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Ord 068-2003 Zoning Hud Code .pdf
CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 68-2003 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF ANNA TO PROVIDE FOR REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY; PROVIDING A REPEALER CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the owner of the property described in Exhibit A attached hereto has requested a certain zoning for said property; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anna has given the requisite notices and afforded a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally and to all persons interested in and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof, the City Council of the City of Anna has concluded that the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Anna should be amended as follows: NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS: Section 1. The Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Anna, Texas, is amended by granting a Specific Use Permit for the tract described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made an integral part of this Ordinance. The Specific Use Permit shall include the following components: 1. A HUD -Code manufactured home as described in Exhibit B may be located on the tract. 2. The HUD -Code manufactured home must be owner -occupied, said owner being Kathleen Wellborn Martin. 3. The existing single family residential unit located on the tract must be demolished and removed no later than April 8, 2004. 4. All other provisions of the R-1 zoning district in the existing City of Anna Zoning Ordinance are applicable to the tract and any uses of the tract. Section 2. The official Zoning Map of the City of Anna shall be corrected to reflect the change in zoning described herein. Section 3. All ordinances of the City of Anna in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are repealed to the extent of that conflict. Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council and approval by the Mayor. Ord. 68-2003 Page 1 of 2 April 8, 2003 PASSED on this the 8th day of April, 2003, by the following vote of the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas. AYE 5 NAY 0 ABSTAIN 0 ATTEST: City Secr ary Ord. 68-2003 Page 2 of 2 April 8, 2003 ius ......■om! — �...: .....■...l mmnllll ll�,�IFAWVIIII �.... ....■.... a::010::::o .........■.■.■.. .....■ ...■moss ..a ........ I `._. of MEMO p::S7STiu.om.uui : 01,00 ON ■aa; mom" J.m.L, ....._ ON ON � MUS :0000 :0101 :0000 :8800 ilzicsiliiiiilii VON 'mammas ONE now Now m IIlossamn onommmImmullo I II . J ■■ 1 - — awwwm uu. ism■m Sam IN � I . I� I nwnm m■■■ WES�rmNo u.umms.■m■j aOEM a� Nis ` Vo uuuu ms�i II i II U.B. Department of Hoaeing HUD's OMB Approval No. 26024192 (exP. Description of Materials end 2602-0313 ("P. and Urban Development yot.�8 z y o zr s < Department of Veterans Affdfe filrman Home Adminlatrtation Public reporting burden for this correction of Information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, Including the time for fwawing Instructions, no P rel d existing data sources, gathering and melnalnlrg the data needed, and completing and revlewfng OMBscison of control number. This agenq rneY this Information, and you are not required to complete this form, unless It displays ■ currently d a HUD must wN . a Ma The National Housing Act (12 USC 1703) authorizes Insuring financial Instltullone againel default losses on Wigle family rnortgne _ acceptability and value of Prof 4itulto fle le Insured. Mortgage Inffren .I�R�IsPorq t this Nthere will hormation Wledloe used to oIMmanif datory. d No�unnce of WfUld ntlal�ry requirements and If the property g ge Proposed Construction Q Under Construction No. Property addreas (Include City and State) and or Instructions of 1, For additional informaton on how this loan la to be submitted, Ilnatortnumberfor coplas, ate., Na the instructions applicable to the HUD App Mortgage Insurance, VA Request for DeGrminatlon of Reasonable Value, or FmHA Property Information and Appraisal Report, as the does, may be. 2. Describe all materials and equipment to be used, who"( or not shown on the drawings, by marring an X In each appropriate Chedr-box and entering the Information Called for each apace. if space is Inadequate, enter "360 misc." and of paint containing more tundor hio this percentage 7 or on an eof lead by wtlghl nermiltad by law is prohibited, t. Escavadon Bearing soil, type 2. Foundations Footings concrete mix Foundation well material Interior foundation wall material _ Columns malerW and sizes Girders material and Sizes _-- Basement entrance areaway Waterproofing ..-__._---"-- Termite Protector, Beeamanlloss Space ground cover Spaclel foundations _. Additional information (To be Inserted try HUD. VA or r•i Name and address, 0( Contractor or Builder 3, Work not spedficarly described or shown will not be ocne(den required, than the mlNmum aouplable wtl bs assumed. WoHI e minimum requlromerds cannel be cares dared unless speoindaly d al' phrases. Or 4, include oration of aarequest foracceptance It@msi or e of Substitute materials or equ not thereby Precluded.) 5. Include signatures nqulred at fin and of INS form. 5. The conaWctlon shall be corrolated In compliance Win the related and spedncatlons� as amended during P—4V, The spedkAft this Oesmipion d M"Wm end ft applicable "AIMUm Property 8 strength psi--._ Reinforcing Reinforcing party foundation wall -- Flats "twist and reinforcing — _—_— 8111$ material �_•,..,,_—_ .,_ Window eroaweys Foating drains Insulation Chimneys Material _G,oL J.1Q.C�!J�_ A-. Jr 1:-(, --.- Prefabricated (make and size) Flue lining malarial___.. ---------- Vents (material and Size) gas or oil healer _—____.......__—_—__.--------- •---- sealer healer Additional informallon foundation vents Fireplace, flue size 4. Firepla�ces Type [t`1 Solid fuel n_ gee- urning dreulalor (make antl size) _C1nlS..1 ✓ _ G-. ---- Aah dump and Fireplace facirg __.%L",1.. ... _____ lining _-,jl�R.! �/.Z.,.-------.-.- hearth J1L�C�F_<2pt_r1F- mantel _1s,? Additional Inlomladan ref. HUD Retain this record for Three years Page 1 oft 4145.1 8 4050.1 lomrl HUD -5 VA Form 2&1$52 and form P.AtarWalls Corer brackV Building paper Or felt 7. X�k from• wrood Breda, and spades -,Z,£ZG�._ty_.CI�d_ Wood frame N O.C. diegOltei 7�_�-_ width �_$.___ � wild aWOad ---^ — Sheathing2FSO.t-P1Yl:�pmlckneas _ r ILLnIalz•LOA 4Ilut•ning o typo e�ur• Siding _-_ grade -�_n fastening • —__--- type ____ size ___eaposure Shingles ____,__---_. 9� — D. weipN Stucco thickness __�_ Lath �— — __,_�—_..------ slllsLlntals -- Base flashing Masonry venter — _——_.------ Masonry F7 wild F7 laud ❑ stuccoed total well thlckneaa facing thickMN lacing malarial BsckaP mAtOrAI ___-- __—_thlckmuA WvMow .illsLII _ -- 8au flashing Dow agb ___—___---_ furring Interior zudacos dampproofing,____ costs of —.__'---`-----_-.—_ ---- Addillo" infarmatlon —raanb•r of coats Exterior painting nwladel—__--_...--_--__—_---- Gable wall construction F-1 "me As main walls ❑ other consimcHirm—__-__ — -- Floor Framing JOlsls woof, grade, and species s Y L A"Z-•5 =lp otherbridging — Anchors Concrete slab 0 basement floor that floor 1:1 ground supported F-1 self-supporting mule thl kness Insulation -__. membrane _ reinforcing_ Fill under slab material thickness —_ Additional Information Subtlooring (Daecribe underllooring tot ePOcial floors under Item 21) slxa j �.-._ Nps Malarial grade and spades /1' _�� _ a Eta-9��-4-Y-=.IB��-..-_ LOW ❑ arst Mor F] aeoond now E abic __ s9. 2 O diagonal L] fight angles Addilfonal information kF'.+ s T,F. ,cr t'.'e] �..�r Y/+ r!_r.r.r Alam/4,S, 1. Finish Flooring (Wood only. Describe other finish flooring under Item 21) LorAtbn Roams _ aroda Spades Thickness VIB . Pe FINN Fleet Boor Second floor — Attic floor e . it .. ._,. . Additional Informatidn SHfi�+R wALt x. v 3G4�ld ��' B. Partition Framing Studs wood. grade, and species size and spacing L1�1i [ ✓ °o a — Oliur / X z X'F 7��a Additional information 1D. Calling Framing Joists wood, grade, and spacieS r i'_�. _L o, ori Bridging Additionallnformation '17R r"'"l1F'(.t /1049F 7"i7 cvs r,r!$ ,1P 5/G 0 AAOb ,''A S) -l-'!.1 uu.� liPAAo WArlD 11. Root Framing Roof trusaaa (sea dtlsll) grade and spaces -- Rafts" wood, grade, and spades —_—___. _—_____------- Additional Information 12. Roofing Sheathing wood, grade, and species wild n apacad Roofing LQ�3'(c,L.i13S..S.irLe�G_!�S grade _..�--_____- size (_71�._1� type -•�r��— Undenay weight or thickness _e I.S size ----- ..--. fastening _'iIs— Buat-up tooling _.. number of plies ---_.__ _ surfadng material T_r�_7.� am --- guards Flashing malarial — -------- . _____—__—__ gagsorwaight,--- -------- 0 gravel stops u Additional information rsf. HUD Handbook 4145.1 64950,1 form HUD -92 VA Form 28.1852 and form Fnr (10184 iA 424-1 Retain this record for three years Page of 8 17. GuNsrs and Downspouts Gutters material gaga or weight._.— _.-- gape or wslgM,�---- Downspouts metrial Downspouts connected Io ❑ SIGmn sewer 0 saMlarY sower 11 dry -well Additional Information 14, Lath and Plaster Weight at thickness — Lath ❑ wave L1 coillps material _---_.— Wg Drywall ❑ watt [] c6Wngs material _...W_ Joint treatment 15. Additional information ata) da Shape _ -1 W Splash blocks material and adz! —__ --__--- Plaster costs _-_Nish thickness finish 16. Interior Doors and TAM e .J 5--__ materiel.�.i3'�2-Q--- _—thickness_4-�- Doors typo N�11,�,1-S-L)....L>!.RS,L material site - p Door trim type f-'1t��-�_ material-- _.__-- --'--'— -— Finishdoors __...----.-..-----..•" s'inN Al1iY�D YN�lQ�14.N via 7—L� rxq , or No p rr31r_—1 Other Vim (Item, type and location) •—_L��L-` Additional Information 17. 1Nlndows --.-.-__—_ ma/erid head f .-L Windows type -S/d'!-CSN �' �- make—ii!�'I o -'•--- _�(1•-"�' eshing —_.— head flashIng &son weight balance$, Ghat grade _.�_ -• Paint number costs _,-- Trim lyPO—__—__---- metrial _ ___ __ —�..__ materiel--------- Storm sash, number _ Weaarstrippingtype— -----_._ __..- lh screen cloth material F r�� .L --A < < Sower$ F1 full ® halt type S4 S�"= �� ....—' number--_-.- Storm sash. number. material screen$, number _ _—..__..-�------ BaaKrlaht windows type Special windows —-------- -- Addidonsl information 18. Entranoea and Exterior Deteil r mr„--dt thickness Frame material thickries Main entrance door material�wid r 'L dddcnessL d/%r" Frames malsrlet ^rfA AS.--thldmez Other entrance doors material .>zeLS:.----- saddles Wsather$tdPDln9 fYPe---------- ---- Head nachirq--._------- _-----" Storm docs thickness --..._. number screen cloth material Screen doom thickness-- number N! / Combinaaon storm and 601*een doors lhlcknaes 1-/11Li _ number —Z_— $Crean doth material r, Shutters LJ hilNed ❑ fixed number coat Paint _T—_—_-...__---- Ezlerar iWllwork grade and species —__--..---------------- Additional Informatlon 19. Cabinets and interior Dotal] r kitchen cabinets, wall units materiel__ O ------..-_-----lineal feet of shelves _1_`S_ shall width ----------------- I $a units material _?.lSr �r �'� -------------- counter top 7�r`_`tGG'__L�-r"-rte"-�Z-� --- edging R oL L._ Flo ts a �.� s _7K__ Finish of cabinets _3..SI F...Q _E_GCLLd:.M----- —------ — number teats Beck and and spta8h 31L�-�+L-S-d!—_ Metlicine cabinets make -.....__—___.-_ _.. ..-.._..------- — _.___model_—__-__.__—_--___-_�..---_____.— Other cabinet$ ane duet -in lurniture _-4i111�....R.S1LLCi'JC.�-. — -_ Addwonsl information Hi m.oal Retain this record for three years Page cf 8 HUD Handbook 41 1 r VA Form 26-1a62and 20. stabs Digappsaring make end mods) number Additional Inform I 21. special Fiocra and Wsinscgs (Describe Carpal ■■ li" in Certified Products Directory) TIwmhoW wax motorial motsnsl. Color, Bader, Sixes, D.W, Etc, Location Kitchen G. QLYM3l%e .✓/ krY_k-'siri'.4 .. v -- Bath / T Ren SY22E�-1F��1�'B"2" �H "do's MetgM War Tub Lxatkm Luteum, r. w, Bader, Cap, Stxw. Dago, Etc. ._ Both..��.,.�- Additional Informstlon - U - 3 r� number __—_- n Attached malarial ,r number Bathroom accessories 21 Recessed malarial _-_--_--- Additional Information Curtain rod © Door 7 Shower pan material- ycnwirrpuntl specMnatlooa sccordlgg to namnmem community system Individual (privets) system' Water supply � public 11 Sewage disposal a public community system E] individual (private) system* rile X Other -obi.£-----"'- House sower(outside) ❑ cant iron Bia ❑ timer House drain (Inside) 1 cast Iron Sill cocks, number - WOWPIW n8 ❑ galvanized stool El capper tubing © other _���--"-"----"---"--- DomeaBcwater hutsr type LEoT,/�15-- make and model Sr n[.-y_�JI_�-.------ heating capacity -+SQ--�"'-' capacity _-_ ' .. _- gallons -_ r -) Gas piping F] cooking El hr Gas service utility company ilq. Pet. gas EJ other __.._------------ Lsump pumpp -, n sanitary sewer n dry well Footing drains connected to make and modal storm Sewer ---._---- --- discharges Into -_----- .---------------- capacity _-------------- Additional in(ormalion roe. Rolain Inie record for three years Page or 8 Handbook 414V 5ttorn, form 28-1862 Aand loan oo• riga. heating 21. Hosting water ❑ Stearn ❑ a- a tern ❑ Two-plps system Vapor 11On PIPs Ye ❑ Mot ❑ Sasaboal0 ra, atjw Make and model --- ❑ Radlatore ❑ ConveClOta rAlli Penal coil material — Radiant Panel F] floor LJ went ❑ nQ ❑ Circulator ❑ Return pumpMake and model Soyer make and model �___------ AddlUonal Informalian -__ capacity Output _ - _ StUh. net rating _ ® Forced Type of system �IMY�< _.L- outside intake Warm ek Gravity R _ 7 Nicknaa � ❑ ❑ return a�E r.• -.p2 E3Swlnwiadon 7000 Stith. Duct mataNl sUPWY ����---.— Input �� A—^� Btuh. output �-,.--- FurnaG: make and modal Additional Information Seth. nurnpaf Unita �- Space hooter ❑Moor furnace C]wall healsAnpul _— Btuh, output Make, model Addldonak Information Controls make and tYPeaAdditional Information rr--�-I ❑ other — Storage Uy1-••. Fuel: E] C., ❑ dl ❑flea ❑ Ilq. Pet. ilea LJ electric -�-.._� Additional Information - Firing equlPmsnt tumiahed separately ❑ Gas burner, toner lon type ❑ Stoker hopper lead ❑ bin feed GII bumer ❑ Pressure ■tornizlog ❑ v,porizirq Make and model Additional informationInput watts Volta output Skth, T— � _-_-- FActAc hoalOg IlYstem type — "--"— Addldon+llnfomladon -- cspadty dm. Venktatmg squiprnenl ❑ attic ten, make and model_— ❑ kitchen exhaust fan, make and model _.i2AA-`ij --- n -S� ✓¢N7 t i.✓1` b n /.[/^BATA J7 O N S Other heating, venliladn9, or cooling equipment Additional Information Ci. rc d A No, Cir Its 24, tlacvle Wiring r'�' Al4Ps_LQQ ❑ underground Panel ❑ fusebox y❑ dmatlt.breaker metra other Service ❑overhead -" '-- ❑ conduit ❑armored able ❑ nonmetallic cable ❑ krwb and tube ❑ other ----- Wiring _ ❑ ter heater ❑ other_—__-_--_-_____—___.. Spatial outlets El range wa ❑ Doorbell ❑ Chimes ❑ Push-button locations —___._—_—_--_-- Additional information 25.1- ghting Flxtun• Total number Of fixtures _—.[.� ----- Total 911owenca for Pxturea. typical installation' -- ---------T Nontypical installation ____.---- —___-..___— Additional infonnadon Retain IMs record for three years page of d 4145.1 A, 4960 1 VA Form 26-1662 and form „w,,,,,,,_, ,,.-, .,,., wih-wi a'c tj tGW r4r GJ44 VO/17/UG VO:77 L -T UO/UO lVV.O47 2e. Roof_ Calling Wall FIw 21. Mpwslbnauuc (Dmecdbe any main dwelling matedais, equlpmerd, or construction Items not shown alsawhera; or use to pmvido additional kd where the apace provided was Inadequate. Always reference by Item b” toLcwrn!ppond to numbering sed se v this )C o.11 J�Auc Novwd /7 ee.✓SYf1Mc7ED Ye /9. 6 NNJ] y,4�EY7 SYS+✓DA.td3 l-J/YM ✓/Mlr./-0•avX./T'�-. Hardware (maks, malarial, and Anli%K) Special Equipment (State mdadal or make, model and quantity Include only equipment and appliances which arm acceptable by tical law, cus and epplicab7e FHAstandards.Do notinctude Items which, by established custom, are supplied byoccupent and removed when he vacates pramisas W aides pmhitgtod by hew from becoming realty.) M O dd4 ri ! ze ff (Z� Sw KL n,E 7r1.e. r•aA S r 02.K Porch,■ Tenacae Garages Walks and Driveways Driveway width „ base material —_ thldtneis _,__ surfedng malarial —_ thlrknaaa Front walk width materiel thickness —__ Service walk width materW thickness Stepe material __-.--- --•• trestle risers —__ Cheek wells _ -- other Onatbs Improvements (Specify all exterior onsite Impmvaments not dasulbed elsewhere. Including Nome such as unusual grading, drainage structures, retaining we fsnce, railings• and accessory structures.) Landscaping, Planting, and Finish Grading Topsoil —_—_ thick 0 front yard [—�aide yards F-]roaryard to feet behind maln building Lawns (seeded, sodded, or sprigged) r-1 front yard ....—_ ❑ aids yards __�—_ ❑ rear yard _ -- Planting Q as apeci8ed and shown on drawings U as follows: Shade trees deciduous— -- caliper _.___ Evergreen tress �_ to Law flowering trees deGduousto �____ Evergrun shrubs _._T__. k ..--- B 8 e _—_ High -growing shrubs deciduous _____._.. to --_-_.._ —__..__—Vines, 2 -year --- -- �_____ Medium -growing shrubs deciduous _ to ___—___ Other Low -growing shrubs deciduC,us ------ __ to Identification—This exhibit shall be Identified by the signature of the builder, or sponsor, and/or the proposed mortgagor if the latter Is known at he Bme of application. Date (mmlddtyyyy) ---------------- ..,-_-----------_ Slgnalurs Signature W. HUD Handbook 4144.1 8 4050.1 form HUD -9200(101&1) Raiam this record for three year, Page o(6 VA Form 28.1852 and form Fm 424-2