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Res 2010-01-01 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Blk Grank Program.pdf
Res 2010-01-02 Approving Anna EDC Bylaws as adopted January 7, 2010.pdf
Res 2010-01-03 Approving Anna CDC bylaws as adopted January 7, 2010.pdf
Res 2010-01-04 Interlocal Agreement with NCTCOG for Solid Waste Implementation Grant Project.pdf
Res 2010-01-05 Contract CMC Network Solutions- Network Wiring Services for PD Facilities.pdf
Res 2010-01-06 Not renew Contract with Waste Management.pdf
Res 2010-02-01 Contract Landscapes Unlimited Natural Spgs Park Phase II.pdf
Res 2010-02-02 Municipal Judge Services.pdf
Res 2010-02-03 CMC Network solutions-Installation for PD.pdf
Res 2010-02-04 Accepting Completion of Phase II Throckmorton Creek-Trinity River Sewer Proj.pdf
Res 2010-02-05 Acceoting Phase III Anna Melissa Sewer Proj. complete.pdf
Res 2010-02-06 Amend Concept Plan Natural Spgs Park.pdf
Res 2010-03-01 Supporting Reconstruction of FM 455.pdf
Res 2010-03-02 Supporting Construction of West bound Service Rd CC Outer Loop.pdf
Res 2010-03-03 Pogue Construction - PW Office-Warehouse Bldg.pdf
Res 2010-03-04 Mobile Data Computer Hardware-Datalux Corporation.pdf
Res 2010-03-05 Integrated Computer Systems -Mobile Data Computer Software and Support.pdf
Res 2010-04-01 Advertising for Bids for Riggins St.pdf
Res 2010-04-02 Authorizing CM to Negotiate a Commercial Trash COntract.pdf
Res 2010-04-03 Amending EDC 2010 Budget.pdf
Res 2010-04-04 Amending CDC 2010 Budget.pdf
Res 2010-04-05 Terminating Reed Fire Protection Agreement.pdf
Res 2010-04-06 Master Contract-Bureau Veritas North America Inc.pdf
Res 2010-04-07 Agreement with GACC- Fourth of July Fireworks.pdf
Res 2010-04-08 Grant Application for Accident Reduction-Investigation Project.pdf
Res 2010-04-09 SHG Land Investments Settlement Agreement.pdf
Res 2010-04-10 PID Agreement for Urban Crossing.pdf
Res 2010-05-01 Canvassing May 8, 2010 General Election.pdf
Res 2010-05-02 Executing Contract with Reynolds Asphalt.pdf
Res 2010-05-03 Addendum to the PID Agreement-Urban Crossing PID.pdf
Res 2010-05-04 Creation of Urban Crossing PID.pdf
Res 2010-05-05 Special Event Permit-Freedom Fest.pdf
Res 2010-05-06 Addendum to Agreement-Fourth of July Fireworks.pdf
Res 2010-05-07 Bradshaw Commercial Trash Contract.pdf
Res 2010-06-01 Authorizing Pymt for Travel and Training Expenses NCTCOG General Assembly Mtg.pdf
Res 2010-06-02 Agreement with GACC for Fireworks Display.pdf
Res 2010-06-03 Confirming Admin Consultant for 2010 TCDBG Program Project.pdf
Res 2010-06-04 Annexation Petition PH Dates for West Crossing - 51.195 acres.pdf
Res 2010-06-05 Annexation Petition Establishing Dates for PH-Two-J Partners - 60-5490 acres.pdf
Res 2010-06-06 Economic Development Incentive Agreement - Image Visions Labs.Inc.pdf
Res 2010-07-01 Approving Interlocal Agreement with CC-Street Maintenance.pdf
Res 2010-07-02 Approving EDC Incentive Agreement with Image Vision Labs.pdf
Res 2010-07-03 Authorizing Pymt and Reimbursement for Council Member NCCLP.pdf
Res 2010-07-04 Allowing CC Members to serve as a Member of the Fire Dept in a Volunteer Capacity.pdf
Res 2010-07-05 Approving CDC Indoor Recreation.pdf
Res 2010-07-06 Approving CDC Outdoor Recreation.pdf
Res 2010-07-07 Authorizing Application TX Recreation & Parks-Slayter Crk Park.pdf
Res 2010-07-08 Authorizing Application TX Recreation & Parks-Natural Spgs Park.pdf
Res 2010-07-09 Approving Development Agreement-Bloomfield Homes.pdf
Res 2010-08-01 Establishing Depository Signatures for TCDB Grant.pdf
Res 2010-08-02 Approving a Development Agreement with Premier Pawn Texas.pdf
Res 2010-09-01 Ratifying the Adoption of 2010-2011 Annual Budget.pdf
Res 2010-09-02 Approval of a Supplemental Watershed Agreement with NRCS.pdf
Res 2010-09-03 Submission TCDBG Program Application.pdf
Res 2010-09-04 Matching Funds TCDBG Program.pdf
Res 2010-09-05 Regarding Redistricting of Congressional, Legislative, etc. Districts.pdf
Res 2010-09-06 Interlocal Agreement with CC-Engineering Services Relocation Utilities on FM 455.pdf
Res 2010-09-07 Agreement Dannenbaum Engineering-Relocation of Utilities on FM 455.pdf
Res 2010-09-08 Tower Site License Agreement-Tierone Converged Networks.pdf
Res 2010-09-09 Economic Development Agreement with Bloomfield Properties.pdf
Res 2010-10-01 Annex PH dates, etc. - 3.6 acres.pdf
Res 2010-10-02 Annex PH dates, etc. - 7.4 acres.pdf
Res 2010-10-03 Annex PH dates, etc. - 8 acres.pdf
Res 2010-10-04 Annex PH dates, etc. - 43 acres.pdf
Res 2010-10-05 Annex PH dates, etc. - 49 acres.pdf
Res 2010-10-06 Annex PH dates, etc. - 54 acres.pdf
Res 2010-10-07 Annex PH dates, etc. - 56 acres.pdf
Res 2010-10-08 Annex PH dates, etc. - - 71 acres.pdf
Res 2010-10-09 Annex PH dates, etc. - 82 acres.pdf
Res 2010-10-10 Annex PH dates, etc. - 189 acres.pdf
Res 2010-10-11 Annex PH dates, etc. - 313 acres.pdf
Res 2010-10-12 Annex PH dates, etc. - 91 acres.pdf
Res 2010-10-13 Annex PH dates, etc. - 12.1 acres.pdf
Res 2010-10-14 Annex PH dates, etc. - 135 acres.pdf
Res 2010-10-15 Annex PH dates, etc. - 323 acres.pdf
Res 2010-10-16 Annex PH dates, etc. - 183 acres.pdf
Res 2010-10-17 Annex PH dates, etc. - 358 acres.pdf
Res 2010-10-18 Tower Site Agreement-Partnership Broadband-1111 Cty Rd 370 E.pdf
Res 2010-10-19 Tower Site Agreement-Partnership Broadband-3300 N Powell Pkwy.pdf
Res 2010-10-20 Agreement with GACC-Glow Fest Fall 2010.pdf
Res 2010-10-21 Agreement with GACC for Glow Fest 2010.pdf
Res 2010-10-22 PW Municipal Facilities-construction materials,pdf.pdf
Res 2010-10-23 PW Municipal Facilities-framing construction
Res 2010-10-24 Donation of Vehicle to Fire Dept.pdf
Res 2010-11-01 Approving an Amendment to the CM Agreement.pdf
Res 2010-11-02 Development Agreement-William and Nora Stewart.pdf
Res 2010-11-03 Development Agreement-Rebecca Stilwell.pdf
Res 2010-11-04 Development Agreement-St. Charles Apartments.pdf
Res 2010-11-05 Approving Rules of Procedure of conducting meetings
Res 2010-11-06 Adopting an Updated Annexation Plan.pdf
Res 2010-11-07 Mutual Cooperative Purchasing Agreement-Irving-Fuel.pdf
Res 2010-11-08 Development Agreement-Grayson Collin Recreation Association.pdf
Res 2010-11-09 Development Agreement-BHagat Holdings Ltd.pdf
Res 2010-12-01 Development Agreement-Michael and Cynthia Foster,pdf.pdf
Res 2010-12-02 Development Agreement with Kenneth and Carol Matuszak.pdf
Res 2010-12-03 Development Agreement with McGuffey Living Trust.pdf
Res 2010-12-04 Development Agreement with Mixon Enterprise Ltd.pdf
Res 2010-12-05 Development Agreement with AE and Delores Womak.pdf
Res 2010-12-06 Development Agreement-John Rattan.pdf
Res 2010-12-07 Development Agreement with Seminole 20 LTD-Sammy Rosenzwig.pdf
Res 2010-12-08 Development Agreement with Chapel Hill Investments LTD.pdf
Res 2010-12-09 Development Agreement with Ronnie D and Hana K Chilton.pdf
Res 2010-12-10 Development Agreement with Leon E Chilton (deceased) by Ronnie D. Chilton.pdf
Res 2010-12-11 AYSA Facilities Use Agreement.pdf
Res 2010-12-12 Approving a Contract for Water Meters.pdf
Res 2010-12-13 Approve Anna EDC amended Bylaws.pdf
Res 2010-12-14 Approving Anna CDC Amended Bylaws.pdf
Res 2010-12-15 Approve License with AMR Ambulance Service.pdf
Res 2010-12-16 Development Agreement with Bo Peep Crossen and Jan Marie Swalwell.pdf
Res 2010-12-17 Development Agreement with James (deceased) and Helen Luscombe.pdf
Res 2010-12-18 Development Agreement with Clinto Lawrence.pdf
Res 2010-12-19 Development Agreement with WKG Enterprises.pdf
Res 2010-12-20 Development Agreement with Michael B. Nevil.pdf
Res 2010-12-21 Development Agreement with Sherley Partners. LTD.pdf
Res 2010-12-22 Development Agreement with Robert and Kelly Burgess.pdf
Res 2010-12-23 Development Agreement with Troy and Floella Queen.pdf
Res 2010-12-24 Development Agreements with Sister Grove Estates, Lots 1-3 and 5.pdf