HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 2002-32 Annex West-Geer tract/West Crossing AdditionCITY OF ANNA, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 2002-32 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ANNA, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF SAID CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS AND ADOPTING A SERVICE PLAN FOR SAID TERRITORY AND ITS INHABITANTS WHEREAS, certain property owners have petitioned the City of Anna to have their property, described in Exhibit A, annexed to the City of Anna; and WHEREAS, said properties are adjacent to and adjoin the present boundaries of the City of Anna; and WHEREAS, a service plan providing for the extension of municipal services into the proposed annexed area and attached to this ordinance as Exhibit B and hereby made part of this ordinance was prepared prior to publication of notice of hearings and reviewed at said hearings; and WHEREAS, after hearing the arguments for and against the annexation, the City Council has voted to annex said territory to the City of Anna, Texas; now therefore Section I. The land and territory described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and hereby made an integral part of this Ordinance, lying adjacent to and adjoining the present boundaries of the City of Anna, Texas, is hereby added and annexed to the City of Anna, Texas, and said territory hereinafter described shall hereafter be included within the boundary limits of the City of Anna, Texas, and the present boundary limits of such city are altered and amended so as to include said area within the corporate limits of the City of Anna, Texas. Section 2. The above described territory and the area so annexed shall be a part of the City of Anna, Texas, and the inhabitants thereof, if any, shall be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of all citizens and shall be bounded by the acts, ordinances, resolutions, and regulations of the City of Anna, Texas. Section 3. The service plan providing for the extension of municipal services into the annexed area and attached to this ordinance as Exhibit B is hereby adopted. The City Secretary is hereby directed to file with the County Clerk of Collin County, Texas, a certified copy of this ordinance. C:IDocuments and SettingsWl Users0ocumentsl4nna MgffDevelopment IssueslAnnexations120021West-Geer103- Annex Ord. doc Page 1 of 2 PASSED on this the 8th day of October, 2002, by the following vote of all members of the City Council as present: AYES NAYS ABSTAIN 0 APPROVED: ATTEST: C:Documents and SettingsWf UserskDOCUmentslAnna Mgtl^Development lssueslAnnexationsl20021West-Geer103- Annex Ord.doc Page 2 of 2 FYATRTT "A" TRACT ONE: SITUATED in Collin County, Texas, in the Henry Brantley Survey, Abstract No_ 71 and in the J.C. Farris Survey, Abstract No. 331, being a resurvey of the 39.71 acre First Tract described in a deed from Lotie West to George William West, recorded in Volume 805, Page 758 of the Collin County Deed Records and a resurvey of the 25.3 acres of land less the 0.68 acre, Ref. Volume 372, Page 163, the 2.00 acres, Ref. Volume 774, Page 509, the 2.00 acres, Ref. Volume 774, Page 512 and the 2.00 acres, Ref. Volume 774, Page 515, all as described in a deed from the F.D.I.C. to George F. West, recorded in Volume 3363, Page 334 all deeds of the Collin County Deed Records, being described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at an existing iron pin set in the West line of said 39.71 acre First Tract, at the Northwest corner of said J.C. Farris Survey and the Southwest corner of said Henry Brantley Survey and in the East line of the F.T. Duffau Survey, Abstract No. 288; Thence North 0 deg. 25 min. 16 sec. West, 427.68 feet with the West line of said 39.71 acre First Tract to an iron pin set at the Northwest corner of said 39.71 acre First Tract for a corner; Thence North 88 deg. 41 min. 17 sec. East, 1059.01 feet with the North line of said 39.71 acre First Tract to an iron pin set at the Northeast corner of said 39.71 acre First Tract for a corner; Thence Southerly with the East line of said 39.71 acre First Tract as follows: South 0 deg. 27 min. 47 sec. East, 858.06 feet to a point in said East line where an old fence runs Easterly on the South side of a branch; South 0 deg. 05 min. 42 sec. East, 377.59 feet with an old fence to a point in said old fence for an angle point; South 0 deg. 48 min.. 34 sec. East, 401.15 feet with said old fence to an iron pipe set beside an old corner post for a corner; same being in the North line of said 25.3 acre tract and at the Southeast corner of said 39.71 acre First Tract; Thence South 89 deg. 19 min. 35 sec. East, 416.77 feet with an old fence and with the North line of said 25.3 acre tract to an iron pin set beside a corner post at the Northeast corner of said 25.3 acre tract for a corner; Thence Southerly with the East line of said 25.3 acre tract and with an old fence as follows: South 0 deg. 01 min. 11 sec. East, 551.75 feet; t South 0 deg. 01 min. 36 sec. West, 407.12 feet to an existing iron pin set in the East line of said 25.3 acre tract, at the Northeast corner of said 2.00 acre tract, Ref. Vol. 774, Page 515; Thence South 89 deg. 55 min. 55 sec. West, 540.39 feet with the North line of said 2.00 acre tracts to an existing iron pin set beside a 4" steel pipe corner post at the Northwest corner of said 2.00 acre tract, Ref. Volume 774, Page 509; (Continued) LEGAL DESCRIPTION Thence South 0 deg. 11 min. 21 sec. East, 485.64 feet with the East line of said 2.00 acre tract, Ref. Volume 774, Page 509 to an existing iron pin set in the North R.O.W. line of Farm Road No. 455 for a corner; Thence South 89 deg. 51 min. 36 sec. West, 203.56 feet with said North R.O.W. line to an existing iron pin set in concrete at the Southwest corner of said 25.3 acre tract; Thence North 0 deg. 03 min. 25 sec. West, 1445.99 feet with the West line of said 25.3 acre tract to an existing iron pin set at the Northwest corner of said 25.3 acre tract, in the South line of said 39.71 acre First Tract; Thence South 89 deg. 29 min. 19 sec. West, 743.56 feet with the South line of said 39.71 acre First Tract to an iron pin set at the Southwest corner of said 39.71 acre First Tract for a corner; Thence North 0 deg. 02 min. 27 sec. East, 1195.99 feet with the West line of said 39.71 acre First Tract to the Place of Beginning and containing 58.487 acres of land, more or less. TRACT TWO: SITUATED in Collin County, Texas, in the Henry Brantley Survey, Abstract No. 71, the Gynn Morrison Survey, being a resurvey of the 1.60 acre Parcel B described third and a resurvey of part of the 201.6 acres of land described fourth in the deed from William Donald West to George F. West dated June 4, 1990, recorded in Volume 3291, Page 860 of the Collin County Land Records, and the same tracts in the deed from James Edwin West to George F. West, dated June 8, 1990, recorded in Volume 3291, Page 868 of the Collin County Land Records, being described by metes and bounds as follows: COMMENCING at an iron pin set beside a post at the Southeast corner of the R.L. Loftice 4.00 acres, Ref. Document 96-22681 and the Southwest corner of the Morrison Survey, Abstract No. 559 and the Southeast corner of the Martin Moore Survey, Abstract No. 649 same being an ell corner of said 201.6 acre tract; Thence South 89 deg. 48 min. 36 sec. East, 48.46 feet to a point in a rock road; Thence South 40 deg. 45 min. 18 sec. East, 817.26 feet with said rock road to an iron pin set in said road for a PLACE OF BEGINNING; Thence East, passing an iron pin set 20 feet West of the center of Slater Creek at 1617.25 feet and continuing in all 1637.25 feet to a point in the East line of said 201.6 acre tract and in the West line of Anna Mobile Home Park; Thence Southerly with the East line of said 201.6 acre tract and the West line of said Mobile Home Park and the West line of the A.L. Geer 6.507 acres of land and the West line of the Mrs. Doyle Hudgins Land, Ref. V. 471, P. 56 as follows: South 20 deg. 49 min. East, 164.75 feet; South 29 deg. 32 min. West, 83.6 feet; South 32 deg. 50 min. 38 sec. West, 105.48 feet; South 13 deg. 10 min. 13 sec. West, 45.53 feet; South 8 deg. 19 min. 02 sec. East, 54.78 feet; (Continued) LEGAL DESCRIPTION South 50 deg. 07 min. 48 sec.. East, 22.15 feet; South 25 deg. 59 min. 25 sec. East, 48.64 feet; South 48 deg. 01 min. 37 sec. East, 91.57 feet; South 41 deg. 00 min. East, 31.34 feet; South 5 deg. 33 min. 23 sec. East, 57.05 feet; South 49 deg. 31 min. 25 sec. West, 17.46 feet; South 8 deg. 21 min. 06 sec. West, 39.31 feet; South 36 deg. 52 min. 39 sec. West, 26.45 feet; South 55 deg. 38 min. 34 sec. West, 41.57 feet; South 0 deg. 24 min. 33 sec. West, 32.44 feet; South 39 deg. 07 min. 22 sec. West, 54.33 feet to a point Northwest corner of said 1.60 acre tract; in said Creek at the Thence South 88 deg. 40 min. 24 sec. East, passing an iron pin set at 12.0 feet and continuing in all 71.91 feet to an iron pin set beside a corner post at the Northeast corner of said 1.60 acre tract and an ell corner of said_Hudgins Land; Thence South 2 deg. 28 min. 37 sec. West, 7.12.81 feet with the fence on the East line of said 1.60 acre tract and with the West line of said Hudgins Land and the East line of the Robert C. Martin Land, Ref. V. 513, P. 378 and the West line of the Jimmy T. Gillard Land, Ref. V. 1682, P. 692 to an iron pin set on the South side of an east -west rock road, in the North line of the A.L. Geer 25.378 acre tract Ref. V. 637, P. 402; Thence South 89 deg. 52 min. 40 sec. West, passing an iron pin set at 100.0 feet continuing in all 148.79 feet with the North line of said 25.378 acre tract to a point in the center of Slater Creek, at the Northwest corner of said 25.378 acre tract; Thence North 1 deg. 39 min. 36 sec. West, 14.52 feet to a point in the center of said rock road; Thence Westerly with the center of said road as follows: North 89 deg. 49 min. 57 sec. West, 90.06 feet; North 83 deg. 29 min. 37 sec. West, 67.02 feet; North 75 deg. 09 min. 35 sec. West, 54.18 feet; North 59 deg. 26 min. 20 sec. West, 54.91 feet; North 50 deg. 23 min. West, 76.74 feet; North 44 deg. 06 min. 32 sec. West, 96.84 feet; North 40 deg. 45 min. 18 sec. West, 1735.17 feet containing 35.000 acres of land, more or less. TRACT THREE: to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and SITUATED in Collin County, Texas, in the Henry Brantley Survey, Abstract No. 71, the Gynn Morrison Survey, Abstract No. 559 and in the J.C. Farris Survey, Abstract No. 331, being a - resurvey of the 27.883 acres of land described first, the 1.60 acres of land Parcel B described second and a part of the 201.6 acres of land described fourth in the deed from William Donald West to George F. West dated June 4, 1990, recorded in Volume 3291, Page (Continued) LEGAL DESCRIPTION 860 of the Collin County Land Records, and the same tracts as described in a deed from James Edwin West to George F. West, dated June 8, 1990, recorded in Volume 3291, Page 868 of the Collin County Land Records, being described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pin set in the top of a large Bois d'arc post at the Northwest corner of said Henry Brantley Survey, at the West, Northwest corner of said 201.6 acre tract, in the East line of the F.T. Daffau Survey, Abstract No. 288 and the Southwest corner of the R.L. Loftice 4.00 acres, Ref. Document 96-22681; Thence South 89 deg. 48 min. 36 sec. East, 719.86 feet with a North line of said 201.6 acre tract and with the North line of said Brantley Survey and with the South line of said 4.00 acre tract to an iron pin set beside a post at the Southeast corner of said 4.00 acre tract, the Southwest corner of said Morrison Survey and the Southeast corner of the Martin Moore Survey, Abstract No. 649; Thence North 0 deg. 38 min. 26 sec. West, 2303.61 feet with a West line of said 201.6 acre tract and the West line of said Morrison Survey and the East line of said Moore Survey and the East line of said 4.00 acre tract and the East line of the Jan Miller 58.5 acres of land, Ref. Volume 2267, Page 671 to an iron pin set beside a corner post at the Northwest corner of said 201.6 acre tract and the Northwest corner of said Morrison Survey and the Northeast corner of said Moore Survey and the Northeast corner of said 58.5 acre tract, in the South line of the J.C. Brantley Survey, Abstract No. 114 and in the South line of the Rudman Partnership 159.24 acres of land, Ref. Vol. 3346, Page 764; Thence North 88 deg. 24 min. 20 sec. East, 976.79 feet with the North line of said 201.6 acre tract and the North line of said Morrison Survey and the South line of said J.C. Brantley Survey and the South line of said 159.24 acre tract to an iron pin set at the North, Northeast corner of said 201.6 acre tract and the Northwest corner of the Leonard Harlow 50 acres, Ref. V. 1498, P. 124; Thence South 1 deg. 22 min. 32 sec. East, 510.29 feet with the East line of said 201.6 acre tract and the West line of said 50 acre tract to an iron pin set in the center of Slater Creek; Thence Southerly with the center of Slater Creek and with the East line of said 201.6 acre tract and the West line of said 50 acre tract, the West line of the Russell L. Harlow, et al 50.00 acre tract, Ref. V. 2408, P. 319, the West line of North Park Addition, the West line of Anna Mobile Home Park as follows: South 0 deg. 03 min. 17 sec. East, 71.94 feet; South 20 deg. 05 min. 27 sec. East, 96.21 feet; South 41 deg. 14 min. 56 sec. East, 57.16 feet; South 27 deg. 16 min. 35 sec. East, 262.11 feet; South 43 deg. 15 min. 25 sec. East, 74.62 feet; South 5 deg. 09 min. 05 sec. East, 77.15 feet; South 9 deg. 24 min. 07 sec. East, 59.50 feet; South 29 deg. 42 min. 08 sec. East, 100.80 feet; South 54 deg. 03 min. 11 sec. East, 90.97 feet; South 68 deg_ 49 min. 36 sec. East, 43.98 feet; South 34 deg. 44 min. 51 sec. East, 56.05 feet; (Continued) LEGAL DESCRIPTION South 4 deg. 45 min. 42 sec. East, 97.25 feet; South 52 deg. 42 min. 30 sec. East, 62.88 feet; North 71 deg. 09 min. 36 sec. East, 26.57 feet; South 22 deg. 52 min, 21 sec. East, 122.69 feet; South 57 deg. 20 min. 30 sec. East, 46.03 feet; South 35 deg. 00 min. 20 sec. East, 87.71 feet; South 66 deg. 56 min. 28 sec. East, 51.35 feet; South 36 deg. 33 min. 48 sec. East, 59.34 feet; South 67 deg. 42 min. 52 sec. East, 29.61 feet; North 56 deg. 10 min. 55 sec. East, 21.73 feet; South 47 deg. 27 min. 54 sec. East, 53.69 feet; South 68 deg. 34 min. 46 sec. East, 79.61 feet; South 57 deg. 21 min. 42 sec. East, 59.49 feet; South 1 deg. it min. 55 sec. East, 4.4.71 feet; South 13 deg. 13 min. 37 sec. West, 63.69 feet; North 73 deg. 38 min. 43 sec. West, 32.11 feet; South 20 deg. 01 min. 15 sec. West, 18.69 feet; South 21 deg. 24 min. 59 sec. East, 52.12 feet; South 61 deg. 53 min. 46 sec. East, 16.42 feet; South 10 deg. 28 min. 30 sec. East, 78.28 feet; South 11 deg. 46 min. 31 sec. West, 44.16 feet; South 6 deg. 29 min. East, 67.30 feet; South 16 deg. 44 min. East, 245.50 feet; South 38 deg. 14 min. East, 233.64 feet; South 5 deg. 34 min. East, 168.30 feet; South 20 deg. 49 min. East, 174.95 feet to a point in said West line of said Mobile Home Park; line and Creek, in the Thence West, passing an iron pin set at 200 feet and continuing in all 1637.25 feet to an iron pin set in the center of a road road; Thence Southeasterly with the center of said road as follows: South 40 deg, 45 min. 18 sec. East, 1735.17 feet; South 44 deg. 06 min. 32 sec. East, 96.84 feet; South 50 deg. 23 min. 00 sec. East, 76.74 feet; South 59 deg. 26 min. 20 sec. East, 54.91 feet; _ South 75 deg. 09 min. 35 sec. East, 54.18 feet; South 83 deg. 29 min. 37 sec. East, 67.02 feet; South 89 deg. 49 min. 57 sec. East, 90.06 feet to an iron pin set; Thence South 1 deg. 39 min. 36 sec. East,. 14.52 feet to a point in Slater Creek at the Northeast corner of said 27.883 acre tract and the North, Northwest corner of the A.L. Geer 25.378 acre tract; Thence Southerly with the center of said Creek and with an East line of said 27.883 acre tract and a West line of said A.L. Geer tract as follows: South 1 deg. 30 min. 56 sec. East, 101.65 feet; South 47 deg. 40 min. 04 sec. West,. 222.12 feet; (Continued) LEGAL DESCRIPTION South 17 deg. 54 min. 41 sec. West, 153.24 feet to a point in said Creek; Thence North 75 deg. 24 min. 47 sec. West, 163.86 feet with a South line of said 27.883 acre tract and a North line of said A.L. Geer tract to an iron pin found; Thence North 89 deg. 55 min. 15 sec. West, 319.91 feet with a South line of said 27.883 acre tract and a north line of said A.L. Geer tract to an iron pin. found; Thence South 14 deg. 11 min. 28 sec. West, 582.88 feet to an iron pin found at the South, Southeast corner of said 27.883 acre tract and the West, Southwest corner of said A.L. Geer tract and in the North line of the Ben West 17.86 acres; Thence Westerly with the South line of said 27.883 acre tract and the North line of said Ben West 17.86 acres as follows: North 86 deg. 59 min. 46 sec. West, 78.63 feet to an iron pin found beside a post; North 72 deg. 45 min. 28 sec. West, 291.39 feet to an iron pin found beside a post; North 55 deg. 04 min. 39 sec. West, 110.25 feet to an iron pin found beside a post; North 79 deg. 08 min. 44 sec. West, 102.29 feet to an iron pin found beside a post; North 28 deg. 51 min. 22 sec. West, 83.27 feet to an iron pin set; North 83 deg. 31 min. 41 sec. West, 3.28.42 feet to an iron pin set at the Southwest corner of said 27.883 acre tract and the Northwest corner of said Ben West 17.86 acres, in the East line of the 39.71 acres of land described second in said deed Ref. V. 3291, P. 860; Thence North 0 deg. 22 min. 24 sec. West, 765.50 feet with the West line of said 27.883 acre tract and the East line of said 39.71 acre tract to an iron pin set at the Northwest corner of said 27.883 acre tract and the Northeast corner of said 39.71 acre tract; Thence South 88 deg. 42 min. 53 sec. West, 1059.91 feet with the North line of said 39.71 acre tract and with the South line of said 201.6 acre tract to an iron pin found at the Southwest corner of said 201.6 acre tract and the Northwest corner of said 39.71 acre tract and the Southwest corner of said Henry Brantley Survey, Abst, No. 71 and the Southeast corner of the Florence G. Jackson 60.549 acre tract, Ref. V. 1234, P. 572; Thence North 0 deg. 15 min. 22 sec. West, 2014.56 feet with the West line of said Brantley Survey and the West line of said 201.6 acre tract and the East line of said 60.549 acre tract to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 200.92 acres of land, more or less. Save and except Description 1,500 square feet of land SITUATED in Collin County, Texas, in the J. C. Farris Survey, Abstract No. 331, being a resurvey of the 25.3 acres described in a deed from the F.D.I.C. to George F. West, recorded in volume 3363, Page 334 and a 2 acre Tract Ref. Volume 774, Page 509 of said J.C. Farris Survey all of Collin County Deed Records, Being described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at the Southeast corner of said 2.00 acre tract, Ref. Volume 774, Page 509, Abstract No. 331, an existing iron pin set in the North R.O.W line of Farm Road No.455; Thence North 0 deg. 11 min. 21 sec. East, 100 feet with the East line of said 2.00 acre tract, Ref. Volume 774, Page 509 to an existing iron pin set for corner; Thence South 89 deg. 51 min. 36 sec. West, 15 feet to a iron pin for corner of said 2.00 acre tract, Ref. Volume 774, Page 509; Thence South 0 deg. 11 min. 21 sec. East, 100 feet to a corner of said North R.O.W. line to an existing iron pin set at the Southwest corner of said 2.00 acre tract, Ref. Volume 774, Page 509; Thence South 89 deg. 51 min. 36 sec. East, 15 feet to a iron pin for corner to place of Beginning and containing 1,500 square feet, more or less O DESCRIPTION 10.581 Acres of Land Abstract No. 71, being a SITUATED in the City of Anna, Collin County, Texas, in the Henry Brantley Survey, in a ed from Orlena A.resurvey I- a Gof eer dateof the d June 19 1964378 acres recorded n Volume 637, Page 402 of the Collinhols and husband W., H. county Deed Records, eing describedby A. I.. G ) metes and bounds as follows: ch BEGINNING at P /2 in the ll comer northwestn found at the of the A. L. Geer 25.378 acres Ref. Vol. 637, Pg.jo Powell 6402;ses, Ref. Doc. No. 98-0047095 (V. 4162, 'Thence south 1°02'55" east, with an east line of said 25.378 acre tract and the west fine of said 4.67 acre frac et passing a 1/2 inch irond pin 25.378 found aacre tract, at the northe2-34 feet and ast comer of the Beuing in all 339.o n West 17.85 ac res, es, Reiron f Vol. in ogd atPg 281; southeast comer of said Thence generally in a westerly direction with the south line of said 25.378 acre tract and a north line of said 17.85 acre tract as follows: North 73053'25" West, 34.9 feet; North 3804416' West, 64.63 feet South 82°29'42" West, 247.47 feet to a 1/2 inch iron pin set at the ell comes of said 17.85 acre tract and at the southwest comer of said 25.378 acre tract; Thence generally in a northerly direction with the west line of said 25.378 acre tract and an east line of said 17.8 acre tract as follows: North 1015'22" West, 52.05 feet to an axle found; North 22017'16" West, 72.76 feet to an axle found; 130.85 feet to anaxle found; North 40°45'46' West, 128.8 feet; North 30°25'46" West North 0°45'14" East 107F..52 feet to a 1 /2 inch iron pin found a northeast comer of said 17.85 acre tract, a 860 and in the west line of said 25.378 acre southeasThence North 14°118" East, 582.88 feet With said line West 39.4 acres, Rf. Vol. lto a 1/2 inch iron pm found at the northwest comer tof said 25.378 acre tract and at the ell comer of said 39.4 acre tract; otence o a 1 South 115 pin„ foundin the East, 3-91north line f said 25.378 acre tract and at the southest comer of said 39.4et with die north fine of said 25.378 acre tract and a south line of said 9 4 acre tract /2 inch iron acre tract; Thence generally n a southerly direction with the center of Slater Creek as follows: South 5032' East, 125.0 feet;South 17016' East, 145.0 feet; South 33°OS' East 111.0 feet; South 39°16' East, 113.0 feet; South 3°10' West 111- feet; South 57°00' West, 144.0 feet to a point in the north line of said 4.67 acre tract; ere tractSouth to th 053'13"PLACE OF , 69.56 feet with a and a retaining 10.581 th line of id25.37 Sof landre act and with the north line of said 4.67 a EXHIBIT B ANNEXATION SERVICE PLAN WEST-GEER TRACT OCTOBER, 2002 CODE ENFORCEMENT Code Enforcement includes activities of inspecting properties and buildings and securing compliance with adopted ordinances and codes relative to the following: (1) Tall grass and weeds (except for agricultural and ranch properties) (2) Trash and debris (3) Stagnant water and unsanitary conditions (4) Junked vehicles and parts (5) Junked appliances and materials (6) Enforcement of the Minimum Housing Code pertaining to maintenance and habitability of existing housing City code enforcement activities will be conducted in newly annexed territories under the same terms and on the same schedule and using the same procedures as for other areas inside the corporate limits. Code enforcement services will be implemented immediately upon the effective date of this ordinance. SOLID WASTE, BRUSH, AND REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICES Refuse Service Citizens in newly annexed areas will receive solid waste (trash), brush, and refuse service in accordance with existing city ordinances. Generally, the ordinances provide residential pick-up service of plastic bags and metal cans of not larger than 20 gallons in size at curbside or streetside twice per week for a fee that is established by the city council. Most large objects can be picked up on an as -needed basis. The solid waste Page 1 of 5 customer must arrange for large object pick-up by calling the City of Anna (972-924- 3325). Present solid waste collection service routes will be extended to cover annexed areas. The City currently contracts with a private firm that provides solid waste collection services. The individual customer will be provided information regarding solid waste collections services when the customer makes his/her water and/or sanitary sewer service deposit. These services will be implemented within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the ordinance of which this service plan is a part. PLANNING, ZONING AND MAPPING The function of planning, zoning, and mapping is to implement ordinances relating to zoning classifications within the City and to provide mapping resources. Zoning functions include the following: (1) Provide proper zoning classification of properties within the City. Zoning is a tool to designate the uses of property, such as residential, business, agricultural, industry, etc. Proper zoning ensures the best use for the property and, at the same time, protects adjacent properties from mixed uses that reduce property value and lower the quality of life for adjacent property owners and residents. It also regulates parking, building heights, lot coverage, noise pollution, setbacks, and regulations relating to the use of property. (2) Enforce zoning ordinances relating to uses permitted, parking, lot coverage, minimum building area, storage, heights, and other items. (3) Implement and enforce subdivision and plat requirements. (4) Provide assistance to citizens building on their property and handle complaints relating to land use and zoning. Mapping and drafting functions include the following: (1) Provide mapping resources of new territories, zoning, streets, water and sewer lines, easements, right-of-ways, subdivisions, lots, and other related matters. Page 2 of 5 (2) Assist citizens in matters related to their properties and maps containing requested information. These services will be provided to residents and property owners in newly annexed territories on the some basis as they are provided to residents and property owners in the existing incorporated area. Planning, zoning, and mapping services will be implemented immediately upon the effective date of this ordinance. FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES The City is served by the Anna Volunteer Fire Department, a private non-profit corporation. Fire protection services provided by the Anna Volunteer Fire Department to the City include response to fire calls and inspection of commercial and industrial structures for code violations. All fire protection services provided by the Anna Volunteer Fire Department within the existing corporate limits will be provided within the newly annexed area upon the effective date of the annexation. Volunteers are available for consultation on fire prevention on request by citizens and/or property owners of the community. It is anticipated that development of the property will result in additional costs to the city relative to provision of fire protection and prevention services to the property. A fire prevention and fire protection capital improvement assessment may be charged and assessed on a building lot basis as development of the property occurs. Fire protection services will be implemented immediately upon the effective date of this ordinance. STREET MAINTENANCE The street maintenance function is primarily supported from ad valorem (property) and sales taxes. Maintenance activities are determined by the level of funding and the need for maintenance as determined by the city council. Once the annexation of property Page 3 of 5 included in this ordinance has been completed, all streets, roads, and bridges included in the annexed area will be added to the City's street maintenance program. Roadways in the newly annexed area will receive equal consideration with regard to maintenance as those within the existing corporate limits. Street maintenance services will be implemented immediately upon the effective date of this ordinance or after the acceptance by the City of the streets in a new subdivision, whichever is appropriate. WASTEWATER SERVICES The property is located within the area certificated to the City of Anna for sanitary sewer service. The newly annexed area will be offered sanitary sewer service in accordance with existing City ordinances. Generally these ordinances state that the customer must bear the cost of construction of sewer system facilities to a point where service to the customer can be provided. All sanitary sewer facilities must be constructed in accordance with Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Texas Department of Insurance, and City of Anna regulations and specifications. It is anticipated that sanitary sewer service will be provided to this property through construction by the property owner and/or developer of off-site and on-site facilities. A Facilities Agreement will be developed that will identify the details regarding sanitary sewer service for the newly annexed area. Impact fees may be charged to the property for the recovery of costs associated with provision of sanitary sewer service to the property. Should the property owner and/or developer construct eligible oversized and/or off-site facilities, the property owner and/or developer may be reimbursed for some or all of the costs of such facilities, subject to agreement with the City of Anna. The policy for private service lines will remain the same as exists in the current city limits. That is, the City will maintain main transmission lines only. Only one connection per structure is permitted without specific written approval from an authorized official of the City. Page 4 of 5 Sanitary sewer service charges will be assessed at the same rate as established for other city customers in the same use classification. WATER SERVICES Residents and property owners in newly annexed areas will be offered water service in accordance with existing City ordinances. Generally, these ordinances state that the customer must bear the cost of construction of water system facilities to a point where suitable connection to the existing system can be made and service to the customer can be provided. Water service facilities designed to connect an unserved area to the City's existing system must be approved by the City Council and meet all City zoning, subdivision, and other relevant requirements. All water mains must be constructed in accordance with Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Texas Department of Insurance, and City of Anna regulations and specifications. It is anticipated that water service will be provided to this property through construction by the property owner and/or developer of off-site and on-site facilities. A Facilities Agreement will be developed that will identify the details regarding water service for the newly annexed area. Impact fees may be charged to the property for the recovery of costs associated with provision of water service to the property. Should the property owner and/or developer construct eligible oversized and/or off-site facilities, the property owner and/or developer may be reimbursed for some or all of the costs of such facilities, subject to agreement with the City of Anna. The policy for private service lines will remain the same as exists in the current City limits. That is, the City will maintain water lines from the water main to the water meter. All repairs/maintenance from the meter to the point of usage is the property owner's responsibility. Water service charges will be assessed at the same rate as established for other city customers in the same use classification. Page 5 of 5