HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2015-10-103 Richardson Dev Plat.pdfCITY OF ANNA, TEXAS RESOLUTION No 11 " I' c/ ; /', 1· f\ ;-2 • ex< 1 , J ,~ p ; ~· u, ) (Richardson Development Plat) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS APPROVING THE "RICHARDSON" DEVELOPMENT PLAT" GENERALLY LOCATED IN ANNA'S EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION LOCATED AT 9183 COUNTY ROAD 285 AND IS SUBJECT TO THE SUBDIVISION RULES AND REGULATIONS AS SET FORTH IN THIS RESOLUTION. WHEREAS, In order to provide for the orderly development of land within the Anna city limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction, the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas (the "City Council") has adopted Part Ill-A of the Anna City Code of Ordinances ("Subdivision Regulations"); and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated. The recitals above are incorporated herein as if set forth in full for all purposes. Section 2. Approval of Development Plat The City Council hereby approves the Richardson development plat PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Councii'of the City of Anna, Texas, on this 13th, day ATTEST: of October, 2015. ,,,,n1i 111 1111,,1 ,,,,,, a· F L1 i,,,,, ,"'' -1 .,A .. "<-., ,'~~~\ f (~) ."' • •• T ~ -. . ~ /' .~ ~ AqP~-wE : . I "· '" . . 1 /'/ ./// ~ •.. . .•• I!' ,+-i /' /11 v / ~ * '•. ... * ~ / 'j ,, f / / /! / 6 •• ,, 1.' )11 / ;( 1.; 1> '..1 /.lf ~/ '>. 1 • • • •• c. 1., /? ;\/"· i )/I·/ ' ' / 1! /./"' ., (/ '·· /.>11,,l I EX ,-...,.."';lt\Y"-----''-"------- City Secretary Carri&'L. Smith '1111111111111111 JOO NO 15QB0554 I 4.ooo Ac. : 1 1 1 11 1 FERNANDO E:Nc/ZO f AND WIFE I I I ; JOYCE ENC/ZO ,': :' D.R.cc.T . I VO!..-2$!;;4, PG. 469 ' :1 l •• ~4,f ~~*T,%,., -,r~~-------_--_---_-_--_--_--_,-~:..,---.::.;8~:~~ .. -:~.-~-~~---_-_ ----------------------------------------------_--__ -_-_-_---------~:::.~'-~------------~!---~-----------------~t·_--_-__ "l ___ T ___ -_-_-_-r.--~-----~ •• --~i'r------------------------ ! I ~ I,; c--~~-;,~-1. :~ I. : >' tc~~ ~~~, ~::.--.11;1!~ 2/4.121 Ac. ANNALAND, LTD. DOC. NO. 2.004-0167S50 D.R.C.C.T. I'< J = ~J --4\. F< .c:> F"' ~1 --4\. _L_ E: r-....1 -03 LJ .F? 'v" E: Y I I~ I ~ __,.<..\. EJ s.-r I'< --4\. =-.r J'-1 c:::>. S-e>-"'J. '1~) r ~ I ~I ~ ~ : :oo BASIS OF BEARINGS: GRIO NORTH AS CORRULATtD FROM GPS OBSERVA noN ., i ~~ ~- SURV£YOR Douglos VI. Underwood R.P.L.S. NO. 4709 UND£RWOOD DRAFTING & SURVE:YtNG, INC. 3404 INT£RURBAN ROAD DENISON, T£XAS 75021 903-465-2151 .. I GRAPHIC SCALE " ,,, I I ( IN lf:ET ) I lo<h ~ 00 I~ N 59·51'04·w -'iiso.a1• "' I OWNER / DEVELOPER ClARrnCE RiCHARDSON 1104 II. PO'lol:tl PARKWAY ANNA, TEXAS 75409 24.2?3 AC. WAYNE A JONES AND WIFE KAREN I... JONES DOC. NO s5~0028S85 O.R.C.C.T. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Sitvoleo in lhe Co-Jnly Qf CQ/llo, Stole of Texos, be!og o port of lho Rlchord Pholen S.rvey, Abslrocl llo.694 also being \hot S.000 trocl of food <onvo)~d tQ Morgorilo Rose \\hil•otlh os recorded In Document llvmber 94-0104190, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas and being descri\>ed by me\es and bO<Jnds as folio•>: Eleglnnlo9 ol o (O<Jnd roHrood sp;J(e, al tho norlheosl corner of said 5.000 ocro lrocl, sokl beW-.9 tho soulheosl eorner ot lhot .f.00 <>Ct$ trocl of fQ.f'\d con\-ayed lo Fett1ondo [ncizo ond wife .JQ/.:e Enclzo as recorded In Volume. 2854, Page. 469 of sold deed records, sold rolrood ~~~.• os '~ec~~~d 1k, 1~~c~~:nlln~u~b~o~00~~40\~',;~; trocl of lond conY•)•d lo AJmAWIO, Thence SO<Jth 00'07'2J• West .. 1th lho eo•l line of sold 5,000 ocro lroct ond lho wu\ lino of sold 214.121 ocro lrocl, o dl•tonco of 192.76 feel lo o found roHrood sp;J(e at tho soolheos\ corn<r of sold 5.000 acre \rocl, the nor\heosl corner of lhol 24.293 aero llocl of lon<S conYo)~d to Wo)'l"IG A_ Jo.nes Qnr,f wife, KQren L Jones os recorded in Docum efll Number 96-0028585 of sold deed rec<>rds: Thence Nor\h 89'57'04• Wesl wl\h lhe •ooth lino or sold 5.000 ocre troc\ and lhe north lioo of sold 24.293 ocre trocl, o d1stonco of 1,180.81 fool to o foond 5/8• •leel rod ot tho south•·esl corner of sord 5.000 aero lrocl, \he oorthwesl corner of sold 24.29J octo tro<:l ond In \ho easterly line or lhol 192.50 oe<o \tocl or !on<I con\-e)~d to ANllALAND, LTD. os reca<ded In Dowment Number 2004-0173297 of sold deed records; Thence llorlh 26'56'31" <osl "ilh lhe .,...,t l!oo of said 5.000 aero tract and easterly llno of sold 192.50 aero troc\, o d1slonco of 219.95 le•t lo o lovnd 1/2" pipe al tho northwest corner of sold 5.00 ocro lrocl ond SO<Jlhwesl comer of sold 4.00 aero \roe\; Thenco SO<Jth 89'57'39• Eosl wilh lho north l!oo of sold 5.000 ocro tract and sovlh l!oe or said 4.00 aero lrocl, o dlslonco al 1,074.78 feel la lhe PO<NT Of BEG1NNING and con\o;nlng 4.988 acres (217,279 square feet) of lond. 3404 INTERURBAN PROPERTY ADDRESS: 9183 C.R. 285 ANllA, TEXAS 75409 (90:1)465-2151 I ""I I fTil '~ [ill) I,_.!.(._~ I ""' I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·,r~~ ! 11?:11" @] . ' [ill] . 9183 county ~oad 285 [ill] LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE ~C::::::::F--:C~~r::J>Sc::>~ I::> E; ~:i=;: r__, c:::>.I>~E:r--.J'T" .F"I..,...P>.. 'I" -4.. 99B ...A..c:::::::_:r;;;:_:ss I:r--.:T 'I"~E ~XC:::::::~...A...~r:> .F".:E--:l:~L..E;r-..:.r--SLT.:R..--....rE:-Y- ...A....J3ST"~C:::::::'I" r--.J'C=> 69-4 C::::::::c:::>I..,:Z:.....I:r--:T C::C>'C...J:r--:r~ ... 'I"E:L.:>C~S DATE: 09-04-2015