HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2016-02-146 Pecan Hollow Re-PlatCITY OF ANNA, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 2016-02-146 (Pecan Hollow Rep/at) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS APPROVING A RE-PLAT OF LOTS 25, 26, AND 27 , BLOCK A OF PECAN HOLLOW SUBDIVISION. WHEREAS, In order to provide for the orderly development of land within the Anna city limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction, the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas (the "City Council") has adopted Part Ill-A of the Anna City Code of Ordinances ("Subdivision Regulations"); and WHEREAS, Donald and Roxanne Terrell, and John and Ashley Vassilakos have submitted an application for approval of the re-plat of lots 25, 26, and 27, Block A of the Pecan Hollow Subdivision; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated. I The recitals above are incorporated herein as if set forth in full for all purposes. Section 2. Approval of Re-Plat After prescribed Public Hearing and testimony the City Council hereby approves the re-plat of lots 25, 26, and 27, Block A of the Pecan Hollow Subdivision attached hereto as Exhibit 1. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas, on this 23rd, day of February, 2016. ATIEST: APPROVED: v I I a. > == I-<( ., w z CJ ,. •• I I-::> w o~ I I -CJ ::> tn z I-I I _z ..1W . ,., ..1> " OC ••• CJ <( 1:1 ~ ~ ~ 1::~ ~~5d ~d8~ ~~~ti ~3~ rg " I'< .{ e-J !§ "' I 1>1 ~ !l '-.... \ I I I.OT 28 P£C-Ol 1-f()UON \OL u. PG. tor-ro2 I ----- 1 ---~ I ; I ; I / : lOT IJ // I PECNI HOtlOW / l \'OL //, PO. JOl-!02 ,,( : /l I / I : ,,/ : I ; I I ; I / I / I ; I ; I / I /// I ; 1/ }" I I I I I I I I I LOT 14 PE:Cm HOllOH \OL II, PO-. 101-t02 \ I ', I, ~--------------·J ffofot)I """"° In ot>d tor &iiifi C®Mf, r•x<>• 11y~tri>it'<.&1 S"TAl1: Of ltltU OWH1Y OJ' COWH llUtlM ,.,., tno ~ ....-1y, o ~ l'ul>lr9 /ti ..,.4 ,.,. ff>• -· •I T••«•, ~~~~~:.=-.. ::-:~I':~~ trl>H• • ......,.., Ill• ..,,.. tor lht fWIPH• Ofld --,_ ~-· ll<lofy MiiO l'1 &id /Ol' <»lfll COunty, T•- 11y rn>IM~""' Holo: All ,..,. mud llliffr• oli.mot/wl '1Pf On-Sift $fwogo fo<IJll!«. ~~;~ =:1 ... ,_...J:m ~ k~""to1~rol ft"""'°-.A!r"~~l~ ~t:'1"..:! ~~ "· flJrilJtl'~••l6#owlJ :..~ ~l~t'ttt '11, M tho llWI llM •I -.,,, ,_., Cl.-.H (IV). ol II>< l#rl/No<I ..,...,. •I oold Loi ff, fn"u'::"~~n-~?rt:'i~./~~r~~,.::-,,:;,~blt:' ~. fl<X>d .iovollon• d•ltrmlnn. • Hom uwt m0lt1"'1n ,,.,.._,,....,.,.,, ... tolO<><l< of oU <M-Sifo s..._ foolllly -kt ,,_, Ot1y/oll .. -""' ~ ....,,., •l>arp bn<>b ""4.1or •nNko/-..i'f'Md., •le. (IW S1<tfo rogukrllon•). ~ TrH rM\6""1 Otl<f/or f"'dMg t"f O$$I' /'rl"i M ~w.d Oii ln<lM<illol = ... s:"'l'/:I~~'"= ,f/~'~-:;:>;..,ff1:T IHI"'-... w.t1,,,.. •I ..id,._, H>&w l!1"ff. !::f"o1'1..~~~'W'J...t"Ja,t$ r..i I•" 1/i IMll .iw'" t-4 o111>• t®Ht _,.,.•I fdlJ --U.. WHI llM ol ><>Id r...lt. J~ Jf, Md 17 ot 1'11>,..I -Ol ......... ~ ,,,., .... r• ~ l:O>f, Wl.«I lfff .. " Ii/It IMI! •lffl rod "'1 H«flt Ci.I -17 -vlH ~I .-C ..... IOI.ZS IHI M a lf/o ""11 t!H1 rod H'1 -Ci.I ""°'"66 fl _.,,.. .U ......,. E..... IU.M IHI .. tt ti/a ,,..,, lllHI $1 W, ~ ..2J.l ~~::;~ :r::1J lf'i4f4.l.11' IHf lo o 1/:1. lnoh m# rwd fwt><I ol lh• H<IH>WHI ..,,.... •I NU t..t fllDll)£ HM/I JU 4-flt..-3$ -c-1, $14." tHI lo Ibo f(>IHT Of'-· ..m.i"""1 4.00.S ,,.,.. of lotHI. ~celt~l'l()fl Zono 'X' -"Mt<>• d•~ to ~ ouftl<lt "'* 0.2 N annual olt<lnot ll<>odt>laln." ~. V•rltr ""'°' moll•n of Undor9rwnd ullllllu ,.,,.,,. It> c~1ln1ot .. n. :s. ~· l><> .. d on !'H4rdt<I plat of l'kan Hollow (V..I. H, 1'11. 101-102). -ltt<fM<luol 1!1t --• IH>d O$$I' ~n p/olla (ntfffl1'$ oil Slofo r.: :;,:y,•%,~.!*l.~ .... r~"'~ by Coll/" C4""1y HC.Al.Tll NPARl'llCHT camncATI0/11 I hor.l>y c>ffllty lhal th• 1>1'-alfo .,~ l~ltlH dHMi..d "" lhlt plal :;f.:llJ,n': !.':. ·~·~bm°Rf:.t ~ ... :!nil':~~,.•~ 'f:.~:11:"1',.. Gl'#<I "' wh"'11 011-•ll• HWogf 1..= ,,,.. plaMtd to ... Uftd. SURVEYOR: Boundary Solutions P.O. Box 250 Caddo Ml/lit, TX 214-499-8472 OWNERS: Donald & Roxanne Terrell Rttvocoblfl Trust Po Box J09 Mt11/1111a, rx 75454 John 4< A1th/11y Vgu/lokoa 292 Pttcon Hollow Anna, TX 75409 RE-PLAT LOT25R& 27R REPLAT OF LOTS 25-27 PECAN HOLLOW JOHN ROWLAND SURVEY, A-784 COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS NUMBER OF LOTS: 2 TOTAL ACREAGE: 4.003 ACRES