HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 047-2003 PD 57.23 Willow Creek.pdfCITY OF ANNA, TEXAS
WHEREAS, the owner of the property described in Exhibit A attached hereto has requested a
certain zoning for said property; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anna has given the requisite notices and afforded a
full and fair hearing to all property owners generally and to all persons interested in and situated
in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof, the City Council of the City of Anna has
concluded that the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Anna should be amended as follows:
Section 1.
The Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Anna, Texas, is amended by zoning the
tract described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made an integral part of this Ordinance, as
Planned Development No. 12-2003 (PD 12-2003). The Planned Development shall include the
following elements:
A. Residential Element
Permitted Uses in Residential Part of Planned Development
The permitted uses in the area(s) designated as Residential on the Concept Plan (Exhibit B)
will be the same as those permitted in the "R-1 — Single Family Residential' zoning district.
Minimum front yard — 25 feet; however, covered porches and bay windows may encroach
up to five (5) feet into the required setback.
Minimum side yard — 5 feet; however, 15 feet shall be required on a corner lot adjacent to a
side street. Garages that face a side street must maintain a 20 feet setback.
Minimum rear yard — 15 feet.
Lot Dimensions:
The minimum dimensions for residential lots will be as follows:
Minimum lot area — 6,000 square feet
Minimum lot width — 50 feet
Minimum lot depth — 90 feet
Number of residential lots:
The number of residential lots in the Planned Development shall not exceed 250 lots.
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Minimum Dwelling Area:
Minimum dwelling area requirements shall be one thousand two hundred (1,200) square
Maximum Height:
Two and one-half (2 '/2) stories or thirty-five (35) feet, whichever is greater (excluding
chimneys and vent stacks, cupolas, entry features, skylights, and other architectural
features not intended for occupancy or storage). Notwithstanding the foregoing, however,
all residential structures located on a lot with a rear yard abutting a street identified on the
City of Anna Thoroughfare Plan as a collector or thoroughfare shall be limited to a maximum
height of one story.
Maximum Lot Coverage:
Maximum lot coverage will be fifty percent (50%). "Coverage" means the percentage of lot
area covered by a roof or other structure (including accessory structures); however, roof
eaves and other ordinary building projections are excluded.
Off -Street Parking
A minimum of two (2) enclosed off-street parking spaces will be provided for each dwelling
unit (which spaces must be located on the same lot as the dwelling unit).
Masonry Requirements:
Exterior building materials for residential structures shall be at least seventy percent (70%)
masonry. "Masonry' means brick, stone re -cast stone, stucco, cement fiber siding, and any
other similar veneer material attached to an outside wall.
In a residential subdivision that has utilized the "masonry' products of brick, stone, or pre-
cast stone anywhere within said subdivision, any residential structure built on a corner lot
within such subdivision shall be required to contain a minimum coverage of 100% containing
brick, stone, and pre -cast stone
In a residential subdivision that has utilized the "masonry' products of brick, stone, and pre-
cast stone anywhere within said subdivision, any residential structure built on a corner lot
within such subdivision shall be required to contain a minimum coverage of 100% containing
brick, stone, or pre -cast stone on the first floor side of the residential unit facing any public
street. When utilizing brick, stone, and pre -cast stone, interior structures (structures not on
corner lots) shall be required to apply or wrap the corners of the structures with the brick,
stone, and pre -cast stone with a minimum coverage of two feet on the side extending back
from the front corners, in addition to the front elevation requirement.
Garages may be front facing and there is no requirement for "swing" driveways.
Sidewalks will be installed along the street frontage of all residential lots prior to the
issuance of a final certificate of occupancy for each house constructed thereon.
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B. Commercial Element
Permitted Uses in Commercial Part of Planned Development
The permitted uses in the area(s) designated as Commercial on the Concept Plan (Exhibit
B) will be the same as those permitted in the "C-1 — Light Commercial' zoning district.
A masonry or wood fence of not less than eight feet height shall be erected along the rear
property line of the commercial property, adjacent to the residential element of this Planned
Development. If constructed of wood, fences shall be treated with a preservative to extend
the life of and enhance the appearance of the fence. The maintenance of such perimeter
fences shall be the responsibility of the owner of the commercial property.
All other requirements of the C-1 zoning district shall pertain to the Commercial Element of
this Planned Development.
Section 2.
The official Zoning Map of the City of Anna shall be corrected to reflect the change in zoning
described herein.
Section 3.
All ordinances of the City of Anna in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are repealed to
the extent of that conflict.
Section 4.
This Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council and
approval by the Mayor.
PASSED on this the 14th day of January, 2003, by the following vote of the City Council of the
City of Anna, Texas.
City Se retary
C'Documents and SeffingsWl Users DOCUmentslAnna MgffDevelopment lssuesZoning120031Tornpkins 57 acresM-Zon Ord-
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SITUATED in Collin County, Texas, in the J. C. Farris Survey, Abstract No. 331, being a
resurvey of the 39.9 acre FIRST TRACT described in a deed from Myrtle Giles, et al to Benj. B.
West and wife, Hazel Marie West dated May 29, 1948, recorded in Volume 393, Page 378 and
the 17.85 acres described in a deed from Jess Alexander, et al to Benj. B. West and wife, Hazel
Marie West dated May 1, 1948, recorded in Volume 357, Page 281, both deeds of the Collin
County Deed Records, being described by metes and bounds as follows:
BEGINNING at an iron pin found at the east, southeast corner of the George F. West
19.50 acres, Ref. V. 3363, R 334, the northeast corner of the Brian Roper 2.00 acres, Ref. Doc.
No. 98-0071249, in a north -south fence and in the west line of said 39.9 acre tract;
Thence northerly with said fence and the west line of said 39.9 -acre tract and the east
line of said 19.50 -acre tract as follows:
North 0103' 12" East, 407.12 feet;
North 00 00'25" East, 551.75 feet to an iron pin found at the northwest corner of
said 39.9 acre tract and the northeast corner of said 19.50 acre tract and in the
south line of said 17.85 acre tract;
Thence north 890 17'59" West, 416.77 feet with an old fence and with the south line of
said 17.85 acre tract and the north line of said 19.50 acre tract to an iron pipe found at the
southwest corner of said 17.85 acre tract, at the west southeast corner of the George F. West
39.40 acres, Ref. V. 3291, P. 860 and in the northern line of said 19.50 acre tract;
Thence northerly with the west line of said 17.85 -acre tract, an east line of said 39.40 -
acre tract and with an old fence as follows:
North 0146'58" West, 401.15 feet; North 0° 04'06" West, 377.59 feet;
North 0126' 11" West, 92.46 feet to an iron pin set at the northwest comer of said
17.85 -acre tract and at an ell corner of said 39.40 -acre tract;
Thence southeasterly with the north line of said 17.85 -acre tract, the south line of said
39.40 -acre tract and with a fence as follows:
South 83° 31'41" East, 327.57 feet, an iron pin set;
South 28° 51'22" East, 83.27 feet, an iron pin found;
South 791 08'44" East, 102.29 feet, an iron pin found;
South 550 04'39" East, 110.25 feet, an iron pin found;
South 720 45'28" East, 291.39 feet, an iron pin found;
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South 861 59'46" East, 78.63 feet to an iron pin found at a southeast corner of
said 39.40 acre tract, a northeast corner of said 17.85 acre tract in the west line
of the Meltex, Inc. 11.5977 acres, Ref. V. 2929, P. 325;
Thence southerly and easterly with the north line of said 17.85 acre tract, the west and
south line of said 11.5977 acre tract and with an old fence as follows:
South 00 45' 14" West, 107.52 feet, a car axle found;
South 300 25'46" East, 130.85 feet, a t -post found;
South 400 45'46" East, 128.80 feet, a car axle found;
South 221 17' 16" East, 72.76 feet, a car axle found;
South 11 15'22" East, 52.05 feet, an iron pin set;
North 821 29'42" East, 247.47 feet, a t -post found;
South 38° 44' 16" East, 64.63 feet, an iron pin found;
South 731 53'25" East, 34.90 feet to an iron pin found at the south, southeast
corner of said 11.5977 acre tract, in the north line of said 17.85 acre tract;
Thence north 10 16'25" west, 37.66 feet with an east line of said 11.5977 acre tract and a
west line of said 17.85 acre tract to an iron pin found at the southwest comer of the Peggy Jo
Powell 4.67 acres, Ref. Doc No. 98-0047095;
Thence north 780 22'30" east, 99.00 feet with the south line of said 4.67 acre tract to a
point in the center of Slater Creek at the northeast corner of said 17.85 acre tract and the
northwest corner of the Peggy Jo Powell 9.80 acres, Ref. V. 131, Pg. 9;
Thence southerly with the center of said Slater Creek, with the east line of said 17.85
acre tract, the west line of said 9.80 acre tract, the west line of the Joe Lafavers Southwest
Staple, Inc. 8.296 acres, Ref. V. 4288, P. 1, the west line of the W. B. Powell 1.031 acres, Ref. V.
510, P. 372 and the west line of the John Bradley 3.65 acres, Ref. V. 4316, P. 2211 as follows;
South 131 08'47" East, 126.43 feet; South 30 33'05" West, 142.80 feet;
South 120 56'59" East, 169.88 feet; South 570 05' 10" East, 138.84 feet;
South 41' 54'40" East, 32.69 feet; South 101 08'40" West, 18.70 feet;
South 350 52'40" West, 72.37 feet; South 531 05'40" West, 49.26 feet;
South 60° 16'37" West, 61.39 feet; South 210 36'09" East, 82.58 feet;
South 20 41'37" West, 42.91 feet; South 24° 47' 34" West, 14.95 feet;
South 630 57' 27" West, 51.47 feet; South 47° 53' 27" West, 27.23 feet;
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South 8° 25'51" East, 79.33 feet; South 23102'05" West, 57.84 feet;
South 5° 01'55" East, 46.55 feet' South 481 10' 31" East, 133.02 feet;
South 36156'49" East, 44.34 feet; South 27° 00'38" East, 19.94 feet;
South 160 10' 21" West, 100.28 feet; South 00 34'40" West, 196.12 feet;
South 400 22'22" West, 105.78 feet; South 00 42' 37" East, 104.47 feet to a point
in the center of said Slater Creek, in the east line of said 39.9 acre tract, at the
southwest corner of said 3.65 acre tract and in the north R.O.W. line of Farm
Road No. 455;
Thence north 890 34'28" west, 1128.20 feet with said north R.O.W. line to an iron pin set
in the west line of said 39.9 -acre tract, in said north R.O.W. line, at the southeast corner of said
Roper 2.00 acre tract;
Thence north 00 01'25" east, 486.23 feet with the west line of said 39.9 acre tract, the
east line of said 2.00 acre tract and with said old fence to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and
containing 57.232 acres of land.
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