HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2016-04-165 SAFER 2016 Grant Application (2) CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS
RESOLUTION NO. 2106-04- 17,
(SAFER 2016 Grant Application)
WHEREAS, each fiscal year, the Fire department researches various grant funding
mechanisms to determine if there are any state and/or federal grants available to the
City, and;
WHEREAS, the Fire department has recommended the submission of the an AFG
SAFER grant (the "Grant Program") that would fund for two (2) years the salary and
benefits of two full-time firefighter positions, and;
WHEREAS, if awarded this grant, the City will be responsible for funding uniforms and
equipment necessary for the new firefighter positions (approx. $9,000) out of the
General Fund, and;
WHEREAS, at the end of the two-year period covered by the Grant Program, the Fire
department budget would need to include funding for the two (2) full-time firefighter
positions previously funded by the Grant Program (approx. $132,926), and;
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas ("City Council") finds that the
AFG SAFER grant application supports the Fire department's purpose of preserving
and protecting the public health and safety of the residents of the City of Anna;
Section 1.
The recitals above are incorporated herein as if set forth in full for all purposes.
Section 2.
The City Council of the City of Anna, Texas hereby approves the submittal of assistance
to firefighters S.A.F.E.R. grant application for the hiring of two fulltime firefighters.
PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas, on this the
12th day of April, 2016.
ATTEST: v®vv�,kuuf fue/,Jftj �PR .V
Carrie L. Smith, pity Segrbtary °��. a , _. ad Barnes, Mayor Pro Tem
4/20/2016 Application Number:EM W-201 5-F H-00362
Entire Application
Applicant's Acknowledgements
I certify the DUNS number in this application is our only DUNS number and we have confirmed it is active in
SAM.gov as the correct number.
As required per 2 CFR � 25, i certify that prior to submission of this application I have checked the DUNS number
listed in this application against the SAM.gov website and it is valid and active at time of submission.
*I certify that the applicant organization has consulted the appropriate Notice of Funding Opportunity and that all
requested activities are programmatically allowable, technically feasible and can be completed within the award's
Period of Performance (POP).
I certify that the applicant organization is aware that this application period is open from 02/22/2016 to 03/25/2016
and will close at 5 PM EST, further that the applicant organization is aware that once an application is submitted,
even if the application period is still open, a submitted application cannot be changed or released back to the
applicant for modification.
t I certify that the applicant organization is aware that it is solely the applicant organization's responsibility to ensure
that all activities funded by this award(s) comply with Federal Environmental planning and Historic Preservation
(EHP) regulations, laws, and Executive Orders as applicable. The EHP Screening Form designed to initiate and
facilitate the EHP Review is available at: http://www.fema.gov/media-library-data/1431970163011-
80ce3cd907072a91295b1627c56d8fd2/gpd ehp screening form 51815.pdf.
* I certify that the applicant organization is aware that the applicant organization is ultimately responsible for the
accuracy of all application information submitted. Regardless of the applicant's intent, the submission of information
that is false or misleading may result in actions by FEMA that include, but are not limited to: the submitted
application not being considered for award, an existing award being locked pending investigation, or referral to the
Office of the Inspector General.
*I certify that the applicant organization is aware that the grants awarded under this funding opportunity are provided
a recruitment period, which begins when the application is approved for award. The recruitment period for grants
awarded under the Hiring of Firefighters Category is 180-days and the period of performance automatically starts
after the recruitment period, regardless of whether the grantee has successfully hired the requested firefighters. The
recruitment period for Recruitment & Retention of Volunteer Firefighters Category is 90-days and the period of
performance automatically starts after the recruitment period.
I certify that the applicant organization will, to the extent practicable, seek, recruit, and hire members of racial and
ethnic minority groups and women to increase their ranks within their organization.
x I certify that, if awarded under the Hiring of Firefighters Category, the applicant organization, will assure a policy
will be put into place, or is currently in place, ensuring that positions filled under this grant are not discriminated
against, or prohibited from, engaging in volunteer firefighting activities in another jurisdiction during off-duty hours. (If
applying under the Recruitment and Retention of Volunteer Firefighters Category, this does not apply, however, in
order to move forward in the application process, you must complete this question).
Signed by Tim I_ Gothard on 2016-0 - 1
Eyou member, or are you currently involved in the management of the fire department or appl in for this rant withthisapplication?
member/officer of this applicant
If you answered No, you must please complete the preparer information below. If you answered Yes, please skip the
Preparer Information section.
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Note: Fields marked with an are required.
Preparer Information
Preparer's Name
ddress 1
Address 2
Zip Need hel for ZIP+4?
Primary Phone Ext. Select
In the space below please list the person your fire department or organization has selected to be the Primary
Point of Contact for this grant. This should be an officer, member, or employee of the fire department or
organization applying for the grant that will see the grant through completion, has the authority to make decisions
on and to act upon this grant application.
The Primary Contact, as listed below, is the person for which all exchanges of information will be made relative to
the application; all information provided must be specific to the contact listed. The Primary Contact must be an
employee of the fire department or organization applying for the grant and shall not be a grant writer or a non-
employee of the fire department or organization.
In addition to the Primary Contact information, you will be asked to provide two (2)Alternate Points of Contact on
the next page. The Alternate Contacts must be familiar with the application and must be able to answer any
questions relative to this application in the event that Primary Point of Contact is unavailable. When you are
finished, click the Save and Continue button below.
Reminder: Please list only phone numbers and an email address where we can get in direct contact with the
respective point of contact(s). If this contact changes at any time during the period of performance please update
this information.
Note: Fields marked with an * are required.
Primary Point of Contact
Title Fire Chief
Prefix Mr.
* First Name Tim
Middle Initial L
* Last Name Gothard
* Prima Phone 2148315341 Ext. Type work
Secondary Phone 4695258548 Ext. T e cell
Optional Phone Ext. Type Select
Fax 972-924-2772
Email tgothard@annatexas. ov
Contact Information
Alternate Contact 1 Information
Title Finance Director
Prefix Mr.
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* First Name lClayton
Middle Initial
* Last Name Fulton
* Prima Phone 9729243325 Ext. Type work
• Sec,ondaa Phone 8018858910 Ext. Type cell
Optional Phone Ext. Type Select
* Email ''cfulton annatexas. ov
Alternate Contact 2 Information
*Title ;Fire Marshal
Prefix Mr.
First Name James
Middle_ Initial
Last Name 'Dockra
* Primag,Phone 2148315342 Ext. Type work
Secondary Phone ;2145858412 Ext. Type cell
30ptional Phone Ext. Type Select
Email 'dockra annatexas. ov
Applicant Information
Originally submitted on 03/24/2016 by Tim Gothard (Userid: fir702anna)
Contact Information:
Address: P.O. Box 487
City: Anna
State: Texas
Zip: 75409
Day Phone: 2148315341
Evening Phone: 9729242143
Cell Phone: 4695258548
Email: tgothard@annatexas.gov
Application number is EMW-2015-FH-00362
Applicant Information
*Organization Name Anna Fire Department
*What kind of or anization do y2u represent? Combination MNority,Volunteer
If you answered "Combination" above, what is the 20.00%
percentage of career members in Vour organization?
Type of Jurisdiction Served Cit
If"Other", please enter the type of 'urisdiction served N/A
In What county/parish is your organization physically
located? If you have more than one station, in what Collin
county/parish is your main station located?
SAM. ov S stem For Award Management)
x What is the legal name of your Entity as it appears in
SAM. ov?
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Note: This information must match your SAM.aoy profile nna Volunteer Fire Department
if your organization is using the DUNS number of your
*What is the legal business address of your Entity as it appears in SAM.gov?
Note: This information must match your SAM.gov profile if your organization is using the DUNS number of your
*Mailing Address 1 P.O. Box 487
Mailing Address 2 305 S.Powell Parkway_
•Cit Anna
•State Texas
•Zip 75409- 0487
Need helD for ZIP+4?
•Employer Identification Number (e.g. 12-3456789)
Note: This information must match your SAM.gov_ 75-1680420
Is your organization using the DUNS number of your t Yes
KK I certify that my organization is authorized to use the
DUNS number of my Jurisdiction provided in this
application. (Required if you select Yes above
*What is your 9 digit DUNS number? 052365066
call 1-866-705-5711 to get a DUNS number
If you were issued a 4 digit number (DUNS plus 4) by
your Jurisdiction in addition to your 9 digit number
;please enter it here.
Note: This is only required if you are using your
Jurisdiction's DUNS number and have a separate bank
account from your Jurisdiction. Leave the field blank if
you are using your Jurisdiction's bank account or have
your own DUNS number and bank account separate
fromour Jurisdiction.
* is your DUNS Number registered in SAM.gov
(System for Award Management previously CCR.gov)? Yes
I certify that my organization/entity is registered and
active at SAM.gov and registration will be renewed e
annually in compliance with Federal regulations. I
acknowledge that the information submitted in this
application is accurate, current and consistent with my
or anization's/entit 's SAM. ov record.
Headquarters or Main Station Ph sical Address
Physical Address 1 305 South Powell Parkwa
Physical Address 2
•Citv Anna
*State Texas
75409- 3512
Need hel for +4?
Mailin Address
*Mailing Address 1 P.O. Box 487
Mailing Address 2
*City Anna
•State Texas
•Zip 75409- 0487
IN hel for Z(P+4?
Bank Account Information
Note: If this is selected, a 4 digit DUNS plus 4 is
The bank account being used is: (Please select one E required if you answered "YES" to using the DUNS
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rom right) number of your Jurisdiction. ',
Maintained by my Jurisdiction
Note: The following banking information must match your SAM. ov profile.
•Type of bank account Checking
•Bank routing number-_9digit number on the bottom left 111916326
;hand corner of our check
Your account number 1209000587
Additional Information
For this fiscal year(Federal) is your jurisdiction
receiving Federal funding from any other grant program No
that may duplicate the purpose and/or scope of this
rant request?
* If awarded, will your organization expend more than
$750,000 in Federal funds during your organization's
fiscal year? If yes, your organization may be required to
undergo an A-133 audit. Under the Recruitment and
Retention of Volunteer Firefighters Category, reasonable j No
costs incurred for an A-133 audit is an eligible - ---_ -_ -----------------
expenditure and should be included in the applicant's
proposed budget. Please enter audit costs only once in
;the"Request Details" section of the application.
Is the applicant delinquent on any federal debt? No
If you answered "Yes" to any of the additional questions
above, please provide an explanation in the space
;provided below:
Applicant Characteristics (Part 1)
Is this application being submitted on behalf of a
;Federal Fire Department or organization contracted bythe Federal government which is solely responsible for
the suppression of fires on Federal property?
'*Please indicate the type of community your Rural
organization serves.
__ . .
The Anna Fire Department is responsible for
protecting approximately fourteen thousand citizens in
a sixty seven square mile area in Collin County.
Collin County is located approximately forty miles
north of Dallas and has been named one of the
fastest growing counties in Texas and the United
Please describe your organization and/or the States. The Department responds to approximately
community that you serve. 1250 responses per year with six paid staff, three part
time firefighters, and eighteen active volunteers. The
Department also, conducts fire prevention duties such
as public education, annual fire inspections and pre-
y fire pians. Our volunteer firefighters are assigned to
shift and donate over twenty two thousand station
hours annually.
F What is the square mileage of your first-due response
area? Primary/First Due Response Area is a
geographical area proximate to a fire or rescue facility
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and normally served by the personnel and apparatus 67
from that facility in the event of a fire or other
emergency and does not include daily or seasonal
population surges.
What percentage of your primary response area is 30
protected b h drants?
*Does your organization protect critical infrastructure? Yes
If Yes, please describe the critical infrastructure
The Anna Fire Department protects the following critical infrastructure that is within the sixty seven square mile
response area; Two Truck Stops that serve over 500 semi-trucks daily, two electrical sub stations, a major natural
gas transmission line and pump station, two telecommunication substations, the public water system that serves
the 12,000 citizens of the Cit of Anna, in addition to a railwa and ma'or State Hi hwa 75.
(Percentages in three answers below must sum up to 100%)
How much of your primary response area is for
agriculture, wildland, open space, or undeveloped 8%
pro erties?
What percentage of your primary response area is for 7 %
;commercial and industrial ur Dees?
*What percentage of your primary response area is used 5 %
or residential ur oses?
How many occupied structures (commercial, industrial,
residential, or institutional) in your primary response area
are more than three (3) stories tall? Do not include 0
structures which are not regularly occupied such as
silos, towers, steeples, etc.
F What is the permanent resident population of your 14000
Prima /First-Due Response Area or jurisdiction served?
Do you have a seasonal increase in population? No
If Yes what is Vour seasonal increase in population? 0
How man stations are operated by your omanization? 1
m Please indicate if your department has a formal
;automatic/mutual aid agreement with another community
or fire department and the type of agreement that exists. Both automatic and mutual aid
What services does our or anization rovide?
Advanced Life Support Emergency Medical Responder Rescue Operational Level
Haz-Mat Operational Level
Structural Fire Suppression
Wildland Fire Suppression
Active Firefighting Staff, use these definitions to answer the questions about "firefighter" positions.
Active Firefighter i An individual having the legal authority and responsibility to engage in fire suppression; f
being employed by a fire department of a municipality, county, or fire district; being
I engaged in the prevention, control, and extinguishing of fires; and/or responding to
emergency situations in which life, property, or the environment is at risk. This individual
must be trained in fire suppression, but may also be trained in emergency medical care, E
( hazardous materials awareness, rescue techniques, and any other related duties provided
by the fire department.
Full-time Paid Full-time positions are those that are funded for at least 2,080 hours per year (i.e., 40
Firefighter Position hours per week, 52 weeks per year.) The program office will also consider funding the
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sharing of a full-time position with sufficient justification. A job-share position is a full-
time position that is occupied by more than one person.
Part-time Paid Part-time paid firefighters receive pay for being on duty at the fire station, whether or not
Firefighter Position I they respond to any alarms. They may or may not receive benefits. I
Volunteer Firefighter Volunteer firefighters receive no financial compensation for their services other than
Position life/health insurance, workers compensation insurance, and/or stipend per call.
SAFER intends to improve or restore local fire departments' staffing and deployment capabilities so they may more
effectively respond to emergencies. With the enhanced or restored staffing, a SAFER grantee's response time will
be reduced sufficiently and an appropriate number of trained personnel will be assembled at the incident scene. The
following questions are designed to help us understand the staffing changes that have occurred in your department
over the past several years and how the grant will assist in restoring your staffing levels.
:Use the following definitions when completing the table below.
'Total #of Operational Career Personnel —this number represents the total number of authorized and funded
;active, full-time uniformed/operational career positions employed by your department on the dates indicated.
(Note: only operational positions — including operational officers - should be included)
Operational Officers—of the operational career positions indicated in the "Total #of Operational Career
?Personnel" question, how many of those serve in operational officer-level (both command and company)
NFPA Compliance—of the "Total #of Operational Career Personnel" indicated, how many are assigned to field
or response apparatus positions that directly support the department's compliance with NFPA 1710 (Section— Initial Full Alarm Assignment Capability)or NFPA 1720 (Section 4.3— Staffing and Deployment)? (Note:
!Officers should only be included in this number if they directly support the department's compliance with NFPA
1710 or NFPA 1720 compliance)
Note: The number of career positions in any of these fields should include positions which are job-shared. Job-
shared positions will be counted as one (1) regardless of how many personnel fill those positions.
:For more information regarding these standards please see the Notice of Funding Opportunity or go to
Total #of Operational # Operational # NFPA
Career Personnel Officers Support
* Staffing levels at the start of the application period 6 5 6
* Staffing levels at one year prior to the start of the 6 5 5
;;application period
* Staffing levels at two years prior to the start of the 5 5 5
application period
* If awarded this grant, what will the staffing levels be 8 5 8
in your department? (Whole Numbers only)
_. ....,
Please provide details on the department's existing staffing model (i.e., number of shifts, number of positions per
shift, contracted work hours, etc.
The Department has three rotating 24 148 hour shifts. Each shift is led by the full-time shift Captain that is
:scheduled from 0700 to 0700.
Day time coverage is supported in the following methods;
One full-time firefighter is assigned to work; Tuesday thru Friday from 0900 to 1900.
One part-time firefighter is assigned to work; 0600 to 1800 Monday thru Friday.
Volunteer firefighters fill in on Monday from 0900 to 1900 when the full-time firefighter is off duty.
Two administrative staff, Fire Chief and Fire Marshal work Monday thru Friday 0800 to 1700 and respond to all
structure fires and target hazard responses.
Evening and weekend staffing is supported by volunteer firefighters, who work alongside the full-time Captain. The
volunteer firefighters are assigned to A-B-C shifts and work from 1800 to 0600 Monday thru Friday and work 0700 t
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0700 on the weekends.
Two administrative staff, Fire Chief and Fire Marshal, also responds to all structure fires and target hazard
responses during the evening and weekend hours.
At the present time, minimum staffing is set as a three man engine company.
Does your department utilize park-time paid firefighters Yes
If Yes, please provide details on how the part-time firefighters are used within your department to include the
number of part-time firefighters, the number of full-time, NFPA compliant positions these part-time firefighters
occupy, if applicable, and how they are scheduled to meet your staffing needs.
The department has three part-time firefighters, each part-time firefighter is assigned to A-B-C shift. They work each
shift that falls on Monday thru Friday from 0600 to 1800 hrs. These positions occupy one NFPA compliant position
or the hours they are on duty.
*Does your department utilize reserve/relief paid No
If yes, please provide details on how the reserve/relief firefighters are used within your department to include the
number of reserve/relief firefighters, the number of full-time, NFPA compliant positions these part-time firefighters
occupy, if applicable, and how they are scheduled to meet our stain needs.
Do you currently report to the National Fire Incident
Reporting System (NFIRS)? Yes
Note: You will be required to report to NFIRS for the
!entire period of the rant.
Applicant Characteristics (Part II)
2015 2014 2013
What is the total number of fire-related civilian fatalities 0 0 0
in our°urisdiction over the last three calendar ears?
What is the total number of fire-related civilian injuries 0 0 0
in your jurisdiction over the last three calendar ears?
What is the total number of line of duty member
fatalities in your jurisdiction over the last three calendar 0 0 0
; ears?
What is the total number of line of duty member injuries 1 0 0
in your jurisdiction over the last three calendar ears?
k What is your department's operating budget (i.e.,
personnel, maintenance of apparatus, equipment, and 756708
facilities; utility costs; purchasing expendable items,
'etc.)for the current (at time of application) fiscal year Budget: 735107 Fiscal Year: 2014
and for the previous three fiscal years? Please indicate Budget: 649719 Fiscal Year: 2013
in the text box next to each of the budget figures what Budget: 559564 Fiscal Year: 2012
fiscal year that amount pertains to.
*What percentage of your operating budget is dedicated
to personnel costs (salary, benefits, overtime costs, 74
Does your department have any rainy day funds, rainy
t No
,day reserves, or emergency funds? l
'If yes, what is the total amount currently set aside? 0
If yes, what are the funds ear-marked for? N/A
What percentage of your annual operating budget is derived from: Enter numbers only, percentages must sum up
'to 100%
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ITaxes? _..._. 1.95%._._...____ __.___.._.__.._.__._._. I
Bond Issues I 0 /
° E
EMS Billing? 001
Grants? 5 % � I
t Conations? l 000
Fund drives? 10 %
Fee for Service? 10 %
l = Other? 0 %
If you entered a value into the "Other" field (other i N/A
I than 0), please explain: I
How many frontline vehicles does your organization have in each of the types or classes of vehicle listed below
that respond to first alarm assignments in support of NFPA 1710/1720? You must include vehicles that are leased
or on long-term loan as well as any vehicles that have been ordered or otherwise currently under contract for
purchase or lease by your Organization but not yet in your possession. If you have multiple vehicles of the same
type which have a different number of riding positions, please use the "average" number and provide additional
information in the text_,boxed Enter numbers onlyand enter 0 if ou do not have an of the vehicles below.
...... _
--_ Number Number of
l l Filled Riding I
of Available
[ I Number Positions
Type or Class of Vehicle I of Frontline Riding Positions Positions per Frontline I
€. I
Vehicles l Vehicle
I � � per Frontline
Vehicle per first alarm
I assignment
Engines or Pumpers (pumping capacity of 750 gpm
or greater and water capacity of 300 gallons or
more): 1 i 4 3 l
r I Pumper, Pumper/Tanker, Rescue/Pumper, Foam Pumper, I
CAFS Pumper,Type I or Type ll Engine Urban Interface I
l' 4_._.. ..... _.._w_...___...... __�.....___ _. .... _..... _ ._._. _
1 Ambulances for transport and/or emergency 0 0 0
response 3 i
I Tankers or Tenders (pumping capacity of less than 750 I I
gallons per minute(gpm)and water capacity of 1,000 gallons or 1 i 1 0
€ 1 more):
Aerial Apparatus: l
3 Aerial Ladder Truck,Telescoping,Articulating, Ladder Towers, 0 0 0 I
1 Platform,Tiller Ladder Truck, Quint I7ii
Brush/Quick attack (pumping capacity of less than 750 gpm
and water carrying capacity of at least 300 gallons):
Brush Truck, Patrol Unit(Pickup w/Skid Unit),Quick Attack Unit, 0 1 0 0
s Mini-Pumper,Type III Engine,Type IV Engine,Type V Engine, I j
p Type VI Engine,Type VII Engine ; I
4� I
Rescue Vehicles: I l
Rescue Squad, Rescue(Light, Medium, Heavy),Technical 0 I 0 j 0 =
Rescue Vehicle,Hazardous Materials Unit l
l Additional Vehicles:
EMS Chase Vehicle,Air/Light Unit, Rehab Units, Bomb Unit, I
l Technical Support(Command, Operational Support/Supply), 2 l 2 2
I Hose Tender,Salvage Truck,ARFF (Aircraft Rescue l
I Firefighting),Command/Mobile Communications Vehicle
i€Please use this comments section if you wish to providt the current time, staffing levels do not permit for full
any additional information with regards to the Type r seat staffing on the first out Engine or anyone to drive the
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Class of Vehicle section above. first out tender.
Department Call Volume
2015 2014 2013
Summary of responses per year by category (Enter
whole number only. if you have no calls for any of the categories,
Enter 0)
Fire - NFIRS Series 100 86 61 70
Overpressure Rupture, Explosion, Overheat (No Fire) 0 0 0
- NFIRS Series 200
Rescue & Emergency Medical Service Incident - 776 662 651
'NFIRS Series 300
Hazardous Condition (No Fire)- NFIRS Series 400 I 31 19 17
Service Call - NFIRS Series 500 169 179 218
Good Intent Call - NFIRS Series 600 ( 110 69 65
False Alarm & False Call - NFIRS Series 700 73 64 43
'Severe Weather& Natural Disaster- NFIRS Series
800 7 4 3
l S ecial Incident T e- NFIRS Series 900 4 7 3
How many responses per year by category? (Enter whole number only. If you have no calls for any of the categories, Enter 0)
Of the NFIRS Series 100 calls, how many are
"Structure Fire" NFIRS Codes 111-120 22 12 9
I Of the NFIRS Series 100 calls, how many are 11 4 6
"Vehicle Fire" NFIRS Codes 130-138)
g Of the NFIRS Series 100 calls, how many are
if "Vegetation Fire" (NFIRS Codes 140-143) 29 27 26
What is the total acrea a of all ve etation fires? F 24 1 1.L= 42
¢How many responses per year by category? (Enter whole number only. If you have no calls for any of the categories, Enter 0)
Of the NFIRS Series 300 calls, how many are "Motors 148 95 77
Vehicle Accidents" NFIRS Codes 322-324
Of the NFIRS Series 300 calls, how many are 2 0 0
"Extrications from Vehicles" NFIRS Code 352) {
Of the NFIRS Series 300 calls, how many are 4 0 26
"Rescues" NFIRS Codes 300, 351, 353-381 '
How many EMS-BLS Response Calls 259 85 27
How many EMS-ALS Response Calls 337 46 27
ow man EMS-BLS Scheduled Transports 0 0 0
ow man EMS-ALS Scheduled Transports. 0 0 0
i£ ow man CommunityParamedic Response Calls 0 0 0
How many responses per year by category? (Enter whole number only. If you have no calls for any of the categories, Enter 0)
..... ...... ..... __
How many times did your organization receive Mutual I 47 23 36
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How many times did your organization receive ! 1 8 4
Automatic Aid?
! How many times did your organization provide Mutual 84 91 88
How many times did your organization provide 3 2 5
Automatic Aid?
Of the Mutual and Automatic Aid responses, how 14 22 13
man were structure fires?
Request Details
The activities for your organization are listed in the table below.
Catego Number of Entries Total Cost
Hirin of Firefi htersLi- 1 265852
Hirin of Firefi hters
* 1. Select which line-item below best describes your organization and the NFPA standard you are attempting to
NFPA Requirements
NFPA Standard i [
(see the Notice of
Check ; Funding Opportunity Department Demographic Assembly ResponseTime Time; Frequency of
I One ( for more detail Characteristics � g phic Staffing �
regarding these g
standards) � � �
€ 1710 Career 1 With Aerial 15 I 8 min 1,1 90%
1710Career Without Aerial 14 8 min 90%
I I => 1 000 pop/square!
1 1720- Urban I Urban Combo/Vol i 15 I 9 min IF---.----g--o-/-
[ mile
1000X 1720- Suburban i 10 °Combo/Vol are mile ____.__...._. _ 10 min 80/°�
s 1720 - Rural Rural Combo/Vol ` 500 pop//square 6 14 min 80%
lI 1720- Remote Remote Travel > F4 ! 7n/a
`L_. _.._ ......._._ �Combo/Vol
* 2. Given your current staffing levels, how often does your
;department meet the NFPA assembly requirements as indicated in
he table above for the department's primary/first due response area?
NOTE: If your department utilizes overtime to fill positions to ensure
;you are meeting applicable NFPA staffing and deployment standards,!Half of the Time (40 to 59%) _He j1
you will want to remove the number of positions filled by overtime
from your calculations.
If you are only applying to retain positions facing layoff, to answer
this question you will want to remove the number of positions facing
2a. If awarded the number of positions requested in this application,
how often do you anticipate that your department will meet the NFPA Most of the Time (80 to 99%) Leto
assembIV requirements as indicated in the table above?
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* 3. Given your current staffing levels and without using overtime to
ill vacant positions, what is the average actual staffing level on your
first arriving engine company or vehicle capable of initiating
suppression activities on the number of structure fires indicated in
3the "Department Call Volume" section of your application? (Up to one,
decimal i.e., 2.5)
NOTE: If your department utilizes overtime to fill positions to ensure 2
you are meeting applicable NFPA staffing and deployment standards,
you will want to remove the number of positions filled by overtime
from your calculations.
If you are only applying to retain positions facing layoff, to answer
this question you will want to remove the number of positions facing
* 3a. If awarded the number of positions requested in this application,`
hat will be the average actual staffing level on your first arriving
engine company or vehicle capable of initiating suppression activities 3
on the number of structure fires indicated in the "Department Call
olume" section ofour application? (Up to one decimal i.e. 2.5
*4. Please describe the departments hiring practices and timelines Once awarded, the Department will advertise
;including how long after award will you be able to start a recruit class for two weeks. The applications will then be
and how many recruits can be trained in one class. If you are reviewed a test and agility date
requesting more positions than can be trained in one recruit class, established.Interviews will be given and
please discuss when you will be able to hold the second class. If finalist announced and scheduled for NFPA
your department will need governing body approval before the award 1852 physical. Within eight weeks, the
can be accepted, please be sure to include details on the timeline Department will advertise and have the new
needed for acceptance. recruit hired.
* 5. Is your request for hiring firefighters based on a risk analysis Yes
and/or a staffing needs analysis?
The Department has reviewed the growth of
the City and future public safety needs, along
with current staffing and incident records.
This review, indicated the Department is
seeing an increase in the number of incidents
5a. If Yes, describe how the analysis was conducted. occurring at the same time and also the
number of incidents where resources are
required from surrounding cities.lt also
indicated Volunteer firefighters are becoming
less dependable due to other priorities and is
causing a level of decreased staffing for the
* 6. If awarded a grant, will you provide the new recruits with entry- -- - - - --
level physicals in accordance with NFPA 1582, Standard on Yes, NFPA 1582 compliant
Comprehensive Occupational Medical Program for Fire Departments
2003 Edition, Chapter 6?
* 7. Do you currently provide annual medical/physical exams in --
accordance with NFPA 1582, Standard on Comprehensive Yes, NFPA 1582 compliant
Occupational Medical Program for Fire Departments 2003 Edition,
Chapter 6?
* 8. Will the personnel hired meet the minimum local or State EMS Yes
training and certification requirements, as designated by your
agency? °
* 9. Does your department currently have a policy in place to recruit Yes
;and hire veterans?
The City is an equal opportunity employer and
9a. If yes, please provide a brief description of the policy in place. the positions would be advertised locally and
also on the State Commission on Fire
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Protection 'ob announcement a e.
_.W. -
* 10. Is it your department's intent to sustain the positions filled underYes
this grant after the completion of the period of performance?
The City of Anna is currently experiencing
rapid growth in the housing market and also
10a. If yes, please provide a brief description on how the positions commercial development. It is the intent of
ill be sustained. the City to fund these positions after the
period of performance is completed. With
funds from the general fund that is funded
hrou h sales and ro ert taxes.
Budget Item
What type of position is being requested in this budget line item? Hiring new firefighters to enhance
compliance with the applicable sections
of NFPA 1710/1720 as described in the
Notice of Funding Opportunity.
As you are aware, grants awarded under the Hiring of Firefighters
Category requires grantees to maintain their staffing levels and incur
no lay-offs during the period of performance of the grant. Therefore, it
is imperative that your department have the support of your governing
In order to ensure that there is a clear understanding of the long-term
obligations of a SAFER grant and that, if awarded, all parties
involved are committed to fulfilling those requirements upon
acceptance of the award; we are requesting a letter from your
governing body stating their commitment of the above requirement.
The letter should be prepared on your governing body's letterhead
and addressed to;
Catherine Patterson, Branch Chief
Assistance to Firefighters Grants Branch
800 K Street NW Maiistop 3620
Washington DC 20472-3620
If you have received the letter, you may attach it here. (Note: only
. oc and .pdf files will be accepted)
If you do not have the letter at this time, you may submit a signed
copy of the letter as soon as you are able via fax to 202-786-9938 or
is e-mail to fi,regrants@fema.dhs.gov.
How many full-time firefighter positions, including job-shares, are
you requesting?
Note: Applicants requesting positions under the rehire, retention, or
attrition subcategories can request up to the number of positions that I
have been laid-off, received official notification of layoff action, or
vacated due to attrition prior to the start of the application period as
described in the Notice of Funding Opportunity. Note: if the positions
being requested were not job-shared when the position was vacated, '2
:then you will not be eligible to job-share these positions if awarded.
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Full-time" is considered 2,080 hours or more worked per year and
entities the employee to receive benefits earned by the other full-time
employees in the organization. "Job-share" is the term used to
describe the hiring of more than one person to fill one full-time
position. Part-time positions are less than 2,080 hours per year.
Often part-time employees do not earn benefits or do not earn them
at the same rate or level as full-time employees
If you are requesting to fund a full-time position(s) that will be
"shared" by more than one individual (i.e., job-shared), please
indicate how many individuals will fill that position, how they will be
used to fill the position(s), provide an explanation as to why the
position will be shared, and indicate whether or not this position is
currently being job-shared. N/A
For applicants who are applying under the rehire, retention, and/or
attrition activities, if the positions being requested were not job-
shared when the position was vacated, then you will not be eligible tol
job-share these positions if awarded.
Year 1
What are the anticipated annual salary and benefits costs, for the annual $ 41374
two year period of performance, per requested position? Salary:
Year 1
annual $ 25089
Year 2
annual $ 41374
Year 2
annual $ 25089
� Benefits:
.......... . .........
Salaries Overtime -$6000
Payroll Taxes- $3632
Health Insurance- $7550
What are the standard benefits your department provides to Retirement- $6822
employees? How were the costs requested above determined? Unemployment- $200
Workers Compensation-$785
Miscellaneous Payroll- $100
Total- $25089
Bud et
Hiring of Firefighters:
There is a two-year period of performance for grants awarded under the Hiring of Firefighters Category.
Should the actual salary and benefits costs submitted for reimbursement exceed awarded Federal funds the
grantee will be obligated to pay 100 percent of those costs. Therefore, please be sure you have provided
accurate salary and benefit information and have confirmed this information with your Human Resources
and/or Financial Office.
If you want to change any of the budget amounts on the matrix, you will need to update the salary and
benefit information on the previous Request Details screen.
Budget Matrix
First Second
12-Month Period 12-Month Period
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Personnel 82,748 82,748 165,496
Benefits 150,178 50,178 100,356
Total: 132,926 132,926 265,852
otal Federal Share 132,926 132,926 265,852
Narrative Statement for Hiring of FireFighters
Element#1 - Pro'ect Description (30%):
* 1a. Why does the department need the positions requested in this application? When were the
l positions requested vacated (or will they be vacated) and under what circumstance? If your request is
based on a needs assessment or Insurance Services Office rating, please provide details of those
The Anna Fire Department covers 14,000 citizens in a 67 square mile area just northeast of Dallas, Texas. Our
department is a combination department consisting of 6 career members and 22 volunteer firefighters. We have
a full-time Fire Chief and full-time Fire Marshal that work during normal business hours. In addition, we have 3
Captains that work on a 24/48 schedule. We also utilize part-time firefighters during the day to supplement on
staffing when many volunteer members are not available. The majorities of our volunteer firefighters do not
work in town and thus are not available during the day. We provide fire suppression, rescue, hazmat and
paramedic first response to our coverage area. We are located in a rapidly growing area in Texas and respond
to over 1,200 emergency responses each year.
The Anna Fire Department is requesting SAFER grant funding of $265,852 to hire 2 additional firefighters to
i work on a 24/48 shift. The addition of these career firefighters will allow us to keep pace with the call volume
growth within the department. During the day, we operate with a career Captain, part-time firefighter, a full-time
firefighter forty hours a week and volunteer staff. This usually leaves us with just 3 firefighters to respond on
the first-out apparatus. The addition of a career firefighter will allow us to bring this up to 4 firefighters. During
the night-time hours, we also have additional volunteer firefighters that spend the night at the station. The
additional of 2 career firefighters along with our mutual aid and automatic aid resources will allow us to bring
our average staffing to structural incidents to a minimum of 10 firefighters. This will allow us to comply with the
NFPA 1720 suburban standard of having 10 firefighters on the scene within 10 minutes. All firefighters hired
under the SAFER grant will be firefighter II and EMT certified.
* 1b. How will the positions requested in this application be used within the department (i.e., 4th on
engine, open a new station, eliminate browned out stations, reduce overtime )? What are the specific
benefits the positions will provide to the department and community?
---.— -,o„nAnna Fire Rescue (AFR) is working with the personnel available to maintain a minimal staff. With the
employees and volunteers, AFR struggles to keep three personnel on the engine. Staffing is important to meet
the standards of governing bodies. AFR strives to maintain, but expects to exceed these standards. AFR has
a mission to be able to provide our customers a quality service, through dedication, training, and
professionalism. This will make it easier to keep the part time positions filled, and when awarded, having the
ability to maintain four man crew. The grant will allow for the time constraints the city needs to be able to
financially support the department's staffing.
g AFR performs specific job tasks, which a department has to be involved with, for city growth. Non-emergent
I' tasks such as hydrant testing, plan reviews, pre-plans, fire prevention, public relations/education, data
collecting, etc. Giving each Captain a paid 24/48 personnel reduces the workload on each shift, allowing more
time for the Captains to focus on the administrative task, involved with a growing community. This will allow
more time to focus on the details of specific tasks. Allowing accurate, well performed, and timely delivery of
task demanded on a day to day, operational, basis.
Creating less overtime needed to finalize tasks, and not completed because of administration, call volume,
scheduled training, scheduled equipment test, TCFP requirements, etc., for the duties known of a growing
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Department. Overtime will cause strains on the department's already limited budget. AFR will maintain within
the budget boundaries, and cost accrued for unnecessary overtime, will affect the budget. General
maintenance of equipment, apparatus, and the station will be affected if money is spent on unforeseen tasks
needed for requirements. Paid personnel will reduce the strain by divvying responsibility.
* 1c. Please describe how the awarding of this grant would enhance the department's ability to protect
the critical infrastructure discussed in the Applicant Characteristics section of the application.
w......._..__.._.. - m � __.........�.... .... .........
Elevating the personnel to serve a city growing at the rate, as Anna, is crucial to response time and resources.
The ability to maintain professional staffing, in the event of an emergency, is necessary. With gas transmission
lines, water systems, electrical substations, truck stops, State Highways, Railways, residential and
commercial structures, comes a responsibility to the Fire Department. Anna Fire Rescue strives to meet NFPA
1720, to have the personnel on scene within ten minutes, of any major incidents. Awarded this grant, four
o personnel will be maintained during the days and the nights, with part time and volunteer personnel. Growing
4 the personnel by one at any time during the day/night, will make the difference if we need two mutual aid
x companies or five. In return, creating less stress on the county resources. This will also decreases the
response time, of having 10 personnel on scene, and reducing the distance which responding mutual
companies have to travel.
Element#2 -Impact on Daily Operations 30%
I 2a. How are the community and the current firefighters employed by the department at risk without Ithe
positions requested in this application? How will that risk be reduced if awarded?
The addition of two career firefighters will allow us to meet requirements of NFPA 1720. Our fire department
seeks to meet the NFPA 1720 standard that calls for 10 firefighters to be on the scene within 10 minutes
eighty percent of the time. Our day-time staffing is extremely limited and often we have limited volunteers that
can respond. The current staffing model for day response often has only 3 personnel that respond on the first
out engine to a structure fire. This does not allow us to comply with the OSHA 2-in 2-out standard immediately
on arrival. The addition of an additional staff member on each shift will give us 4 members available to respond
immediately around the clock. The response of our volunteers along with our mutual aid and automatic aid
departments will allow us to meet the 10 person minimum. A 10 person response allows us to have a 3 person
interior crew, RIT crew, 2 person ventilation crew, pump operator, Safety Officer and an incident commander.
As additional volunteer firefighters and mutual aid companies arrive they are assigned additional tasks. A rapid
response to a structure fire incident with additional manpower will allow us to suppress these fires much
quicker. Many times we are delayed in an interior attack due to the lack of manpower as we must adhere to
the 2-in/2-out rule. For each minute that we delay our attack, the fire only grows faster and larger. A rapid and
aggressive attack allows us to quickly mitigate the incident and lower the amount of property loss to our
citizens. Quicker suppression times also allow us to decrease the risk to our firefighters. As a fire grows, the
€ structural strength of the building is compromised. As many of the new buildings are constructed with
lightweight construction materials, we must be able to have the proper manpower to extinguish a fire. If the fire
is not allowed to grow out of control, we can suppress it quicker and reduce the chance that our members are
hurt by deteriorating conditions.
�2b. What impact will the positions
requested in this application have on the departments NFPA
compliance, if awarded?
The additional career members along with our mutual aid and automatic aid resources will allow us to meet
NFPA 1720 standards for combination departments in a suburban area. We will also be able to maintain
staffing for a four person engine both in the evening hours and day-time hours. The service delivery of the Anna
Fire Department will be greatly expanded by the awarding of this SAFER grant.
"Element#3 - Financial Need 30%
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* 3a. Please provide additional details on the departments operating budget. This should include an
income verse expenses breakdown of the annual budget indicated in Applicant Characteristics section
of the application.
1 Since FY 14, the City of Anna has experienced strong residential growth equating to just under 1,000 new
r residents per year. On January 1, 2014 our estimated population was 10,250 and now stands at 12,000 as of
January 1, 2016. This represents a 17.07% increase in two years. Population growth has corresponded to a
general increase in property and sales tax revenue; while it appears that the Fire Department Budget has kept
pace, per capita fire spending has decreased .52% since FY 14.
€ In order to keep up with growing demand in calls for service, the Fire Department has been required to increase
its staffing levels as the expense of operating expenditures programed in for capital. Since FY 14, payroll has
increased as a percentage of the total budget from 66% to 74% while capital expenditures has decreased from
8% to 0% in FY 16.
The Fire Department is heavily reliant upon the City's general fund resources. While the department produces
1, a minor amount of revenue, it cannot produce revenue sufficient to operate the department. The department
relies upon a formula allocation of revenue from Collin County based upon the number of county residents in
the City's Fire District and a lease agreement for space rented to the ambulance provider. The City does not
offer EMS transport service to provide an additional revenue stream. As a result of having limited revenue, the
Fire Department budget has only funded an average of 89% of its operating budget with operating revenues
since FY 14. On average the operating budget has been $697,666 with average operating revenues of $76,766
since FY 14.
* 3b. Please describe the department's budget shortfalls and the inability to address the financial needs
without federal assistance. What other actions have you taken to obtain funding elsewhere (i.e., state
assistance programs, other grant programs, etc.)?
The Fire Department budget has not kept pace with growth when considering the per capita spending sine FY
14. As a result, payroll costs have grown while all other cost centers have maintained except for operating
capital expenditures which dropped to 0% of the budget in FY 16. The strain growth has put upon the city has
a whole has limited growth in staffing. In FY 14 the Fire Department was able to add 1 FTE but requested for
additional FTE's have gone unfilled.
The most significant budget shortfalls are in staffing levels and capital expenditures. As a result, the Fire
Department has sought grant funding for capital items and has seen success in FY 16. Staffing levels are
being supplemented with volunteer firefighters and part-time staff. However, more and more often we find the
4 staffing levels short due to volunteers not being able to dedicate the time required. Also, due to budget
shortfalls, several Capital equipment items have not been purchased or have had to be funded with other
t resources or grants. This past FY five sets of PPE were purchased with a Texas Forrest Service grant, an
Exhaust removal system was purchased with an AFG grant, and a new brush truck chassis was purchased
using proceeds from selling unused apparatus. This has also occurred while the City has invested heavily in
improving our Emergency Operations program. The Fire Department is supported by a limited Fire Capital
Improvement fee that some developers voluntarily consent too. The City is legal unable to require this fee as
part of the development requirements in Anna. While this is a good sign for the department, the system does
not provide long term sustainability and has been used to target specific capital needs and grant programs that
support the strategic vision of the department.
* 3c. How are the critical functions of your department affected without this funding?
Currently, the critical functions of the Department are based on the needs of a rapid growing community. These
include; community awareness programs, Jr. Firefighter programs for the youth, Fire Inspections, Pre-Plans,
Development Review, Plan Review, Hydrant testing, Strategic Planning and other day to day duties of a Fire
The Anna Fire Department became a City Department in 2010, so we are a relative young Department with
young members. This along with a rapid growing young Community brings many challenges to our staff and
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g Captains.
These added duties and responsibilities along with responding to over twelve hundred calls per year put added
stress on our personnel. These additional firefighters will not only allow for staffing a four person engine and
l assist the Department in meeting NFPA 1720, it will allow for the Captains to focus on other needs such as
training, strategic planning, and development of other needed programs.
If these positions are not funded the Department will continue to proceed with these programs utilizing
volunteer firefighters and part time staff and the current paid staff. However, these methods have proven to be
difficult due to the volunteers and part time staff, not able to commit to taking on added responsibilities of
overseeing or participating in these programs due to other priorities and commitments.
"Element#4-Cost Benefit(10%):
* Please describe the benefits (i.e., anticipated savings, efficiencies) the department and community will
realize if awarded the positions requested in this application
It is difficult to quantity the financial benefit directly related to increasing personnel costs for 2 additional
firefighters in the Anna Fire Department; no savings will be realized from the program and the efficiencies
created will not directly translate to a financial savings. The real benefit is in non-quantifiable qualitative
improvements to department operations, strategic planning, improved response performance, and community
With the addition of 2 full time shift firefighters our current shift captains will have additional capacity to focus
on improving department operations and creating departmental efficiencies. Currently our shift captains have to
€, balance competing interests of incident response and managing day to day operations while on shift. Clearly,
incident response takes higher priority due to the exigency of the incident the need to protect life and property;
however, with an increase in staffing power the shift captains would be allowed to reserve their response only
for calls that require their presence thus allowing the captains to engage in more operational responsibilities at
the station including, but not limited to strategic planning.
Furthermore, the additional positions would improve response performance through the constant minimum
I staffing of four per engine for all responses. This will directly improve the protection of life and property.
f Finally, addition staff will allow for better personnel and volunteer management. We will no longer have the
heavy reliance upon volunteers. While volunteers are and will continue to be an important part of the
department, we cannot continue to rely on volunteers for minimum staffing levels. In increasing the minimum
staffing levels we will have more regular full time hours to begin community and school based programs such
as fire prevention, JR. Firefighter's program, and other programs that will meet the needs of our growing
k community.
The most important cost benefit will be the increase of firefighter safety on emergency scenes and in the
I station.
Element A:Additional Information : If you have any additional information you would like to include about
the department and/or this application in general, please provide below.
The addition of two additional firefighters would allow the Department the ability to maintain adequate personnel to
respond on the first-out apparatus. The additional career members along with our mutual aid and automatic aid
resources will allow us to meet NFPA 1720 standards for combination departments in a suburban area. We will also
be able to maintain staffing for a three person engine both in the evening hours and day-time hours. The service
delivery of the Anna Fire Department will be_greatly expanded by the awarding of this SAFER grant.
Hiring Narrative Supplemental Information
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Supplemental Information
FWhat is the rate of unemployment of the community, within the department's first due response
graphical area, over the last three (3) years? Please indicate using a percentage and in the text box next to
h of the rate percentage, indicate what year that figure pertains to.
Rate: 4.00% Year: 2015
Rate: 5.00% Year: 2014
Rate: % Year:
2. Has the department filed for bankruptcy (Chapter 9, Title 11), or has been placed under third party financial
oversight or receivership within the previous three (3)years? No
2a. If Yes, please discuss.
7eachs the median household income of the community, within the department's first due response
al area, over the last three (3)years? Please indicate the dollar amount and in the text box next to
nt, indicate what year that figure pertains to.
$63556 Year: 2014
$ Year:
$ Year:
*4. What is the poverty rate of the community, within the department's first due response geographical area,
over the last three (3)years? Please indicate using a percentage and in the text box next to each of the rate
percentages, indicate what year that figure pertains to.
Rate: 9.70% Year: 2014
Rate: % Year:
Rate: % Year:
–.._.---------__-_..--- .�........_....r_._._._.__ ._.._ . ----------- — ---------_. �......... .............._ ........
* 5. What is your municipalities operating budget for the last three (3) years? Please indicate the dollar amount
and in the text box next to each amount, indicate what year that figure pertains to.
$4509562 Year: 2015
$4163884 Year: 2014
$ Year:
* 6. Has your jurisdiction/municipality reduced Full-Time Employees (FTEs) (in all agencies) over the last three
year? No
6a. If Yes, by how many and in what areas?
s 7. Is your jurisdiction/municipality filling positions (in all agencies) as they become vacant? Yes
7a. If No, by how many and in what areas?
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8. In the last year has your department utilized brown outs? No
* 9. Has the department reduced non-operation positions (i.e. training, fire prevention, administrative staff, etc.)
over the last three years? No
9a. If Yes, please provide details.
10. What is the current foreclosure rate of the community, within the department first due response
geographical area? 0.10%
* 11. Has the department provided cost of living increases over the last three (3)fiscal years? No
11a. If Yes, by what percent?
Rate: % Year:
Rate: % Year:
Rate: % Year:
* If you are unable to provide any of the data requested above, please explain why you are unable to do so.
(i.e,.data not available, data only available at state level, cannot find data, etc.)
Assurances and Certifications
FEMA Form SF 4246
You must read and sign these assurances. These documents contain the Federal requirements attached to all
Federal grants including the right of the Federal government to review the grant activity. You should read
over the documents to become aware of the requirements. The Assurances and Certifications must be read,
signed, and submitted as a part of the application.
Note: Fields marked with an * are required.
O.M.B Control Number 4040-0007
Assurances Non-Construction Pro raps
Note: Certain of these assurances may not be applicable to your project or program. If you have any questions,
please contact the awarding agency. Further, certain Federal awarding agencies may require applicants to certify to
additional assurances. If such is the case, you will be notified.
As the duly authorized representative of the applicant I certify that the applicant:
1. Has the legal authority to apply for Federal assistance and the institutional, managerial and
financial capability (including funds sufficient to pay the non-Federal share of project costs) to
ensure proper planning, management and completion of the project described in this application.
2. Will give the awarding agency, the Comptroller General of the United States, and if appropriate,
the State, through any authorized representative, access to and the right to examine all records,
books, papers, or documents related to the award; and will establish a proper accounting
system in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards or agency directives.
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3. Will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that
constitutes or presents the appearance of personal or organizational conflict of interest, or
personal gain.
4. Will initiate and complete the work within the applicable time frame after receipt of approval of
the awarding agency.
5. Will comply with the Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970 (42 U.S.C. Section 4728-4763)
relating to prescribed standards for merit systems for programs funded under one of the nineteen
statutes or regulations specified in Appendix A of OPM's Standards for a Merit System of
Personnel Administration (5 C.F.R. 900, Subpart F).
6. Will comply with all Federal statutes relating to nondiscrimination. These include but are not
limited to: (a) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352) which prohibits discrimination
on the basis of race, color or national origin; (b) Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972,
as amended (20 U.S.C. Sections 1681-1683, and 1685-1686), which prohibits discrimination on
the basis of sex; (c) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C.
Section 794), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicaps; (d) the Age
Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended (42 U.S.C. Sections 6101-6107), which prohibits
discrimination on the basis of age; (e)the Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972 (P.L.
92-255), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of drug abuse; (f)the
Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of
1970 (P.L. 91-616), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of alcohol abuse or
alcoholism; (g) §§523 and 527 of the Public Health Service Act of 1912 (42 U.S.C. §§290 dd-3
and 290 ee-3), as amended, relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient records;
(h) Title VIII of the Civil Rights Acts of 1968 (42 U.S.C. Section 3601 et seq.), as amended,
relating to nondiscrimination in the sale, rental or financing of housing; (i) any other
nondiscrimination provisions in the specific statute(s) under which application for Federal
assistance is being made; and 0)the requirements of any other nondiscrimination statute(s)
which may apply to the application.
7. Will comply, or has already complied, with the requirements of Title II and III of the Uniform
Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-646)which
provide for fair and equitable treatment of persons displaced or whose property is acquired as a
result of Federal or federally-assisted programs. These requirements apply to all interest in real
property acquired for project purposes regardless of Federal participation in purchases.
8. Will comply, as applicable, with provisions of the Hatch Act (5 U.S.C. §§1501-1508 and 7324-
7328)which limit the political activities of employees whose principal employment activities are
funded in whole or in part with Federal funds.
9. Will comply, as applicable, with the provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. §§276a to
276a-7), the Copeland Act (40 U.S.C. §276c and 18 U.S.C. §874), and the Contract Work
Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. §§327-333), regarding labor standards for federally-
assisted construction subagreements.
10. Will comply, if applicable, with flood insurance purchase requirements of Section 102(a) of the
Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-234)which requires recipients in a special flood
hazard area to participate in the program and to purchase flood insurance if the total cost of
insurable construction and acquisition is $10,000 or more.
11. Will comply with environmental standards which may be prescribed pursuant to the following: (a)
institution of environmental quality control measures under the National Environmental Policy
Act of 1969 (P.L. 91-190) and Executive Order(EO) 11514; (b) notification of violating facilities
pursuant to EO 11738; (c) protection of wetlands pursuant to EO 11990; (d) evaluation of flood
hazards in floodplains in accordance with EO 11988; (e) assurance of project consistency with
the approved State management program developed under the Coastal Zone Management Act
of 1972 (16 U.S.C. §§1451 et seq.); (f) conformity of Federal actions to State (Clean Air)
Implementation Plans under Section 176(c) of the Clean Air Act of 1955, as amended (42
U.S.C. §§7401 et seq.); (g) protection of underground sources of drinking water under the Safe
Drinking Water Act of 1974, as amended (P.L. 93-523); and, (h) protection of endangered
species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (P.L. 93-205).
12. Will comply with the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 (16 U.S.C. Section 1271 et seq.)
related to protecting components or potential components of the national wild and scenic rivers
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13. Will assist the awarding agency in assuring compliance with Section 106 of the National
Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (16 U.S.C. 470), EO 11593 (identification and
protection of historic properties), and the Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974
(16 U.S.C. 469a-1 et seq.).
14. Will comply with P.L. 93-348 regarding the protection of human subjects involved in research,
development, and related activities supported by this award of assistance.
15. Will comply with the Laboratory Animal Welfare Act of 1966 (P.L. 89-544, as amended, 7 U.S.C.
2131 et seq.) pertaining to the care, handling, and treatment of warm blooded animals held for
research, teaching, or other activities supported by this award of assistance.
16. Will comply with the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act (42 U.S.C. Section 4801 et
seq.)which prohibits the use of lead based paint in construction or rehabilitation of residence
17. Will cause to be performed the required financial and compliance audits in accordance with the
Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 and OMB Circular No. A-133, "Audits of States, Local
Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations."
18. Will comply with all applicable requirements of all other Federal laws, executive orders,
regulations and policies governing this program.
Si ned b Tim L Gothard on 03/21/2016
Form 20-16C
You must read and sign these assurances.
Certifications Regarding Lobbying, Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters and Drug-Free
Workplace Requirements.
Note: Fields marked with an * are required.
O.M.B Control Number 1660-0025
Applicants should refer to the regulations cited below to determine the certification to which they are required to
attest. Applicants should also review the instructions for certification included in the regulations before completing
his form. Signature on this form provides for compliance with certification requirements under 44 CFR Part 18,
"New Restrictions on Lobbying" and 44 CFR Part 17, "Government-wide Debarment and Suspension (Non-
procurement) and Government-wide Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace (Grants)." The certifications shall be
treated as a material representation of fact upon which reliance will be placed when the Department of Homeland
Securit DHS determines to award the covered transaction, Orant, or cooperative agreement.
1. Lobbying
A. As required by the section 1352, Title 31 of the US Code, and implemented at 44 CFR Part 18 for persons
(entering) into a grant or cooperative agreement over$100,000, as defined at 44 CFR Part 18, the applicant certifies
(a) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid by or on behalf of the undersigned to
any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member
of Congress, an officer or employee of congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in
connection with the making of any Federal grant, the entering into of any cooperative agreement and
extension, continuation, renewal amendment or modification of any Federal grant or cooperative
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(b) If any other funds than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for
influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress,
an officer or employee of congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this
Federal grant or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form
LLL, "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities", in accordance with its instructions.
(c)The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award
documents for all the sub awards at all tiers (including sub grants, contracts under grants and
cooperative agreements and sub contract(s)) and that all sub recipients shall certify and disclose
2. Debarment, Suspension and Other ResponsibilitV Matters Direct Recipient)
A. As required by Executive Order 12549, Debarment and Suspension, and implemented at 44 CFR Part 67, for
prospective participants in primary covered transactions, as defined at 44 CFR Part 17, Section 17.510-A, the
applicant certifies that it and its principals:
(a)Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, sentenced to a
denial of Federal benefits by a State or Federal court, or voluntarily excluded from covered
transactions by any Federal department or agency.
(b) Have not within a three-year period preceding this application been convicted of or had a civilian
judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with
obtaining, attempting to obtain or perform a public (Federal, State, or local)transaction or contract
under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of
embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements,
or receiving stolen property.
(c)Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a government entity
(Federal, State, or local)with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (1)(b)of
this certification; and
(d) Have not within a three-year period preceding this application had one or more public transactions
(Federal, State, or local)terminated for cause or default; and
B. Where the applicant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, he or she shall attach an
;explanation to this application.
3. Drug-Free Workplace (Grantees other than individuals
As required by the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, and implemented at 44 CFR Part 17, Subpart F, for grantees,
as defined at 44 CFR part 17, Sections 17.615 and 17.620:
(A)The applicant certifies that it will continue to provide a drug-free workplace by:
(a) Publishing a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture,
distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the
grantee's workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for
violation of such prohibition;
(b) Establishing an on-going drug free awareness program to inform employees about:
(1) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace;
(2) The grantee's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace;
(3)Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance
programs; and
(4)The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse
violations occurring in the workplace;
(c) Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of the
grant to be given a copy of the statement required by paragraph (a);
(d) Notifying the employee in the statement required by paragraph (a)that, as a
condition of employment under the grant, the employee will:
(1)Abide by the terms of the statement; and
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(2) Notify the employee in writing of his or her conviction for a violation of
a criminal drug statute occurring in the workplace no later than five
calendar days after such conviction.
(e) Notifying the agency, in writing within 10 calendar days after receiving notice under
subparagraph (d)(2)from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such
conviction. Employers of convicted employees must provide notice, including position
title, to the applicable awarding office.
(f) Taking one of the following actions, against such an employee, within 30 calendar
days of receiving notice under subparagraph (d)(2), with respect to any employee who is
so convicted:
(1) Taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee, up to
and including termination, consistent with the requirements of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; or
(2) Requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse
assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a
Federal, State, or local health, law enforcement or other appropriate
(g) Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug free workplace through
implementation of paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f).
(B)The grantee may insert in the space provided below the site(s)for the performance of work done in
connection with the specific grant:
Place of Performance
Street it State Zi Action
305 S. Powell Parkway nna Texas 75409-0487
If your place of performance is different from the physical address provided by you in the Applicant
Information, press Add Place of Performance button above to ensure that the correct place of performance
has been specified. You can add multiple addresses by repeating this process multiple times.
Section 17.630 of the regulations provide that a grantee that is a State may elect to make one certification in
each Federal fiscal year. A copy of which should be included with each application for DHS funding. States
and State agencies may elect to use a Statewide certification.
Si ned by Tim L Gothard on 03/21/2016
FEMA Standard Form LLL
Only complete if applying for a grant for more than $100,000 and have lobbying activities. See Form 20-16C
for lobbying activities definition.
Submit Applicati®n
Application 100% complete, Submitted
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Please click on any of the following links to visit a particular section of your application. Once all areas of
your application are complete, you may submit your application.
Application Area Status
Applicant's Acknowledgements Complete
Overview Complete
Contact Information Com Ir�ete
Applicant Information Complete
Applicant Characteristics (1) Complete
Applicant Characteristics (II) Complete
Department Call Volume Complete
Request Details Complete
Budget Complete
Narrative Statement Complete
Assurances and Certifications Complete
you are not yet ready to submit this application, save it, and log out until you feel that you have no
more changes.
• When you submit this application, you, as an authorized representative of the organization applying
for this grant, are certifying that the following statements are true:
To the best of my knowledge and belief, all data submitted in this application are true and correct.
This application has been duly authorized by the governing body of the applicant and the applicant
will comply to the Assurances and Certifications if assistance is awarded.
To sign your application, check the box below and enter your password in the space provided. To submit
your application, click the Submit Application button below to officially submit your application to FEMA.
Note: The primary contact will be responsible for signing and submitting the application. Fields marked with
an r are required.
I, Tim L Gothard, am hereby providing my signature for this application as of 24-Mar-2016.
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