HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2016-10-239 Pecan Grove Water Line AmendmentCITY OF ANNA, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. /~)lfo -l 0 -tJ o9 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACT ON THE CITY'S BEHALF IN EXECUTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE ENGINEERING SERVICE TASK ORDER WITH BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS AND CARTER, LLP FOR THE PECAN GROVE WATER LINE. WHEREAS; The City has previously negotiated and approved an engineering service task order with Birkhoff, Hendricks, and Carter, LLP for the design, bidding, and contract administration of the Pecan Grove Water Line Improvements; and, WHEREAS; staff recommends approving an amendment to the already approved task authorization that would increase the scope of the project so that an additional connection can be made at US 75 which would complete a critical water loop; and, WHEREAS; the additional amount for the engineering consulting fee covering Basic Services (Parts 1-111) for the project is for the lump sum amount of $42,750 .00 and the additional services (Parts IV -A, B and C) for the project is for the amount of $26,250.00, for a total not to exceed amount of $69,000.00. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated. The recitals above are incorporated herein as if set forth in full for all purposes . Section 2. Approval and Authorization of Engineering Service Task Order. The City Council hereby approves the amendment to the Engineering Service Task Order with Birkhoff, Hendricks and Carter, LLP for the Pecan Grove Water Line Improvements, attached hereto as Exhibit 1 , and authorizes, ratifies and approves the City Manager's execution of same. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute all documents and to take all other actions necessary to finalize, act under, and enforce the amendment to the service task order agreement. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas, on this 25th day of October 2016 . \ \ Amends Resolution 2015-01-08 &-s . 'lol(o ~lo -d3q &. \ BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CARTER, L.L.P. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS I 1910 Greenville Av e., Suite 600 JOHN W. BrRKHOFF, PE. GARY C. HENDRICKS, P E . JOE R. CARTER, P.E MATT HICKEY, P.E. ANDREW MA T A, JR ., P E. JOSEPH T GRAJE WSKI, III , P.E. DEREK B. CHANEY, P E CRAIG M. KER KH OFF, P.E Mr. Philip Sanders City Manager City of Anna 111 North Powell Parkway Anna, Texas 75409 Dallas, Texas 75243 Re: Pecan Grove Water Line (W. Foster Crossing Rd.) Fax (214) 461-8390 April 12, 2016 Engineering Services Agreement -Amendment No. 1 (revised) Dear Mr. Sanders: Phone (214) 361-7900 As you requested, we are pleased to submit this Amendment No. 1 to our Engineering Services Task Order for the Pecan Grove Water Line project, signed and dated January 2, 2015. This Amendment No. l includes the extension of the water line from the Pecan Grove subdivision to US 75. The water line extension from the Pecan Grove Subdivision to US 75, in conjunction with the upcoming US 75 Utility Relocations project, will provide a more robust water line loop for the City's water line system alleviating the dead end lines that exist in the southern portion of the City today. A project location map marked Exhibit "A" is enclosed hereto and made a part of this Amendment. Based on our understanding of the project requirements, our opinion of probable project budget for the water line extension is summarized below. Pecan Grove Water Line Extension Opinion of Probable Construction Cost $460,731 Quality Control, Material Testing (by others) $11,519 Basic Engineering and Additional Services $69,000 Land Rights Acquisitions $42,350 Total Project Budget $583,600 An itemized opinion of probable project cost is enclosed as Exhibit "B" and made hereto a part of this Amendment. Mr. Philip Sanders Pecan Grove Water Line -Engineering Services Agreement Amendment No. I April 12 , 2016 Page 2 of2 ~ QJL<o ·~io-~.5Cf ci rft lot +-\ cp ~ <z.-We propose to be compensated for this additional work in accordance with the terms of the original agreement for Basic and Additional Services. On that basis, our fee for Amendment No. 1 shall not exceed $69,000 without written authorization from the City. The table below summarizes the contract terms and the effect of this Amendment No. 1. "' <U (.) ·:;:;: ,_ <U r:/) ,g VJ ('3 CQ t<j "' ~ <U .s .~ .t:: > "O ,_ "O <!) <1'.'. r:/) Pecan Grove Water Line -Engineering Services Agreement Amendment No. 1 Amount, Original Thi_s Contract Ameudtl)~nt Amount No. t Part I -DesiQJl Phase $50,820 . $33.oo·o Part II -Bidding Phase $3,390 $1 ,250 Part III -Construction Phase $13 ,550 $8.500 Subtotal, Basic Services $67,760 $42,7-50 Part IV .A. -Design and Bndy Smveys $14,330 $6;000 Part IV.B. -Preparation of Plat and Field Notes (11 Original + 8 Added) $27,500 s20.o·oo . -. Part IV.C. -Printing of Plans and Specs $1,500 $250 Subtotal, Additional Services $43,330 $2~,250 Totals $111,090 $69,000 Revised Contract Amount $83,820 $4,640 $22,050 $110,510 $20,330 $47,500 $1,750 $69,580 $180,090 If you are in agreement with this Amendment No. 1 to our original engineering services agreement for the Pecan Grove Water Line dated January 2, 2015, please sign and return one set to our office. Upon your written authorization, we will proceed immediately with the additional scope of services. We are available to discuss this project further at your convenience. Sincerely, APPROVED FOR THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS Mr. Philip Sanders, City Manager Date Enclosures cc: Mr. Joseph Johnson TBPE Firm 526 A CEC Wellness Firm ~ Better Decisions -Better Designs TBPLS Firm 100318-00 I \?01 5 contdcv\anna\2014 pecan grove wl\amdendmenl \\pecan grove waterline -a mendment no l revis ed docx ~ Cf J Y O F / ' N N I \ T EX . A S ~ •11 1 / 1 6 • YA ~ )t;\~) : 1 1 \..., ~vc; . l !ol' O - t W Fi> 1 t1 1 r Cr w s i n g R& » d Wc t s r Li n t \ £ 1 1 1 1 ° * MiJ \W t . US ? ~ W f o s l e r C ! " ~ d w o EX H I B I T A CO N C E P T U A L WA T E R LI N E FR O M U .S . 75 TO PE C A N GR O V E DR . PL O T SC A L E : 1 :J 0! 9 2 Pl OT ST J ' L £ ; - - - - 1' : . . c r n t O b l " ! ~ OH t / H / l 't h l. •birkhoff , hendricks & carter, L.L.P . April 20 1 6 Exhibit B BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CARTER, L.L.P. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS Texas Firm F526 Client: City of Anna, Texas Project: U.S. 75 to W. Foster Crossing Road Water Line Concept \le~ cib\li ~ iD-'J.?q €,1 ~ I 'TC) 4-Project No. Anna ------ Date: 12-Apr-16 By: CMK ENGINEER'S OPINION OF CONSTRUCTION COST !Item No. I Description I Quantity I Unit I Price I Amount I Furnish & Install 12-lnch A WWA C905 (CL 235) Water 1 Line w/ Embedment by Open Cut 2,785 L.F. $ 55.00 $ 153,175.00 2 Furnish & Install 12-Inch Water Line by Directional Bore 700 L.F. $ 300.00 $ 210,000.00 3 Furnish & Install 12-Inch Resilient Sealed Gate Valve 6 E.A. $ 2,600.00 $ 15,600.00 4 Furnish & Install 8-Inch Blow Off Valve Assembly 2 E.A. $ 6,500.00 $ 13,000.00 Furnish & Install 2-Inch Combination Air & Vacuum 5 Release Valve with 4-Foot Diameter Manhole 1 E.A. $ 6,500.00 $ 6,500.00 6 Connect to Existing Water Line 2 E.A. $ 2,000.00 $ 4,000.00 7 Furnish Trench Safety Plan 1 L.S . $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 8 Implement Trench Safety System 2,785 L.F. $ 2.00 $ 5,570.00 9 Furnish Stonn Water Pollution Prevention Plan I L.S. $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 Implement & Maintain Storm Water Pollution Prevention 10 Plan 2,785 L.F. $ 1.00 $ 2 ,785.00 11 Seeding/Hydromulch 1.92 Ac $ 2,200.00 $ 4,216.79 Subtotal: $ 418,846.79 Contingencies and Miscellaneous Items 10% $ 41,885.00 Total: $ 460,731.79 Easement Acquisition 84,700 S.F. $ 0.50 $ 42,350.00 Engineering, Surveying, Platting, Construction Admin. $ 69 ,000.00 Quality Control & Material Testing 2 .5% $ 11,518.29 Project Total! $ 583,600.09 USE: $ 584,000.00 L:\70l5 ContDevlAnna\2014 Pecan Grove WLIAmdendment l \Extcrision OPC xis Page 1 of1