13 BUILDING SECTIONS 9/192019• Nol Snoted A5.01 WALL SECTIONS 91192019• Not Sealed A5.02 WALL SECTIONS... 91192019-NotSealed A5403 WALL SECTIONS 9/1912019-Not Sealed A503•ALT. WALL SECTIONS 91192019-Not Sealed A5.04 WALL SECTIONS 9/192019• Not Sealed A504-Alt. WALL SECTIONS 9/192019-Not Sealed A5,05 WALL SECTIONS 91192019-Not Sealed A505-ALT. IWALL SECTIONS 9/192019-NW Sealed A5.05 WALL SECTIONS 9N92016. N t Sealed A500•ALT. IWALLSECTIONS oiler, 19•NotSea@d Pego 2 016 Initial Exhibit "B Anna Municipal Complex City Hall Anna, TX JOB # 1967 December 6, 2019 INDEX OF DRAWINGS 6heat Description Date Ravlalon A5.11 WALL SECTION DETAILS 9119/2019• Not Sealed A5.12 WALL SECTION DETAILS 91192019• Not Sealad A5.13 WALL SECTION DETAILS 9119/2019-Not Sealed A5.14 WALL SECTION DETAILS 9/192019- Not Sealed A5.15 WALL SECTION DETAILS 9/10/20194 Not Sealed A5.18 IWALL SECTION DETAILS 9119/2019• Not Sealed A550 TYPICAL FJLTERIOROPENING DETAILS I I p 9/1912019-Not Sealed A0.01 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - LEVEL 01 911912019• Not Sealed AO 02 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - LEVEL 02 9I19/2019• Not Sealed Oil REFLECTED CEILING PLAN • ENLARGED - COUNCIL CHAMBER 9119/2019- Not Sealed A8.12 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - ENLARGED - CONFERENCE ROOMS 9119I2019- Not Sealed A621 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - DETAILS 911 912019-Not Sealed A7,01 DOOR SCHEDULE DOOR PANEL AND FRAME STYLES 9119/2019• Not Sealed AZi t DOOR DETAILS - HOLLOW METAL 91192019- Not Sealed. A7_12 DOOR DETAILS - STOREFRONT 91192019• Not Sealed, A7.13 DOOR DETAILS - EGRESS DOOR 9/192019, Not Sealed, AT21 WINDOW ELEVATIONS 9/192019• Not Sealed A7.22 GLAZING ELEVATIONS • CURTAIN WALL ... 9/192019• Not Sealed A723 GLAZING ELEVATIONS -CURTAIN WALL 911912019• Not Sealed AZ24 GLA7JNGELEVATIONS -INTERIOR 911912019-Not Sealed A7,30 SKYLIGHT, PLANS AND SECTIONS 9/19/2019•NolSealed A801 STAIR I• PLANS AND SECTIONS.. 9I192019• Not Sealed A802 STAIR 2- PLANS AND SECTIONS 9/192D19-Not Sealed A803 GRAND STAIR • PLANS AND SECTIONS 9119/2019- Not Sealed A821 STAIR DETAILS, 9M912019-Not Sealed A831 ELEVATOR.. 91192019•Nol.Sealed A9 OOM IFINISH SCHEDULE 9/1912019• Not Sealed A9,01 FINISH.PLAN-LEVEL01 91192019-Not Sealed A9.0113 PATTERN PLAN. LEVEL 01 91192019- Not Sealed A902 FINISH PLAN - LEVEL 02 91192019- Not Sealed A9.0213 PATTERN PLAN LEVEL 02 91192019-Not Sealed A9.11 FURNITURE PLAN • LEVEL 01 91192019• Not Sealed A9.12 FURNITURE PLAN - LEVEL 02 911912019, Not Sealed A921 IMAIN LOBBY d PUBLIC CORRIDOR ELEVATIONS... 911912019- Not Sealed A922 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS 91192019- Not Sealed A923 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS .. ..._... ., _ 91192019-Not Sealed 924 COUNCIL CHAMBER INTERIOR 911912019- Not Sealed A925 COUNCIL CHAMBER INTERIOR 9/192019- Not Sealed A9.31 MILLWORK ELEVATIONS 9/192019• Not Sealed A932 MILLWORK ELEVATIONS 91192019-NotSeelod A9.33 IMILLWORKELEVATIONS 911912019• Not Sealed A9.41 MILLWORK SECTIONS 9119/2019• Not Sealed A9.51 MILLWORK DETAILS OM92019•Not Sealed A961 MILLWORK- DAIS 911912010- Not Sealed A962 MILLWORK -RECEPTION DESK W192019•Not Sealed A971 MILLWORK SPECIALTY - 9/19/2019- Nol Sealed A 10.01 SIGNAGE 9/192019- Not Sealed Page 3 018 ImOal Exhibit "B" Anna Municipal Complex City Hall Anna, TX JOB # 1967 December 6, 2019 INDEX OF DRAWINGS Sheat Description Date Revision STRUCTURAL 5000 GENERALNOTES 91192019• Not Sealed S .01 GENERALNOTES 91192019• Not Sealed 50.02 GENERAL NOTES 911920W9 Not Sealed S0.03 GENERALNOTES 9/192019• Not Sealed S1,00 ISTRUCTURAL SITE PLAN 9/192019-Not Sealed ........ 51.01 OVERALL THREE • DIMENSIONAL VIEWS 9/192019- Not Sealed 52.01 FOUNDATION PLAN • LEVEL 01 9/192019• Not Sealed S2.02 FRAMING PLAN • LEVEL 02 91192019-Nol.Sealed. S2.03 ROOF FRAMING PLAN 9/192019• Not Sealed 52.10 ENLARGED FOUNDATION PLAN • LEVEL 01- COUNCIL CHAMBER 91192019- Not. Sealed 52.11 ENLARGED FRAMING PLAN - LEVEL 02 • COUNCIL CHAMBER 9/1912019- Not.Sesled S212 ENLARGEOROOF FRAMING PLAN -COUNCIL CHAMBER 91192019-Not Sealed S2.20 ENLARGED FRAMING PLANS 8119/2019• Not Sealed S3.00 TYPICAL FOUNDATION DETAILS 91192019• Not Sealed 53.01 TYPICAL FOUNDATION DETAILS .. .. .. 9/1912019-Not Sealed S310 FOUNDATION DETAILS 91192019• Not Sealed S311 FOUNDATION DETAILS ..___. 9/192019• Not Sealed 5320 FOUNDATION DETAILS 91182019•Not Sealed 400 ITYPICAL CMU DETAILS 9/19/1019- Not Sealed S500 TYPICAL STEEL DETAILS 9/192019•Not Sealed S5,01 TYPICAL STEEL DETAILS 91192019- Not Sealed S5.02 TYPICAL STEEL DETAILS 9/192019- Not Sealed 5,03,. TYPICAL STEEL DETAILS 9/192019• Not Sealed 55.04 TYPICAL STEEL DETAILS 911912019- Not Sealed S5.10 STEEL DETAILS 91192019• Not Sealed 55.11 ISTEEL DETAILS 9/192019• Not Sealed 5520 STEEL DETAILS 9119120194 Not Sealed 5521 STEEL DETAILS 01192019• Not Sealed S5.30 STEEL BRACED FRAME ELEVATIONS 91192019- Not Sealed 5.31 TYPICAL STEEL BRACED FRAME DETAILS 9/102019-Not Sealed 5540 STEEL ELEVATIONS 91192019•Not Sealed 55.41 STEEL ELEVATIONS 9/19/2019- Not Sealed MECHANICAL M001 MECHANICAL LEGEND 91192019•Not Sealed M002 MECHANICAL GENERAL NOTES 9I192019•Not Sealed M0.03 MECHANICAL SCHEDULES 91192019• Not Sealed MA04 MECHANICAL SCHEDULES 9/192019•Not Seated M2.01 MECHANICAL PLAN • LEVEL 1 011912019, Not Seated 202 MECHANICAL PLAN - LEVEL 2 9/192019- Not Sealed M2,03 MECHANICAL PLAN - ROOF 9/192019• Not Seated M5.01 MECHANICAL CONTROLS 9/1912019•Not Sealed M5.02 MECHANICAL CONTROLS 911912019• Not Sealed M6.01 MECHANICAL DETAILS 9/192019• Not Sealed M9.02 MECHANICAL DETAILS 9/192019-Not Sealed Me 03 MECHANICAL DETAILS 9/192019• Not Sealed M8.04 MECHANICAL DETAILS 91192019• Not Seated Pape d o10 initial Exhibit "B" Anna Municipal Complex City Hall Anna, TX JOB # 1967 December 6, 2019 INDEX OF DRAWINGS Sheet Description Dote Revision ELECTRICAL E001 ELECTRICAL LEGEND AND NOTES 9119/2019• Not Sealed E0.02 ELECTRICAL ONE -LINE 91192019- Not Sealed E0.03 ELECTRICAL SCHEDULES .. 9/192019- Not Sealed - E0.04 ELECTRICAL SCHEDULES 911WWII, Not Sealed E0.05 IELECTRICAL SCHEDULES 91192019• Not Sealed _ E0-10 LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULES 91192019• Not Sealed E0.11 LIGHTING CONTROLS 91192019• Not Sealed E1.01 ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN 911920199 NolSealed E1102 LIGHTING SITE PLAN 91192019• Not Sealed E2.01 ELECTRICAL PLAN - LEVEL i 9/192019- Noi Sealed E2.02 ELECTRICAL PLAN - LEVEL 2 911912W9- Not Sealed E2.03 iELECTRICAL PLAN -ROOF 9/192019• Not Sealed E3.01 MECHANICAL POWER PLARt LEVEL I 91192019>Not Sealed E302 MECHANICAL POWER PLAN -LEVEL 2 9/192019•Not Sealed 401 FIRE ALARM RCP • LEVEL 1 91192019-Not Sealed 402 FIRE ALARM RCP • LEVEL 2 9/192019- Not Sealed E501 LIGHTING RCP - LEVELI 9/792019•Nol Sealed 502 IGHTING RCP - LEVEL 2 9/192019• Not Sealed E6.01 IELECTRICAL ENLARGED PLAN 9/192019- Not Sealed E7-04 ELECTRICAL DETAILS 9/192019• Not Sealed E7.02, ELECTRICAL DETAILS 9/192019- Not Sealed E7t03 ELECTRICAL DETAILS 9/192019• Not Sealed E80.01 SITE LEGEND AND NOTES 7/192019 ES1.01 ELECTRICAL SITE UTILITY PLAN 71192019 PLUMBING P0.01 IPLLIMBING LEGEND AND NOTES 9/1912019-NolSealed P0.02 PLUMBING SCHEDULES 9/192019- Not Sealed P1.01 PLUMBING PLAN - SITE 91192019-NolSealed P200 UNDERGROUND PLUMBING PLAN • LEVEL 1 9/192019-Not Sealed P2.01 PLUMBING PLAN 4 LEVEL I 91192019• Not Sealed 202 PLUMBING PLAN • LEVEL 2 91192019- Not Sealed P2.03 PLUMBING PLAN • ROOF 9/192019- Not Sealed P3.01 IPLUMBING ENLARGED PLAN W92019- Not Sealed P401 PLUMBING ISOMETRICS 9/192019- Not Sealed P501 PLUMBING DETAILS 9/192019• Not Sealed P5.02 PLUMBING DETAILS 91192019• Not Sealed FIREPROTECTION FP2.01 FIRE PROTECTION PLAN - LEVEL I 9/192019• Not Sealed FP2.02 FIRE PROTECTION PUN • LEVEL 2 91192019, Not Sealed AUDIO VISUAL A00.01 LEGEND AND NOTES • AUDIO VISUAL INFRASTRUCTURE 91192019• Not Sealed AV12 Ot FLOOR PLAN LEVEL 1 • AUDIO VISUAL INFRASTRUCTURE 91192019• Not Sealed AVl2,02 FLOOR PLAN LEVEL I AUDIOVISUAL INFRASTRUCTURE 9H92019- Not Seated AV12.11 RCP LEVEL 1 • AUDIOVISUAL INFRASTRUCTURE 91192019• Not Sealed AV12.12 RCP LEVEL 2- AUDIO VISUAL INFRASTRUCTURE 9119/2019- Not Sealed AV19.01 GENERAL DETAILS- AUDIO VISUAL INFRASTRUCTURE 91192019-NolSealed AVS0.01 LEGEND AND NOTES• SYSTEMS 911912019• Not Sealed AVS201 FLOOR PLAN LEVEL i • SYSTEMS 9/192019• Not Seated AVS202 FLOOR PLAN LEVEL • SYSTEMS 911920W W[ Sealed AVS2.11 RCP LEVEL 1 • SYSTEMS 9119/2019• Not Sealed AVS212 RCP LEVEL 2 • SYSTEMS 91192018- Nat Sealed AVS5.01 ONE LINE DIAGRAM - SYSTEMS 9/192019• Not Sealed AVS5.02 ONE LINE DIAGRAM • SYSTEMS 91192019, Not Sealed Page 5 of 8 initial Exhibit "0 Anna Municipal Complex City Hall Anna, TX JOB # 1967 December 6, 2019 INDEX OF DRAWINGS Sheat Description Date Revision COMMUNICATIONS T0.01 LEGEND AND NOTES -COMMUNICATIONS 9/192019-Not Sealed f1.01 SITE PLAN -COMMUNICATIONS 9/192019• Not Sealed T2 01 FLOOR PLAN LEVEL 01 -COMMUNICATIONS 9/10019- Not Sealed T2.02 FLOOR PLAN LEVEL 02-COMMUNICATIONS 91192019-Not Sealed T7.01 p IMDF R06M 112 • COMMUNICATIONS 9/192019- Not IS T7.02 IDFROOM 201D•COMMUNICATIONS g/1g201g- Not Sealed TT.03 SERVER ROOM 249 • COMMUNICATIONS 91192019• Not Sealed 901 GENERAL DETAILS • COMMUNICATIONS 9/1912019-Not Sealed SECURITY SC0.01 LEGEND AND NOTES • SECURITY 9119201g- Not Sealed SCIDI SITE PLAN - SECURITY 911912019-Not Sealed SC2.01 IIIST FLOOR - SECURITY 9119112019• Not Sealed S0202. 2NDFLOOR -SECURITY 91192019-NolSealed SC2 03 TOP OF ROOF DECK • SECURITY 91192019- Not Sealed SC7.01 DOOR ELEVATION DETAILS • SECURITY 91192019-Not Sealed SC9,D1 GENERAL DETAILS - SECURITY 9/192019• Not Sealed TAB 1201 TEXAS ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS 9/192019- Not Sealed Al2.02 1 TEXAS ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS 91H?t20l9!Noj$aaIqd Al2.03 TEXAS ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS 9/1920/9-Not Sealed A1104 TEXAS ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS 9110201g-Not Sealed Al2.05 TEXAS ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS g1192019-Not Sealed A1206 TEXAS ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS . ..... . 9/192019-Not Sealed ... ..,.,. LANDSCAPE 1.01 HARDSCAPE PLAN No Date Provided. L1.10 ILANDSCAPE DETAILS No Dale Provided L2At LANDSCAPE PLAN No Dale Provided L2.10 LANDSCAPE DETAILS No Date Provided L3.01 IRRIGATION PLAN No Dale Provided L8.10 IRRIGATION DETAILS No Dale Provided SPECIFICATIONS RSA Project #181810 h 1816 20 CITY HALL MUNICIPAL COURT I POLICE/ FIRE STATION 91192019-Not Sealed GMPADDENDUM111 RSA PRO ECT#: 187010 ANNA CITY HALL/ MUNICIPAL COURT/ POLICE BUILDING =1/20194NoLSealed GMPADDENDUM#2.. ANNA CITY HALL 111142019 Page 6 a18 Initial Exhibit "B" Anna Municipal Complex Fire Station Anna, TX JOB # 1967 December 6, 2019 INDEX OF DRAWINGS . . Sheet Description Date Revision GENERAL G1.01 INDEX, NOTES AND LEGENDS 9/19/2019- Not Sealed G1602 LIFE SAFETY AND CODE ANALYSIS 9/1912 01 9- Not Sealed G1.03 LIFE SAFETY AND CODE ANALYSIS 911912019• Not Sealed G1:04 LIFE SAFETY.AND CODE ANALYSIS 9/19/2019- Not Sealed G1,05 LIFE SAFETY AND CODE ANALYSIS 9/19/2019- Not Sealed G2.01 LIFE SAFETY PLAN - LEVEL Ot 9/19/2019- Not Sealed ARCHITECTURAL A2.01 ARCHITECTURAL PLAN - LEVEL Ot 911012019- Not Sealed A2.01D DIMENSION PLAN - LEVEL 01 9/19/20194 Not Sealed A2.02 MEZZANINE PLANS 9/1912019• Not Sealed A2.03 ROOF PLAN 9/1912019- Not Sealed A2.20 WALL PARTITION TYPES.... .. 9/1912019• Not Sealed A3.01 ARCHITECTURAL PLAN - ENLARGED 9/19/2019- Not Sealed A3.02 ENLARGED PLANS - RESTROOMS 9H9/2019• Not Sealed A3.03 ENLARGED PLANS - RESTROOMS 9/19/2019- Not Sealed A3.11 ENLARGED PLAN DETAILS 9/1912019- Not Sealed A3.12 ENLARGED PLAN DETAILS 9/1912019- No1.Sealed A131 TYPICAL ROOF DETAILS 911912019- Not Sealed A4.01 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 9/19/2019• Not Sealed A4.11 . BUILDING SECTIONS 9/19/2019• Not Sealed A4.12 BUILDING SECTIONS 9/19/2019- Not Sealed A5.01 WALL SECTIONS.. ..... 9/19/2019• Not Sealed .... A5.02 WALL SECTIONS . 9/19/2019- Not Sealed A5.03 WALL SECTIONS 911912019• Not Sealed A5.04 WALL SECTIONS 9119/201go Not Sealed A5.05 WALL SECTIONS 91191201go Not Sealed A5.11 SECTION DETAILS 9/1912019- Not Sealed A5.12 SECTION DETAILS 9119/2019m Not Sealed A5A3 SECTION DETAILS 9/19/2019- Not Sealed A6.01 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - LEVEL 01 911912019- Not Sealed A6.02 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - MEZZANINE 9/1912019- Not Sealed A6.21 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - DETAILS 9119120194 Not Sealed A7.01 DOOR SCHEDULE 9119/2019•.Not Sealed A7.11 DOOR DETAILS - HOLLOW METAL 9/1912019- Not Sealed A7.11A DOOR PANEL AND FRAME STYLES 9/19/2019• Not Sealed A7.12 DOOR DETAILS - STOREFRONT 9/1912019- Not Sealed ... A7.41 GLAZING ELEVATIONS 9/191201go Not Sealed A8.51 STAIR AND RAILING 9/1912019- Not Sealed A9.00M IMASTER FINISH SCHEDULE 9119/201go Not Sealed A9.01 FINISH PLAN - LEVEL 01 & MEZZANINE 9/1912019• Not Sealed A9.01P PATTERN PLAN - LEVEL 01 9/1912019& Not Sealed A9.11 FURNITURE & DEVICE PLAN - LEVEL 01 . 9/1912019• Not Sealed A9.21 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS 9/19/2019- Not Sealed Page 1 of 4 Initlel Exhibit "B" Anna Municipal Complex Fire Station Anna, TX JOB # 1967 December 6, 2019 INDEX OF DRAWINGS Sheet Description Date Revision 922 DAYROOM INTERIOR ELEVATIONS 9/19120190 Not Sealed A9.23 APPARATUS BAY INTERIOR ELEVATIONS 911912019• Not Sealed A9.24 APPARATUS SAY INTERIOR ELEVATIONS 9/19/2019- Not Sealed A9.31 MILLWORK ELEVATIONS 911912019• Not Sealed A9A1 MILLWORK SECTIONS & DETAILS 2019m Not Sealed A10.01 SIGNAGE 019• Not Sealed STRUCTURAL S0.00 GENERAL NOTES F9/ig/j20ifl"NotSealed. 0.01 GENERALNOTES 01 9- Not.Sealed 0.02 GENERALNOTES. 2019- Not Sealed. S0.03 GENERAL NOTES 9/19/2019- Not Sealed 50.04 GENERAL NOTES. ....... _.. 9/19/20M Not Sealed S0405 GENERAL NOTES 9/19/2019• Not Sealed S1.00 STRUCTURAL SITE PLAN 911912019• Not Sealed S1.01 OVERALL THREE - DIMENSIONAL VIEWS 9/19/2019• Not Sealed 52.U1 FOUNDATION PLAN - LEVEL 01 9119/20194 Not Sealed 52.02 MEZZANINE FRAMING PLAN .. 9/19/2019- Not Sealed S2.03 LOW ROOF FRAMING PLAN 9119/2019• Not Sealed S2,04 MID ROOF FRAMING PLAN 9119I2019- Not Sealed S2.05 HIGH ROOF FRAMING PLAN 9/19/2019• Not Sealed S2A0 ENLARGED FRAMING PLANS 9/19/20.19- Not Sealed S3.00 TYPICAL FOUNDATION DETAILS 9119/2019• Not Seated S3.01 TYPICAL FOUNDATION DETAILS 9/1912019- Not Sealed S3,10 FOUNDATION DETAILS 9119/2019- Not Sealed S3.11 FOUNDATION DETAILS 9/19/2019- Not Sealed S3.20 CONCRETE WALL ELEVATIONS 9/19/2019• Not Sealed .., S4.00 TYPICAL CMU DETAILS 9/19/2019• Not Sealed S4.01 TYPICAL CMU DETAILS 9/19/2019• Not Sealed 54.02 CMU FRAMING DETAILS 9119/2019• Not Sealed S5400 TYPICAL STEEL DETAILS 9/19/2019• Not Sealed S5.01 TYPICAL STEEL DETAILS 9/19/2019- Not Sealed 55.02 TYPICAL STEEL DETAILS 9/1912019m Not Sealed S5.03 TYPICAL STEEL DETAILS 911912019- Not Sealed S5.04. TYPICAL STEEL DETAILS 9119/2019- Not Sealed 55.20 STEEL DETAILS 9/19/2019• Not Sealed . 55.30 STEEL ELEVATIONS 9/19/2019• Not Sealed S6.00 WOOD DETAILS 9119/2019- Not Sealed S6.10 WOOD TRUSS ELEVATIONS 9119/2019- Not Sealed S6.20 WOOD TRUSS LOADING 9/1912019- Not Sealed MECHANICAL M0001 MECHANICAL LEGEND 9/19/2019• Not Sealed M0.02 MECHANICAL GENERAL NOTES 9/19/2019• Not Sealed M0.03 MECHANICAL SCHEDULES 9/19/2019- Not Sealed M0.04 MECHANICAL SCHEDULES 9119/2019- Not Sealed. Page 2 oI4 intit al Exhibit "B" Anna Municipal Complex Fire Station Anna, TX JOB # 1967 December 6, 2019 INDEX OF DRAWINGS Sheet Description Date Revision 42.01 MECHANICAL PLAN • LEVEL 1 9119/2019• Not Seated M2= MECHANICAL PLAN • LEVEL 2 9/19/2019• Not Sealed 6,03 MECHANICAL PLAN - ROOF 9/1912019- Not Sealed M5,01 MECHANICAL CONTROLS 9/19/2019- Not Sealed W02 MECHANICAL CONTROLS 9/19/2019- Not Sealed M6.01 MECHANICAL DETAILS 9119/2019- Not Sealed M6.02 MECHANICAL DETAILS 911912019- Not Seated M6.03 MECHANICAL DETAILS 9119/2019- Not Sealed 116.04 MECHANICAL DETAILS 9119/2019- Not Sealed ELECTRICAL E0,01 ELECTRICAL LEGEND AND NOTES 9/19/2019- Not Seated E0.02 ELECTRICAL ONE -LINE 9119/2019- Not Seated E0.03 ELECTRICAL SCHEDULES 9/19/2019- Not Sealed E0.04 ELECTRICAL SCHEDULES 9/19/2019- Not Sealed E0.05 LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE 9/19/20194 Not Sealed E0,06 LIGHTING CONTROLS 9/19/2019- Not Sealed E2.01 ELECTRICAL PLAN - LEVEL 1 9/19/2019- Not Sealed E2.02 ELECTRICAL PLAN - LEVEL 2 911912019- Nat Sealed I I .......:.. E2,03 ELECTRICAL PLAN -.ROOF 9/19/20W Not Sealed E3.01 MECHANICAL POWER PLAN -LEVEL 1 9119/2019• Not Sealed E3.02 MECHANICAL POWER PLAN - LEVEL 2 9/19/2019• Not Sealed. E4.01 FIRE ALARM RCP, LEVEL 1 9/19/2019• Not Sealed E4.02 FIRE ALARM RCP - LEVEL 2 s/1912019- Not Sealed ...... E5 01 REFLECTED CEILING LIGHTING PLAN - LEVEL 1 9/1912019- Not Seated E5.02 REFLECTED CEILING LIGHTING PLAN - LEVEL 2 9/19/2019- Not Sealed E7.01 ELECTRICAL DETAILS 9/19/2019- Not Sealed E7.02 ELECTRICAL DETAILS 9/19/2019• Not Sealed FIRE PROTECTION FP2.01 FIRE PROTECTION PLAN - LEVEL 1 9/191201go Not Sealed FP2.02 FIRE PROTECTION PLAN - MEZZANINE. 9/1912019* Not Sealed PLUMBING P0.01 PLUMBING LEGEND AND NOTES 9/19/2019-.Nol Sealed P0.02 PLUMBING SCHEDULES 9119/2019- Not Sealed ... P2.00 UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING PLAN • LEVEL 1 9/19/2019- Not Seated P2.01 PLUMBING PLAN - LEVEL 1 9/1912019•.Nol Sealed P2.02 PLUMBING PLAN � MEZZANINE 9/19/20194 Not Seated P2.03 PLUMBING PLAN - ROOF 9/1912019- Not Sealed P3.01 PLUMBING ENLARGED PLAN 9119/20i9w Not Sealed P4.01 PLUMBING ISOMETRICS 9/1912019- Not Sealed P5.01 PLUMBING DETAILS 9/1912019• Not Sealed P5,02 PLUMBING DETAILS 9/19/2019- Not Sealed AUDIO VISUAL AV0.01 LEGEND AND NOTES - AUDIO VISUAL INFRASTRUCTURE 9/19/2019- Not Sealed AV12.01 FLOOR PLAN - LEVEL 01 E MEZZANINE -AUDIO VISUAL INFRASTRUCT 9/1912019• Not Sealed Page 3 of 4 Initial Exhibit "B" Anna Municipal Complex Fire Station Anna, TX JOB # 1967 December 6, 2019 INDEX OF DRAWINGS Sheet Dsscri tion Date Revision AVI2.11 RCP - LEVEL 01 & MEZZANINE - AUDIO VISUAL INFRASTRUCTURE 9/19/2019- Not Sealed AVI9401 - GENERAL DETAILS AUDIO VISUAL INFRASTRUCTURE 9/19/2019• Not Sealed AVS5.01 ONE LINE DIAGRAM - AUDIO VISUAL SYSTEMS 9/19/2019- Not Sealed COMMUNICATIONS 70.o1 LEGEND AND NOTES - COMMUNICATIONS 9/19/201go Not Sealed 72:01 FLOOR PLAN • LEVEL 01 & MEZZANINE -COMMUNICATIONS 9/19/2019- Not Sealed T7.01 MDF ROOM 1278 - COMMUNICATIONS 9/19/2019- Not Sealed T9.01 GENERAL DETAILS • COMMUNICATIONS 9/19/2019• Not Sealed SECURITY SC0.01 LEGEND AND NOTES - SECURITY 9119/2019- Not Sealed SC2.01 FLOOR PLAN - LEVEL 01 & MEZZANINE - SECURITY 9/1912019• Not Sealed SC2.02 ROOF PLAN - SECURITY 9/19/2019- Not Sealed SC7.01 ... DOOR ELEVATION DETAILS • SECURITY . 9/19/2019• Not Sealed SC9.01 GENERAL DETAILS - SECURITY 9/19/2019- Not Sealed TAS Al2:01 TEXAS ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS 9/19/20119- Not Sealed Al2.02 TEXAS ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS 9/19/2019• Not Sealed Al2.03 TEXAS ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS 9/19/2019- Not Sealed Al2.04 TEXAS ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS 9/19/2019• Not Sealed Al2.05 TEXAS ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS. 9119/2019- Not Sealed Al2.06 TEXAS ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS 9119/2019- Not Sealed SPECIFICATIONS _. RSA Project 91016.10 & 1816,20 CITY HALL I MUNICIPAL.000RT I POLICE I FIRE STATION 9/19/2019- Not Sealed GMP ADDENDUM #1 RSA PROJECT t1:1816,20 ANNA FIRE STATION 10101/2019- Not Sealed GMP ADDENDUM 02 ANNA FIRE STATION 11/14/2019 Page 4 of 4 Iniliat BXHIBIT C City of Anna Municipal Complex Anna, Toxas GMP December 6, 2019 Phase Description Total City Hall Fire Station Gonoral Con Itlons 662,002 407,246 264,766 Cost of Work 446,033 252,564 193 460 BuIldIng Pormlt 0 Tostina Servlcos 0 0 Allowancos 0 City Hall Walor Fealuro and Water Purllicallon E ul menl 50,000 50,000 - Monument Sign 154000 15,000 0 0 DIV 3 CONCRETE 0 03A CONCRETE 211691,952 11664,650 496 402 100 % Cased Piers 218,968 163,271 66,667 0 DIV 4 MASONRY 04A MASONRY 623,820 160,964 362,856 Flosillng 63,376 42,378 20,997 Rigid Insulalion 0 0 DIV 5 0 06A _METALS STEEL 21365,485 117342750 030,736 Additional 20% Steel per Slruc note 281,600 221,260 OD 1 250 Erection 0 Misc Steel 157,090 132,630 24,480 05B DECORATIVE RAILING 508,092 508,092 0 DIV 6 WOODS & PLASTICS 0 06A ROUGH CARPENTRY 167 455 98,466 68,969 06B FINISH CARPENTRY 663,846 494,667 169,270 06C GLULAM TRUSS 376,700 376,700 0 DIV 7 THERMAL &MOISTURE PROTECTION 0 07A WATERPROOFING 208,750 144,269 04,481 07B ROOFING 005,835 410,093 255 742 07C EXPANSION JOINTS 5,580 5 580 07F TERRA COTTA CLADDING 1,282,691 930,267 344,424 07G COMPOSITE ALUMINUM PANELS 797,024 428,798 369 026 0 DIV 8 DOORS & WINDOWS 0 08A DOOR FRAMES HARDWARE 347,353 230,380 116,993 Door Install 24,200 16,600 71600 Access Doors 71500 51500 21000 08B OVERHEAD COILING DOORS 72,330 720330 08C GLASS AND GLAZING 21264,115 11020,700 433,415 DOD BALLISTIC SECURITY WINDOW 15,000 15,000 06E SKYLIGHT 178,327 170,327 08F LOUVERS 21440 21440 0 DIV 9 FINISHES 0 09A DRYWALL 1,009,786 1,388 486 423,300 09B PORTLAND CEMENT STUCCO 232,994 221 952 11,042 09C STRETCHED -FABRIC WALL SYSTEMS - 54,422 60,078 4,344 99D TILING 673 147 466,060 2168187 09F STONE FLOORING 274,712 274,712 09G RESILIENT FLOORING 0 0911 RUBBER FLOORING 171863 17,863 09J PAINTING 353,318 255,840 97,476 0 DIV 10 SPECIALTIES 0 10A MARKERBOARDS 29 200 29,200 198 SIGNAGE 60,523 30,171 30,362 10C TOILET PARTITIONS 41,100 16,559 24,541 Cornor Guards 27 913 21,630 6 203 10D LOCKERS SQ435 69,435 10E MOBILE STORAGE SHELVES 2,600 2 500 10F PROTECTIVE GEAR STORAGE SYSTEMS 11 173 11,173 10G PRE ENGR CANOPIES 29370 22,316 7,464 Lee Lewis Construction Pape 1 of 3 10H FLAGPOLES ,4737 7,315 6,422 10J MISCELLANEOUS SPECIALTIES 31000 300 10K DISPLAY CASE 10,936 81000 2 936 0 DIV 11 EQUIPMENT 0 11A RESIDENTIAL APPLIANCES 40,029 16,254 23,776 11 B ATM KIOSK 19,312 19,312 11C FINGERPRINT STATION 3600 3,600 11D METAL EVIDENCE LOCKERS 36,700 36,700 0 DIV 12 FURNISHINGS 0 12A WINDOW TREATMENTS 39,000 20,760 10 260 120 AUDITORIUM SEATING 65,061 65,061 12C SITE FURNISHINGS 41,432 41A32 0 DIV 13 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION 0 13A SAUNA 81160 8,160 0 DIV 14 CONVEYING SYSTEMS 0 14A ELEVATORS 134,120 134,120 0 DIV 21 FIRE SUPPRESSION 0 21A FIRE SUPPRESSION 209,441 120,675 79,766 0 DIV 22 PLUMBING 0 22A PLUMBING 0 0 DIV 23 HVAC 0 23A HVAC 2,690,405 16770,300 920 115 Test and Balance 0 Controls 0 0 DIV 26 ELECTRICAL 0 26A ELECTRICAL 2 121,294 1,635,723 485,671 0 DIV 27 COMMUNICATIONS 0 27A COMMUNICATIONS 137,285 113 926 23,359 27B AUDIO - VISUAL 452,243 330,908 121,330 27C INTERCOMM 20,742 160009 4 7733 0 DIV 28 LIFE SAFETY r;, SECURITY 0 28A ELECTRONIC SAFETY SECURITY 274 519 230,406 360113 Fire Alarm 1 MA03 68,462 69,941 0 DIV 31 EARTHWORK 0 31B TERMITE CONTROL 21757 11672 1 005 0 DIV 32 EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS 0 32A LANDSCAPING 88 110 286,110 32B PAVEMENT MARKINGS 7 860 7 860 32D FENCE :U290,001 0 32E ASPHALT PAVING 15,000 15,000 32F WATER FOUNTAIN 290 001 32G PAVERS 44,987 1 44,087 0 SUBTOTAL Builder's Risk Insurance 26322,333 61,078 1 18j 75t184 43 839: 7,147,148 17,239 General Liability Insurance 102,321 130 861 51,459 Umbrella Llabllily Insurance 113,950 01,788 32,162 Pollution Policy 69064 650,000 3,635 466 540 11429 183,460 Construction Contingency" Allowance GC Contingency- Allowance 0 Subtotal 26,334,747 18,901 1849 7,432 899 Fee Payment and Performance Bond 670,364 197105 416,841 1391377 1638624 64,800 Subtotal of City Hall and Piro Station 27,1089297 1%457,066 71651,231 Early Site Package 1,911,193 11755,386 165,807 Total 29,010,490 21,212,452 7,807,038 Lee Lowis Cottstniclion Pape 2 of 3 r� Iternates: Additional paved parking area to the south of City Hall Additional paved parking area to the east of City Hall Install UV lighting at Police Men's and Women's Locker Rooms Pavers and pedestal assemblies at City Hail Second Floor balconies New mobile storage systems as specified in Section 105625 Porcelain panel rainscreen cladding at exterior walls Install bullet resistant panels in walls adjacent to Customer Service windows at I Fences and gates at Fire Station 323119 - Decorative Metal Fences and Gates, Addltional 12 trees, 182,T80 55,028 b,T16 52,823 83,866 114,285 37,411 7,632 19,170 Lea Lewis Construction Page 3 of 3 Exhibit D City Hail/Municipal Court/Police GMP from LLC as of 12.5.19 $21,212,452 Fire Station GMP from LLC as of 12.5.19 $7,807,038 Total GMP Pricing for Municipal Complex as of 12.5.19 Including Sltework $29*019,490 Less Amendment I1 1 - GMP Price for Early Site Work ($1,91 10193) GMP Cost to Complete Remainder of Work 2711081297 Less Value of Accepted VE Items Below $21542,961 Amendment 112 - GMP Price to Construct Remainder of Project VE Item # Description VE Amount Ph. III-A2 Painted GFRC Exterior Columns in lieu of ACM column covers ($11 f1,8G6) Ph. III-A3 Reduce number of full height wall partitions to just conference rooms, City Manager and between departmental suites ($41 280) Eliminate lighted handralls in fire stairs of City Hall. Provide wall mounted LED lighting on the three non -glass sides of the fire stair enclosures to provide code Ph. III-A4 required lighting on treads. Maintain lighting at ceiling as currently shown. Use ($ 7:3,708) painted steel handrails with Special Coatings Paint on them. RSA to provide detail of handrail design. Remove circuiting to currently specified lighted handrails Ph. III47 Eliminate water feature on south side of City Hall and water treatment equipment 6350,88 0 Ph, III-A9 Eliminate glass shards around City Hall skylight and supporting stricture ($132.,612.) Ph. III-A10 Eliminate glass skylight at City Hall and supporting structure. Infill with standard roof structure and materials used on the remainder of the roof ($171,030) Ph. III A14 Eliminate overflow drains on both City Hall and Fire Station. Provide appropriately flashed scuppers through the exterior fascia instead ($t15,a02) Ph. III-A15 Price current interior finishes provided on RSA finishes schedule vs, allowances in the specifications ($ 159,9G0) Eliminate bullet resistant glass at all service counters at Customer Service, Municipal Ph, III-A17 Court, Police Records and Development Services, Provide 3/8" thick tempered glass with standoffs in pattern currently Indicated. Kevlar to remain at dais In Council ($5,900) Chambers Ph. III A20 Eliminate blue etched glass in building lobby of City Hall. Replace with painted GWB, 12" cherry wood base and wood chairrail. Blue glass in Council Chambers to remain ($30,fi81) Change all VDB-3 glass dry erase marker boards to VDB-4 visual display vinyl wall Ph. III-A22 covering equal to Just Rite JR48-00 with scrim backing. Provide 20 ga. sheet metal substrate applied smoothly and flat to wall for use with magnets underneath the ($12 211) vinyl wall covering. Provide 4" cherry wood trim around vinyl white boards Change pendant mounted lighting in Police Briefing Room 166 to match other 2 x 4 Ph. III-A23 recessed Indirect LED light fixtures used on the project providing 45 fc of lighting at ($11,032) the training table tops. Maintain recessed can lights as currently indicated Move all residential appliances to Owner furnished contractor Installed (OFCI) MEN Ph. III-A25 except Gas Oven/Range in Fire Station and Hood for Gas Oven/Range shall remain in ($:32,435) contractor's scope (CFCI) Ph. III-A26 Shell in Staff Restrooms 219 and 220, Provide MR type GWB walls and ceilings tapedMEN and bedded. Cap plumbing at walls and floors Eliminate millwork in IT repair 248, Repair stations, overhead storage and drawer Ph. III-A27 pedestals will be provided as part of FF&E. Maintain all electrical and data called for ($21366) in this area Ph. III-A28 uuuu Eliminate lockers in Executive Conference Room 110. Move to FF&E Item (OFCI) Ph. III-A29 Eliminate acoustical block in Fire Station apparatus bays. Replace with standard CMU non -acoustical block and paint with block filler and paint specified I41) Ph. III-A31 Move the cost of the Dry Sauna unit in Detox 154 of Fire Station to FF&E (OFCI) ($8,421 ) Ph. III-A33 Eliminate display cabinet in Fire Station Lobby 102, Maintain power for lighting in cabinet for future cabinet install ($6,731) Ph. III-A34 Eliminate the three flag poles on the project ($13,145) Ph. III-A36 Remove requirements for AESS steel. Grind welded joints down smooth and remove ($2,064) all slag from exposed structural steel Ph. III-A37 Change mortise hardware at Fire Station to bored cylinder locksets with similar ($5,676) handles and rosettes as those specified Ph. III-A38 Move room signage to FF&E Item (OFCI). All other signage such as building plaques 918) and cast aluminum letters to remain in contractor's scope of work ($15 Ph. III439 Move 119613 Finger Print Dusting Station to FF&E item (OFCI) ($31715) Ph. III-A41 Replace VWC in restrooms with painted GWB ($91288) Ph. III-A44 Use EPDM roofing In lieu of mod bit roofing (60 mil reinf, white or gray?) ($132,935) Ph. III447 41/2" storefront in lieu of 6" curtainwall at FS V Roof ($15,170) Ph. III-A48 Omit fritted glass ($72,756) Ph. III-A49 Reduce construction contingency from $650K to $575K ($75,000) Ph. III-MEP1 Change copper to aluminum feeders where allowed by specifications ($81772) Ph. III-MEP2 Change copper to aluminum busway and windings excluding generator fed panels ($61708) MC Cable based on the following conditions: 1) Only where completely concealed, 2) maximum of 75' allowed from home -run junction box to LAST device In the branch Ph. III-MEP3 for receptacles, 3) NOT allowed as home -run to panels, 4) NOT allowed for ($33,540) mechanical, or equipment connections, 5) allowed above lay -in ceilings for final connection to light fixtures, max. length of 15' from hard -piped junction box to fixture, 6) allowed as final connection to other light fixtures, maximum of 6' Ph. III-MEP4 Capture savings of Oncor feed change ME is waiting on markup from the City Owner Ph. III-MEP5 Remove USB receptacles, replace with receptacles to match remainder of project ($11342) Ph. III-MEP7 Remove future conduit for EV charging ($413) Ph, III-MEP8 Remove electrical charging receptacles from each police locker ($3,612) Ph. III-MEP9 Remove concrete encasement for Fire Station generator feed ($21580) Ph. III-MEP10 Remove concrete encasement for City Hall generator feed ($2,580) Ph. III-MEP11 Consider an alternate Ii' ht fixture package ($170,280) Ph. III-MEP14 Remove up -lighting in fire station Type V fixture ($31096) Ph. III-MEP15 Reduce or remove slot diffusers change to 2 x 2 ($59,340) Ph. III-MEP17 Remove forced air exhaust system from Police lockers (keep drywall furrdowns) ($5,196) Ph. III-MEP18 Reduce sound isolation return air boots (affects acoustics) ($19,131) Ph. III-MEP19 Revise lined duct to wrapped duct for supply (affects acoustics) ($16,903) Ph. III-MEP20 Remove lined insulation from return air duct (affects acoustics) ($10,392) Ph. III-MEP21 Consider an alternate plumbing fixture package ($16,522) III-MEP23 Reduce number of floor drains in men's and women's public restrooms to one per Ph. ($1,069) restroom Ph. III - MEP 26 Use standard NHCI couplings for SW&V and storm piping above ground ($16,855) Reduce lighted handralls at front entry porch and ramp. Use stainless steel cable rail Ph. III - MEP 27 Instead with no illuminiation ($1720600) Utilize braced frames In lieu of moment connections to reduce moment frame beam sizes, reduce moment frame column sizes, eliminate 72 moment connections along Ph. III-Str.1 with field inspection and testing requirements. Replace with 2 braced frames in east ($43 344) west direction Remove steel structure inside of apparatus bay steel channel surrounds. Some steel support will have to extend at headers from CMU bond beams to keep the headers Ph. III-Str.8 from sagging, but otherwise the steel columns and structure Inside the steel ($91465) surrounds can be removed Ph. III-Str.9 Reduce mist. steel allowance to 10% in lieu of 20% ($144,480) Ph. III-Str.12 Delete western most wood truss girder in Apparatus Bays ($8587) t ..�; Eliminate P2 and P3 vehicular pavers on concrete base at north south entry drive on Ph. III LA1 south side of City Hall. Replace with broom finished concrete with sawcut control joints at 2' OCEW. Total reduction of pavers for LA1 and LA2 Is 2400 SF. See layout from Landscape Architect Eliminate P2 pedestrian pavers on concrete base immediately south of entrance to Ph. III-LA2 City Hall and at south plaza. Replace with broorn finished concrete with sawcut control joints at 2' OCEW. See layout from Landscape Architect Eliminate rectangular P2 pedestrian paver area on concrete base northwest of City Ph. III-LA3 Hall Development Services. Replace with concrete to rnatch adjacent material. See layout from Landscape Architect Change 50,000 SF of sodded area to hydromulch as shaded on L2.01 landscape VE Ph. III-LA4 suggestion drawing. Must be installed between April and early October to be ($171544) acceptable change Ph. III-LA5 Move all site furniture to FF&E scope instead of CMAR scope of work Reduce the number of cables to each workstation to one (1), City can utilize Ph, III-COM1 computer port on the phone set for connecting the computer at each location in ($30,027) lieu of having separate phone and date outlets at each location Ph. III-SEC1 Rernove the (7) Interior cameras from the Fire Station. Data drops for those cameras would also be deleted ($, 79W Have all cameras recorded at a single location (City Hall) and remove (1) NVR from Ph. IIkSEC2 the Fire Station. If the cameras are on the network, they can be recorded anywhere ($219411 within the City of Anna network Ph. III AVt Reduce conference rooms to single wireless connectivity only (no control keypads in conference rooms, remove HDMI extenders from tables, remove ceiling speakers. Pilo III-AV3 Reduce display sizes to the next size down Ph. III CIV1 Move east side headwall (eliminates 80' of 21" RCP) (,;,;:,n) Ph. III-CIV2 Eliminate sidewalks east of police parking lot ($61130) Total Value Engineering Estimate ar Ph6 III of VE (S2,5421961) CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 2020- - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACT ON THE CITY'S BEHALF IN EXECUTING AND APPROVING CHANGE ORDER NO, 3 TO THE CONTRACT WITH LEE LEWIS CONSTRUCTION FOR THE CITY HALL CONSTRUCTION PROJECT WHEREAS, on December 10, 2019, the City of Anna, Texas (the City), via its Res. No. 2019- 12-658, awarded a contract to Lee Lewis Construction, Inc., for the General Construction Phase Services ("Phase 2") associated with the design and construction of the City's new municipal complex (the "Project"), and; WHEREAS; Change Order No. 3 is a no -cost change order resulting in no change to the agreed upon Guaranteed Maximum Price; and WHEREAS, during the course of construction Lee Lewis has encountered significant delays in the manufacturing and acquisition of building materials and is requesting a new substantial completion date of February 28, 2022 for the project, and; WHEREAS, Lee Lewis has agreed to install pavers in the four veranda areas on the second floor of the Municipal Building in compensation for the requested time extension of the project and; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated. The recitals above are incorporated herein as if set forth in full for all purposes. Section 2. Approval of Change Order No. 1. The City Council hereby approves Change Order No. 3 to the contract with Lee Lewis Construction, Inc., attached hereto as Exhibit 1 as an amendment to the Guaranteed Maximum Price for Phase 2 (see, e.g., A133-2009, Exhibit A, at Article A.1). The City Council further authorizes, ratifies and approves the City Manager's execution of same. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute all documents and to take all other actions necessary to finalize, act under, and enforce the Change Order. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas, on this day of 20_ APPROVED: Nate Pike, Mayor ATTEST: Carrie Land, City Secretary Exhibit 1 �ti'�l_f`A IADocument G701' — 2017 Change Order PROJECT: (Name and address) CONTRACT INFORMATION: CHANGE ORDER INFORMATION: City of Anna Contract For: General Construction Change Order Number: 003 NE Corner of 7th & Powell Date: February 10, 2019 Date: 12/9/2021 Anna, TX 75409 OWNER: (Name and address) ARCHITECT: (Nmne and address) CONTRACTOR: (Name and address) City of Anna Randall Scott Architects, Inc. Lee Lewis Construction I I I North Powell Parkway 14755 Preston Road, Suite 170 17177 Preston Road, Ste. 160 Anna, TX 75409-0766 Dallas, TX 75254 Dallas, TX 75248 THE CONTRACT IS CHANGED AS FOLLOWS: (Insert a detailed description of the change and, rjapplicable, attach or reference specific exhibits. Also include agreed upon adjustments ala dbutable to executed Construction Change Directives.) The following is a no cost change order additional to the General Conditions for the extension of tine on Anna Municipal Complex. This change order also adds the pedestal pavers to the veranda balconies at no cost to the owner. The original Contract Sum was $ 26,780,171.00 The net change by previously authorized Change Orders $ 79,107.00 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was $ 26,859,278.00 The Contract Sum will be unchanged by this Change Order in the amount of $ 0.00 The nety Contract Sum including this Change Order will be $ 26,859,278.00 The Contract Time will be increased by 6 Months 12 Days (196) days. The new date of Substantial Completion will be February 28, 2022 NOTE: This is a no -cost Cliange Order and does not include adjustments to the Contract Sum or Guaranteed Maximum Price, er EheF=e++tr++c4-4'i+»r ;-ittaN++eve-been-nuliterized-by-C-ct++st+uallot+{=1+at+ge-Airer•1i ve-until-the-c�est-a++d-ti+ne-l+avc�beetrngt eed-t+pen by..botl+ the Owner and E enNtte+er-it+ whielt ease;+ Cl+nnge-©rder is-e.+cuoute+No-supersede4he-"iistrt+e4ion-C4ia++ge Direetive-Price. This Change Order solely increases the Contract Time and extends the (late of Substantial Completion asset forth above (collectively, the "Time Extensions"). Notwithstanding ,my)rovision(s) of the Contract or Contract Documents there shall be no future increase to the Contract Sum or Guaranteed Mnximllln Price based on arising from because of related to, growing out of or in any Way_connectetl with the'finle Extensions." NOT VALID UNTIL SIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT, CONTRACTOR AND OWNER Randall Scott Architects, ]lie. ARCHITECT (Finn name) SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME AND TITLE DATE City ofMna OWNER (Firm name) 1 a SIO}IATURE�%n�i'Ir�I C.P� PRINTED NAME AND TITLE I0-1/14 AM DATE AIA Document G701' —2017. Copyright ©1979, 1987, 2000. 2001 and 2017 by The American Institute of Archllects. Ali rights reserved. The 'American Institute of Architects," "AIA," the AIA Logo, and "AIA Contract Documents" are registered trademarks and may not be used without pennlsslon. This document � was produced by AIA sofhvare at 17:22:28 ET on 12/09/2021 under Order No.1183195281 which expires on 03/31/2022, Is not for resale, is licensed for one -lime use only, and may only be used In accordance with the AIA Contract Documenlse Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, a -mall copyright@ala.Drg. User Notes: (3B9ADAV)