HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 1986 Traffic Beacons at 455STATE OF TEXAS coll in qualified and acting city secretary of the City of __ A_n_n_a ________ , Texas, hereby certify that the foregoing pages constitute a true and correct copy of an ordinance/resolution duly passed by the City Council at a meeting held on ;&Jr . QZ..)'-:/Jc.., A.O., 19 R4, at ---~-7~~~3'"""~-· o'clock _,£! M. To certify which, witness my hand and seal of the City of Anna Texas, th i s_ ...... ,;z'-"'· -~s::#..-=----=--d ay of ;;/;di-, 19~, at __ _ Anna , Texas. ---------""'=='°--------~ k ~/~~ ~~tary of the City of Anna ----------, Texas RESOLUTION BE IT BE RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA ~~~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 1. That the certain agreement dated ~;'_~d7t;; between the State of Texas and the City of Anna ', o the b 1 anket coverage of various projects covering the installation, construction, existence, use, opera- tion, and maintenance of certain highway traffic signals/illumination in the C;ty of Anna , be, and the same is hereby approved, and the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute said contract on behalf of said city and to transmit the same to the State of Texas for appropriate action. SECTION 2. That this Resolution shall take effect i11111ediately upon its passage. ATTEST: ~+s~ City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney ADOPTED : _ __,d..:;.;;;1"'"""/=.z~s:4-J-"<:.p_...4>1-l---­ APPROVED: ~~~~~~~~~~~- 0 · Mayor BLANKET RESOLUTION (TRAFFIC SIGNAL/ILLUMINATION) 1-1 11-84 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TRAVIS § T~is AGREEMENT, dated this ;25":#.day of jl:t}r , 19,si~, by and between the State of Texas, hereinafter called the 11 State,11 Party of the First Part; and the City of _ ...... A ..... n ...... n-=a _______ , ___ c_o_ll_i_· n ____ Coun ty, Texas, acting by and through its duly authorized officers under an Ordinance/&.e.solutio~ passed theo25.'~ay of ~ , 19t¢, hereinafter called the 11 City,11 Party of the Second .Part, is made to become effective when fully executed by both parties. W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, by virtue of a Municipal Maintenance Agreement entered into by the City and the State, the State has been authorized to maintain certain highway routes within the City; and WHEREAS, from time to time the City has requested the State to install traffic signals on certain highways within the City; and WHEREAS, the State under the provisions of Minute Order 70179, dated July 31, 1975, has authority to install, maintain and operate traffic signals when requested to do so in cities of 15,000 population or less according to the latest Federal Census; and WHEREAS, the City has a population of less than 15,000 according to the latest Federal Census; A G R E E M E N T NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants and agreements of the parties hereto to be by them respectively kept and performed, as hereinafter set forth, it is agreed as follows: AGREEMENT (TRAFFIC SIGNAL -TYPE B) 11-84 1-4 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be · executed in triplicate on the dates shown hereinbelow. Executed on behalf of the City, this ATTEST: THE STATE OF TEXAS AGREEMENT (TRAFFIC SIGNAL -TYPE B) Certified as being executed for the purpose and effect of activating and/or carrying out the orders, established policies, or work programs heretofore approved and authorized by the State Highway and Public Transportation Commission: APPROVED: 4-4 Chief Engineer of Safety and Maintenance Operations 11-84 i_"- l__ tOd min. IOO' min CW20-llOA ar SCW9·2L..t Loeolion. r.~·7• ... .,;. 4 -- t,, . ,. • .." t· ••• -·-n-0 .•.•. -.;:.~, ~~; y;;~ t~·t:::·,;_~:~;:'.1°00 :'.';}ib:~:/:: ~-~ 0 :~.~· :.:.:: ~.:~i &·;;, =:::: --r;)---.-. ' ,_.,. . ~· ·1 __. Flagmen 6 CW20· 7D siQn mo1 abo be required occonling to field cordtion& s" Speoad 1~ 'fllfuol Daytime -Four Lone Roadway W = Wd!h of offset IOdrm. • FloQmen a CW20·70 lign m4'J al1o bo required DCC«ding lo field conditions. · Ooytime -Two Lane Roadway TYPICAL DETECTOR INSTALLATION Al ~ -f. Sleody burn ~ for dlllinoa1icn -;n,IOOd o1eone1. 2. FloshGri en borrieodn. &_TAPER• :• FOR 40MPH OR LESS TAPER• WS FOR 4!lMPH OR GREATER Twe l Barrk:Odea wltll llAll'rin\1 ~ ( T~t A Low Inttntlty) .,r-G2.0·2 SIGNING IN ADVANCE OF WORK AREA TYPICAL HANGING SIGNAL INSTALLATIONS NOTf: For IGWr81 cloeely ltdjolnlne lnlWHCtlont Oft lhe samo profect, edv-tlan• Ing may not ti. required In lldvence of Mch lnttrtectlon. but only In ~ of the llmlnoctloM et tht project llmlta. If It!.. la !tie cno. -cl90eill ._._. In tM .... '°' edvane. •ignlng requlmMntt. • Dishlrlc!e .... wllll .-1 d trofflc. Dlatance c:o11 be lttt tlloll thhll 111 wlloil er•"· The advance •!GM tmd bentcadn WI b9 In place llltMln sips! - atructlon operatlon3.,. lft.,,....... TM ccnnctiOr IMY ,__the fllt. nnce olgna and bllntcadn wt.n tllent ,,. no conaWllctlon ~ unrmway 11 pormltted elsewhere In tho plM9. Any obclrUCUoM °' hau1da at the worll atM wt be clMlly mMled Md dellnelMd •1 ell tlmff. 'For 1""' I emtciidin, ~ e.ldn of !hi -., tall· cblll "°"' IVfltl:li'lt ClrGlll'I " lllftlctlvt while ~ I"'.'----4\1 mll'l.-~1111111.& 8.www·w Wil Typt I(R) . Type l(L) TYPE I BARRICADES tlOTES & Whon1 1 1ign la to bo mount9d on a banlude, the bemcode 1Gftg1111hould not be !Ms t!Mn the hori2ontel dlmoMlon of IM algn. If lightl lfO elw to be mounted on the barricedo. the bamcact. ohould not be ._. then the •Ian s~ ~ 'i;;f~i!fi:;~( Sidewalk ... :i;:::_:? .... ~ ~';j·:~'.);.~::~:~-~.:·:·fidi: ::: .. :.~ ;\·::: ;:.:~<:·~:~ ·~·~i ·;~~1 .. ::1;: :. II cones ore wi!hln limi~ of o ~ •IXIU lht R4· 7b or R4-8b 1i9n need not be placed .. ··<.~t .• ··.·~.:.:;.:··\-.?::·;:·: Elmirial9 porkinq by plac°"J - ...t.'I lpocGO IJtilt TYPICAL RESTRICTED PEDESTRIAN MOVEMENTS Where pedeetrien movemento ere enUcipated et night, all ho1e1, trenchoa or other hoHrdoua aroaa ahall b9 adequately protected by use of barricodea, light• or oth•r protective devlcoe. L f'lei:imen e. CWZO • 70 sitn ffil3'/ alto be ~ired cccordift9 to field c:cndltions. KEEP ~ RIGHT R4·7b 24"•30" 'I LEFT R4·8b 24°K30° 2. UH vohlcla eq~lpped wilh yellow rotatln9 !Koeon. . width plul about t 2" for Nch llvht ta be OU.:hed. BCltl'lcades of • grtater · 'length then the •bow wiU bo e.tilfoctorv OBSERVE 111\llNlltG $1Gll! STATE I.Al END CONSTRUCTION R20·3 45•a42• G20-2 60°1124" NAiii ADOfllSS CITY ITATE COWTllACTOll G20·6 Vorioble X 42" (48"mll\J fll!EQ !Mf'O!!IA • I.lM?Oft411Y llftQ!U1&. Tm 11 IARlllCAOI Oft\11111 SIGN BVPPC:f!T SIGN llUPPOllT P9!'1T&1!.I: SllPf'Of!Ill & TYPICAL SIGNS USED IN. TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONSTRUCTION AREAS TYP! l 111Aftl!ICAO£ SIGN SUPPOllT Dorrlcnt r,,., l,11 or IL_, 119 -4. GDl!EftAL NOT£S RttflectOJlzed elgne 111\all be conatruoted ol retro-rallectlve ah"11ng In conformance with proj&ot IJX!Qlflcatlona and ehall be maintained to meet the appearance, color and rcllecllvlty requirement• of those epeolflcatlone. Paints and coloration of algna 11hllt1 be equal to the Department•a atandivda. Slgna •hall comply with tho genoml requlrementlll apecllkld In the "Standard S~lflcatlona IOJ Conatruo- tlon of Hlghwaya, Sl!Mta. and Brtdg111" In effect at thO tlfM of contmot award. All tralllo control devlcea 111\all conform with the "Toua Manual on Uniform Tralllo Control O.VICGI !Of Streets and Hlghwayo." Contrac- tMI shall furnish a copy of a cortllloatlon from the rnanulocturer of the llghta that the warning ltghla rooot the requlroment11 ol the ITE Standard for Flaahlng end Steady Bum Warning Ughla as contained In the llltNt edition of the "Texas Manual on Uniform Tralflo Control Device• for StrMta end Hlghwaya" • AU elgna elloWn have black la1t11ra and bordar11 on a ralloctlve orange background axcepl the R20-3, R4-7b, A4-8b, end 020-6 algna which have a rellectlve white background. 8lgm1 ereeted on portable aupporta for UIO on construction project• normally moan olgna which are used during lhe day to warn or guide traffic through and/or around Iha eotu111 construction crea, but at the end of thll workday auch algns aro either removed or turned away from the view of traffic. Portable 1upport1 llhall be u shown on this sheet ot ca approved by the Engineer. The bottom of the algn ahall be a minimum of one (1) loot lboVe the pavement sign. Signs required for nighttime uaage ehould not normally be mounted on portable aupports, except when cpproved by the Engineer. Signe erected on fixed oupporta lor use on construction projects nor· mally mean elgno that ore to remain In place for bolh day end night uaage to regulate, warn end guide traffic In advance of end within the llmlto of tile project Including the crouroad approaches. However, undef certain condltlona, auoh as who1'e 11 sign may be required tor a few daya duration end then 11 no longer n~oded or wttere c algn la moved l1t1m location to location ovary few daye or where 1111 not prac- tical or dealnablo lo provide a fixed mounting, euch algns may be GRCted on a temporary type of support. Temporary aupporta wll be u ahcwn on thla 1""1 or u approved by the Engineer. Slqns srected on tempontry 1upport11 Bllould be at a minimum height of three (3) feel. Signe erected on theed 1upport1shouldbe11 a minimum height of five (IS) feet In rural areu and eevon (7) teat In urban areas and other rural locations where sight dlatance obatructlona are preaenl. Regardless ol tho type ol 11upport used, regulatory signs should not be erected at height le1111 than the 5 or 7 loot minimum epocllled ebove unless a lower height 111 approved by tha Engineer. Posto for fixed supporta ehould be aet In the ground without concrete footings. Where portable or tempontry auppcrts require tho use of weights to keep a algn or barricade from turning over, tho use of aome type of eanclbag 111 recommended. The use of pieces of concrete, rocks, Iron, tint or other aolld objects wl!I not be parmlttod. For addition.al lnlonnatlon and guldollnu on barricades and construc- tion algna ace tho Texas Manual on,Unlform Tralflo Control Devlcea. Signing llhown Is typical and may be adjusted to Ill tletd condltlona by th• englnoer. . .. No mere than two 11lgna shall be placed on c b4\n1cade. ! * Wllenl llflrt •lanc4 c1>otnoct1c1\I .... ,,.._t er ..._. ol;>• en <Ktc!Gd "'wllon .,._,lllo ~-0" N19hl -bol lncroooed t. T'-0". WOOD POST SIGN SUPPORT• foi rec-.....,,.....,,,._..,. ..... ~ STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ~ AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION BARRICADES, CONSTRUCTION SIGNS AND TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION LAYOUTS FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATIONS . I -82 -SOU BTS '10lllAI. 11.lV tflO..lle-1 I MU .... - 101 • COMMISSION ROBERT C . LANIER , CHAIRMAN ROBERT H . DEDMAN JOHN R. BUTLER, JR . Control 47-4-16 • STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY S AND PUBLIC TRAN SPORTATION P. 0. Box 3067 Dallas, Texas 75221-3067 February 6, 1986 S.H. 5: Flashing Beacons at F.M. 455 Coll i n County Mr. Jon K. Hendricks Mayor City of Anna P. o. Box 767 Anna, Texas 75003 Dear Mr. Hendricks: ENGINEER -DIRE CTOR MA'lK G . GOODE IN REPLY REFER TO FILE NO . We are forwarding to you , under separate cover, two sets of prints of the preliminary plans for the above project along with the title sheet tracing. Please review these plans and forward any comments you may have to us. Please have the title sheet tracing signed and also returned to us. We are also forwarding to you four ( 4) copies of an agreement for installation, operation, and maintenance of traffic signals along with supporting documents. Please have these documents executed and return three copies to us for further processing. You may retain one copy for your files. For further information, please contact Mr. Harold Watters at 320-6239. Your cooperation in completing this project is appreciated. Attachment Yours very truly, Robert L. District Engineer --------------------'~~\,, .. -------------------