HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2016-10-238 Waterline easement Kennedy tract 2CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. ---~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, FINDING THAT A PUBLIC NECESSITY EXISTS FOR ACQUISITION OF A PERMANENT WATER LINE EASEMENT AND A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT PROVIDING LIMITED RIGHTS ON AND UNDER 0.307 ACRES OF REAL PROPERTY, MORE OR LESS, AND 0.306 ACRES OF REAL PROPERTY, MORE OR LESS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER, STAFF, CONTRACTORS, AND THE CITY'S ATTORNEYS TO ACQUIRE SAID EASEMENTS BY ANY LAWFUL MEANS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NEGOTIATIONS, AND, IF NECESSARY, PROCEEDINGS IN EMINENT DOMAIN; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Anna plans to construct and/or install water lines and associated facilities to meet the public need to provide water system improvements to benefit the City of Anna, its citizens and the general health, safety and welfare; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to acquire a certain permanent water line easement and temporary construction easement not now held by the City of Anna for such water system improvements; and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the City to use its authority to pursue negotiations for the acquisition of said easements and/or to pursue the easements under power of eminent domain; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas ("City Council"), after careful consideration, finds that a public necessity exists for acquisition of a permanent water line easement and a temporary construction easement, providing limited rights on and under 0.307 acres of real property, more or less, and 0.306 acres of real property, more or less, which is more particularly described in Section 2 of this resolution, for the purposes of installation, maintenance, replacement, and/or repair of water lines, and benefiting the public health, safety and welfare; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. Incorporation of Recitals; Purpose 1.01 The City Council finds that the above-stated recitals are true and correct and said recitals are incorporated herein as if set forth in full for all purposes. ~ l-·, ! I RESOLUTION NO. :iu1'° Kennedy Tract 2 PAGE 1OF3 1.02 This resolution is intended to comply in all respects with Texas Government Code § 2206.001, et seq., Texas Local Government Code§ 251.001, et seq., and Texas Property Code§ 21.001 et seq., to the extent the provisions of such statutes are applicable. 1.03 The City Council, by this resolution, intends, if necessary, to exercise the City's powers of eminent domain under Texas Local Government Code§ 251.001 and any and all other applicable statutes. Section 2. Easements to be Acquired 2.01 The necessary permanent water line easement sought to be acquired will provide limited rights on and under a portion of a tract, said portion totaling approximately 0.307 acres of real property (the "Water Line Easement"), held J. Kevin Kennedy & Lisa L. Kennedy and/or others. Said approximate 0.307 acres of real property is generally aligned and described as Tract 2 in Exhibit A, attached to this resolution and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth for all purposes. The precise permanent easement to be acquired may differ from what is shown in said alignment and description but said alignment and description approximates the general route and general area of the permanent water line easement. 2.02 The necessary temporary construction easement sought to be acquired will provide limited rights on and under a portion of a tract, said portion totaling approximately 0.306 acres of real property (the "Temporary Construction Easement"), held by J. Kevin Kennedy & Lisa L. Kennedy and/or others. Said approximate 0.306 acres of real property is generally aligned and described as Tract 2 in Exhibit A, attached to this resolution and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth for all purposes. The precise temporary easement to be acquired may differ from what is shown in said alignment and description but said alignment and description approximates the general route and general area of the temporary construction easement. Section 3. Finding of Public Necessity and Authorization to Take Action 3.01 The City Council finds a public necessity for the public welfare and convenience to acquire the Water Line Easement and the Temporary Construction Easement identified in Section 2, above, for the purpose of constructing, laying, maintaining, repairing and/or replacing water lines. The City Council authorizes the City Manager, City staff and/or City consultants or contractors, and, Wolfe, Tidwell & McCoy, LLP, attorneys, and other legal counsel if determined necessary by said attorneys, to acquire the needed Water Line Easement and the Temporary RESOLUTION NO. JL\(r Kennedy Tract 2 PAGE2 OF 3 Construction Easement by any lawful means including but not limited to negotiations with landowners and, if necessary, proceedings in eminent domain. 3.02 The City Council by this resolution directs the City Manager, his staff, and Wolfe, Tidwell & McCoy, LLP, attorneys and other legal counsel if determined necessary by said attorneys,-as necessary and in the appropriate sequence-to have the Water Line Easement and the Temporary Construction Easement appraised by a certified appraiser, to send the lahdowner(s) a copy of the appraisal and the landowner's bill of rights statement, to enter into good-faith negotiations with the landowner(s), to make a bona-fide offer and make any necessary initial and final monetary offers in an attempt to acquire the Water Line Easement and the Temporary Construction Easement consistent with the appraisal(s), when appropriate, and to convey the City's desire to acquire the Water Line Easement and the Temporary Construction Easement in an efficient manner, and, if necessary, to institute proceedings in eminent domain and take all necessary actions in such proceedings to condemn and acquire the Water Line Easement and the Temporary Construction Easement. The City Council hereby authorizes and ratifies any such actions taken thus far, and hereby further asserts its full authority, to the greatest extent provided by law, to acquire the Water Line Easement and the Temporary Construction Easement identified in Section 2, above. Section 4. Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas, this 11th day of October 2016. ATTESTED: Exhibits RESOLUTION NO. JC\(::; Kennedy Tract 2 PAGE 3 OF 3 [ W. Foster Crossing Road Water Line J. Kc?Pin & Lisa L. Kennedy EXIDBIT"A" FIELD NOTE DESCRIPTION PERMANENT WATER LINE EASE:MENT CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS Parcel No. 10 2/S/2016 Being lwo parcels of land (described herein as Tract 1 and Tract 2) 20 feet iu width for pernmnenl water line easements in the R. C. Ingraham Survey, Abstract No. 464, Collin County, Texas, and being over, under and across a remaining 54.256 acre tract (called 55.56 acres) of land conveyed to J. Kevin and Lisa L. Kennedy by deed recorded in Document Number 19940318000262320 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, (D.R.C.C.T.), said two 20-foot wide permanent water line easements being more particularly described as follows: Tract I: BEGINNING al a point for corner, suid poiut being in the most westerly east property line of said 54.256 acre J. Kevin and Lisa L. Kennedy tract, and in the west property line a called 1.304 acre tract of land conveyed to Penny Drawert and Martin Ramirez by deed recorded in Document Number 20020531000776760 and Volume 5180, Page 3392 of the D.R.C.C.T., said point bears N 86°34'06" W, a distance of 582.59 feet from a raihoad spike found at the centerline intersectioo of County Road 366 (an east-west road with a prescriptive right-of-way also known as W. Foster Crossing Road) and County Road 365 (a notth-south road with a prescriptive right-of-way also 1.'11own as Highland Road), said railroad spike being in the south property line of said 54.256 acre J. Kevin and Lisa L. Kennedy tract, said railroad spike also being lhe northwest prope1iy corner of a called 2.249 acre tn_!ct of land conveyed to Anna Highway 5, LLC by deed recorded in Document Number 20121228001650330 of the D.R.C.C. T., and also being the northeast property corner of a called 14.710 acre tract of land conveyed to Martinette H. Lawson, Trustee and Lawson Living Trnst by deed recorded in Document Number 2000041400038089 and Volume 4647, Page 2036 of the D.R.C.C.T., said point also bears S 74°02'07" W, a distance of983.60 feet from a 1/2-inch iron rod found at the intcn;cction of the centerline of County Road 423 (a north-south road with a prescriptive right-of-way) and the west right-of-way line of State Highway 5 (a 100-foot wide right-of-way), said .iron rod being at the most easterly southeast property comer of said 54.256 acre J. Kevin and Lisa L. Kem1edy tract and being at the most southerly property corner of a called 3.533 acre tract of land conveyed to Calvary Baptist Church of Anna, Texas by deed 1·ecorded in.Document Number 20140609000578060 of the D.R.C.C.T.; THENCE S 89°29'41" W, being a 40-feet perpendicular distance from and parallel to the south property line of said 54.256 acre J. Kevin and Lisa L Kennedy trMt, a distance of 596.00 feel to a point for comer, said point being in the common west property line of said 54.256 acre J. Kevin and Lisa L. Kennedy tract and east property line of a remaining 67.3 l acre tract (called 154.31 acre.~) of land conveyed to ATC No. 9/SHRP Commercial, LTD. by deed recorded in Document Number 20151021001332960 of the DJl.C.C.T.; THENCE N 10°55'32" E (N I 0°12'46" E per recorded deed of said 54.256 acre J. Kev.in and Lisa L. Kennedy tract), along said common prope1ty line, a distance of20.40 feet to a point for a corner~ THENCE N 89°29'4 l 11 E, depmt.ing said common properly line and being a 60-feet perpendicular distance from and parallel to the south property line of said 54.256 acre J. Kevin and Lisa L. Kennedy tract, a distance of 595.30 foet to a point for comer, said point being in the common most westerly east property line of said 54.256 acre J. Kevin and Lisa L. Ke!Uledy tract and west property line of said 1.304 acre Penny Drawer! and Martin Ramirez lraot; THENCE S 8°59'55" W (N 8°22'44" E per recorded deed of said adjoining 1.304 acre Penny Drawert and Martin Ramirez tract), along said common property line, a distance of 20.28 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, said pcm1ment water line easement containing 0.274 acre of land, more or less in Tract 1. Also, a 20 foot Temporary Constiuction Easement being immediately adjacent to and parallel with the n01th leg of Um above described permanent water line easement and containing 0.273 acres ofland, more or less. (Field note description for Tract 2 begins on page 2) Page I o/4 IV, Fosler Crossing Rood Waler U11e J. Krwi11 & Lisa L. Kenned)' Tmct 2.: EXHHHT ''A 11 Purce/ No. J(J 215/2016 DEGJNNfNG at a point for corner, said point being in the ens! prnperly line of said 511.256 acre J. Kevii1 and Lisa L. Kennedy tract, and in the west right-of-way line of s11id State Highw!ly 5, sald po in! boar:; N 82"1 l '58" E, a dislnucn of275.46 feel from said milroad spike found al the ccntcrlinc intcrncction of mtid Counly Rom! 366 and s11id County Hoad J65, snicl point also benrs S 13''47'3'!" \I/, a distanee of 283. l I feet from said l/2-inch iron rod found in the intersedion of the centerline o( said County Road 423 and the west righl-of.·way line of suid State Highway 5; THENCE N 89"27'03" \J..!, being a 40cfeet perpendicular distance from and parallel to the soulh property line or said 54,256 acn:: J. Kevin and Lisa L. Kem1edy trncl, a distance of272.91 fee! to a poinl for corner; THENCE S 89"29'1! I" Vi', conlinuing al a 40,,foet perpcudicular distance from aud parallel to the south property liJie nt' ~aid 54.256 acre J. Kevin and Li1rn L. KeBnedy tract, a dfolm1ee oJ 374.48 foet lo u poiul l'br comer, said point heing on the common most easterly west property line of said 54.256 ncrc J. Kevin :md Lisa L. Kennedy tract alld east property llne of said l .304 acre Penny Drawerl and Martin Rmnirez lrnct; THENCE N 14°39'59" E (S 14°02'48" W per recorded deed of said adjoining 1 .304 acre Penny Drawer! and lvlartin Ramirez tract), along said common prope1iy li11e, a distance of20.72 feet to a point for a corner: THENCE N 89°29'41" E, departing said common property line aod being a 60-fee! perpendicular dislance from and para1lcl to the south property line of si.'Jid 54.256 acre J. K.evin nnrl Lisa L, Kennedy trncl, a distance of 369.24 feet to 11 point for comer; THENCE S 89°27'03" E, continuing at a 60-feet perpendicular di.stance from aud parallel to the south properly line of said 54.256 ncre .T. Kevin fltld Lisa L. Kennedy trnc,l, a distance of 240. 71 fo<Jt to a point fur contcr; THEl'JCE N 66°02'34" E, a distan•)e of 23, .! 8 feet lo a point for comer; THENCE N I 8°47'34" E, being a 20·-fect perpendicular distance from and parallel to the east property line of said 54.256 acre J. Kevin and Lisa L. Kennedy tract, a distnnce ofl0.?.5 foetto a point fol' corn·~r; THEN CB S 71°12'26" E, a distance of 20.00 feet lo a point for comer, said point being in the east property line of ~aiil 54.256 aore J. Kevin and Lisa L, Keimedy tract and in the west right .. of~way line of said Sta(e Highwl1y 5; Tl-I.ENCE S 18u47'34" W (S 18°10'00" W per recorded deed ofsflirl 54.256 acre J. Kevin and Li~a L. Kennerly !met), along said cas( pmperly [inc, a disfancc of 34.84 feel lo lhe POH'lT OF DEGINNfNG, said perma11er1t wali;r Hnt; r:insemenl containing 0.30? acre of lAnd, more or less in Tract 2, and a total of 0.58 l ncre or larnl, more or less i11 Tracts l and 2. Also, a 20 fool Temporary Constmctinn Easenttlnl being immedia(ely adjacent lo n11d purallel with the north tmd west legs of the abovt;l described venrnment water line easement nnd containing 0.306 ncre of land, more or less. L'{1,1lcs: I , Bearing:; 1md dislances cited in this field 11.ole de,~cdption are bnsed on thil Texas Stal<~ Plane Coordinate Sy.~te111, NAD-33, Tr.~:nw North Ccntnil Zone 4202. I.. Field SllPtey concluded on Augus! 5, 2015. 3. An Eas<•.ruenl Plat of even dnte herewith accompanie8 !bis Field Note Description. -------~-~-~-----------------------------'-------------- Pa,ge l '1/'.f " J -!.::.17n=m=n=rro --=-·--~~-w CZTC::n=S1--. ;, ~::'1 . -c;, o ,.:..VLi' •T "./\"·:I 1,1 ATC 1~1.;. -iSHR. , ::;i .-. '·i··"Gf:'""'"wH ~11,1::)'\f"v c,·\J iiB~ i •\ 1\ ~II COMMERCl.'-l, LTO. ' '~ ,.,. " •J ·"""• ·""""' '"'"'"" c;., I~ r ii Sfi DOC. NO. zo.·1s102100"i332960 , , .ii""'l , , , , # • ;r-:~.8STf,P.CC 464 [ ( . I 1,1 ~:~I D.R.C.C.T. (REMNt.J!NG 67.3'1 .l;C. I JJ. 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TE.Y,P:,S ~ g' NG'i"ES: ,,A ~ ,. 1 Sil 1. 2EP.RJN1'>3 AND DIST/.\NCSS CllED ON ll-liS ?U\T ~~,,,~.9.t . .J~' , ~ = . . \I ~}] AflE 3.ASED ON l"HE TEXAS STAE ?UiNE A ..:.._i{'--\G.\S7'1::.9~~::r •• ~·,: \ ·I ,,. . 1 0 ~ " ~ ";r .. 1'r"'r:"Ot~f ji ~11 COORDJN,~Tt: SYSIEM, i'ti!\D--SJ, 1EXAS NORTH ,. ~~vr' Ji 0/0 ~ ".c··{<P~~ 1! J. ~EVl!\! ,& L..!S/!,. '-... 'fr\E!'l~fl~c!J 1 i'l 1 ~ CENTPJJl ZONE 42D2, GR)]) TO SURf.£>,CE SCP,1£ . /.c .. :;,;?· . '_ _ / .... .: •...... _::::-:.. .......... ; ..... ~ ,ii /j '°l! F"AcroR wo1J)'[-C.1ss. .-// :p--;...,z :::::;:--\~DEREK s. CHANEYJt/~,, 1\ :orr=PMAME~n WATER UN~ EASEwirair ri 1 · ~fl ' -----. / _;;J~/~.:? •&:.,"'(".'.;""6523"'•::r--;11 ~m= = J -~I ' '' ' '-• Ii ~!.:,1 2. !'lElJ) :SUR\1E'IS CONCi.U!DSJ· ON ,ltUGt.b~ o, c0i.J.~r__...--. . . ·'-',...." .• \;r;:";-..')lo,, o"""'··:...1((:-aY '! BTPJ<.HOFF i:-TPNTYP..I<'I<S & CARTER 1 LP I ,... b r,i .. fj . ..,..-. :'c~'::"/i/ ~x '-i:.;··-~!'!~! .. ;.:::Z'<,// Ir· ' ~ · '--Pio;s;~oN".,i:i::NcroiEERS • '' -· -~-,re ruary \r ~i' ::: .. A Frcl.O NOTE D!3CR:PTI'DN oi:._ 2/EN Dl'\TE .j ?-/ ? I ,,,. ~.~up_:::j~~ 'r TfJPE F1~ No, :'26:TBPLSFi,;, No. '00;>1.Wi I: 2D16 lJ ?.;)~ l-1~~·8Nm....t ACCOMP.fl.Nl£5 71-HS i:.XKJSIT. / ~· ~j l l'it•JGCt!('n\•ill::A¥c.,S1.nt~GO[j D.:.llos., Ti..~752..JJ (j.l4-1\lil-";C)(Jtl 1N { ~ ''\ -~-=== 11\.-em=:---_, ..... .=::=:=·11